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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Best relationship with a drug & why?


May 31, 2021
My drug career is like the Supertramp song Take the Long Way Home... to Cannabis. And I'm grateful that she always takes me back. Even though I wasn't always honest and I blamed her, but it was always me. I got scared and left. I own that. But we're back together again and having fun, doing a lot of laughing, eating ice cream. A fairly typical middle-aged stoner couple. Didn't they invent Netflix and chill for us?

But it's always been feast or famine. When I'm not doing it I know why and feel like it the relationship was doomed from the start. I was the kind of infatuated Stoner kid who would rather study by not reading anything and then smoking right before the test. Doesn't work. But at the time suffering grades seemed a small price to pay for the tremendous insights I was having into the utter improbability of it all, life's wonder and weirdness and tragedy. The specifics don't matter it was real at the time it's all about the moment anyway. Or was.

Probably it's better to start with cannabis after you brain has fully sized up. I can't imagine what it's like for young people today, with a prescription for adderal & taking Lexapro, Abilify, Convivia plus smoking fearfully strong stuff from the dispensary.

The closest thing to a universal cannabis law somebody told me once was that young people need to learn to say no but older people need to learn to say yes.

What other recreational drug can you have a respectful two way relationship with your whole life? Maybe wine and beer. There's nothing better with a delicious meal than a glass of dry red wine or a crisp lager, and there's even health benefits and all that jazz. Not so much with booze. Some famous writer said he'd taken more from alcohol than alcohol had taken from me. But that's exactly what somebody would say about a codependent relationship

Cannabis meets you on your own intellectual level and gently nudges you to pay attention and it's very clever and mercurial until it turns on you. I met a guy in rehab for cannabis induced psychosis, he was from an affluent Iranian family young guy no more than 20. Seemed completely normal except that you could tell he had a bad fright. When you're a college student at a top university and all you have is money and time and all you want to do is smoke bong hits you're pretty much leaving your soul in idle and spirits can and do come in. He was a tragic character out of Russian literature in that he was one of the most sensitive, thoughtful young people I've met with impeccable manners, yet he was in a locked ward.

The best relationships with cannabis remind you of all sorts of things that are important, gratitude, reverence & respect for nature. Even the Bible ends with a vision of the Tree of Life which stands paradoxically on both sides of the river of the Water of Life, bearing 12 crops of 12 exquisite fruits. "And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the Nations."
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I didn't find my relationship with cannabis to be that beneficial. Yes there were some nice insights but mostly it was lots of panic attacks.

If always thought that if I had an unlimited supply of hydrocodone or oxycodone then I would be satisfied with my life. That's dead wrong but anyway...

Maybe lsd, mushrooms, or other safe psychedelics are another one that you can have a good relationship with. Small doses, 2-2.5grams, of mushrooms can be very therapeutic and not at all harsh or scary. I imagine if someone were to grow their own supply they could have a safe and stable relationship taking small mushroom doses every 2-4 weeks.
Psychedelics are by far the best. My first trip (mushrooms) changed my life, and a variety of times since I have broken through difficult times or periods of depression with the help of psychedelics. I also used ibogaine to interrupt my 10 years of opiate addiction. Didn't touch another opioid for 5 years, though eventually I relapsed.

I'll continue to use psychedelics periodically for the rest of my life. I did have a period of time back in 2006-2007 where I abused them and tripped way too often, but even then I don't regret it.

Cannabis is neutral for me, I definitely used to do it way too often and it hurt my pocketbook, but never really had a truly negative impact on my life.

Every other drug I've loved has caused serious problems in my life.
career, that's a new evolution what happend to ''history''. With a drug? seems lovecraftian but am gonna say it weed
My best relationship with a drug is by far alcohol, I think. Maybe it’s horrible and so am I often times if I’m on some mad bender but it’s my first true love in the Drug world. Except maybe pot but that didn’t stick.

maybe cigarettes because they do so little for me that it’s just a habit and no major stress most days? That’s not a bad relationship
To have, except one day I’ll be like 38 or something and Kung cancer but that’s at least a breath take away from now.
My best relationship with a drug is by far alcohol, I think. Maybe it’s horrible and so am I often times if I’m on some mad bender but it’s my first true love in the Drug world. Except maybe pot but that didn’t stick.

maybe cigarettes because they do so little for me that it’s just a habit and no major stress most days? That’s not a bad relationship
To have, except one day I’ll be like 38 or something and Kung cancer but that’s at least a breath take away from now.
I opened up a Heineken before reading this and I'm drinking it to your health
My closest relationship has been psychedelics for sure. There was a time when I intentionally tripped at least once every 3-6 months at a minimum because I started feeling batshit crazy if I didn't. Huge release and healing in tripping.

Fairly recently and at other times in the past I've tripped daily for awhile.

Currently taking a break but anytime I consider it I'm tempted to dose a psychedelic (like now, for no reason other than I've just thought about it). I've always been down to trip or roll at the drop of a hat with zero planning.
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher,
April 1996 tribute to Timothy Leary, who handpicked the guest panelists: Robert Anton Wilson, an ordained minister of designer religion Discordianism who was also deeply embedded in the Church of the SubGenius, David Cross co-creator Mr. Show, Michelle Phillips of the Mamas and the Pappas, +Bob Guccione jr. publisher of now defunct Spin Magazine
Leary died a week later ... surrounded by friends and maybe a nitrous balloon or 2
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Marijuana keeps me motivated and helps me sleep at night. I have a great relationship with it. In fact, I'm high on quite a powerful edible as we speak (weathering a meth comedown the only way I know how... lots of Marijuana) and just chilling in bed. Got all packed up for a trip out of town tomorrow a few minutes ago.

I also have a great relationship with LSD. Never once had a bad trip, only time a trip started to go south for me, it was easily recovered by my awesome older brother who was my sober sitter at the time. Acid has lead me to many great realizations about myself, my actions, and how to generally be a better person. It also helps a ton with my bipolar II that I suffer from. If I could find any acid nowadays, I could probably get myself off of meth after two or three good trips, too. Last time I came "clean", acid and mushrooms played a big role in securing me 7 1/2 years clean time from dope.

And the best thing about Marijuana and LSD are that I don't ever crave them or feel like I need them. I can and do go long stretches of time without Marijuana and not be bothered at all. And with LSD, I would do it if able but I'm not out on the streets constantly trying to find it like I am with meth.
Marijuana keeps me motivated and helps me sleep at night. I have a great relationship with it. In fact, I'm high on quite a powerful edible as we speak
Copy that, I feel your Frog effect... and
LOVE it! Am I coming in loud and clear too? I'm seeing your apparition right in front of me. Hold on... can you feel anything when I do this? 😂
And with LSD, I would do it if able but I'm not out on the streets constantly trying to find it like I am with meth.
Wonder why that is you never see anybody on the street jonesing for acid? 🙏 oh I know! Because when you want it badly enough somebody will give you a hit.
With opiates (poppies/bupe/dope), I have a bonafide relationship. We go way back, we've seen each other through the best of times and the worst of times, we have had our quarrels and fallings-out... but at the end of the day(cade), we understand and appreciate each other in a special way. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say we couldn't live without each other... but I insist, it's a two-way street: I don't just take my pleasure from opiates, I give it back in the form of true appreciation for their utility and beauty.

These compounds exist outside the realm of ethics and morals, salvation and damnation... They don't wish you well and want to nursemaid your pain, but they aren't diabolic fiends trying to lure the hapless into lifelong servitude! They just exist, indifferent to God and man, in perfect organic coherence - "holistically," to use a buzzword. Naturally, in doing so, they inspire envy from us human beings -- creatures defined mostly by our agitated incompleteness and perpetual striving.
With opiates (poppies/bupe/dope), I have a bonafide relationship. We go way back, we've seen each other through the best of times and the worst of times, we have had our quarrels and fallings-out... but at the end of the day(cade), we understand and appreciate each other in a special way. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say we couldn't live without each other... but I insist, it's a two-way street: I don't just take my pleasure from opiates, I give it back in the form of true appreciation for their utility and beauty.

These compounds exist outside the realm of ethics and morals, salvation and damnation... They don't wish you well and want to nursemaid your pain, but they aren't diabolic fiends trying to lure the hapless into lifelong servitude! They just exist, indifferent to God and man, in perfect organic coherence - "holistically," to use a buzzword. Naturally, in doing so, they inspire envy from us human beings -- creatures defined mostly by our agitated incompleteness and perpetual striving.
Beautiful... I wish I had written that!

But to be fair it's an awfully Sunny assessment. Most of us w/opioid addiction histories realize that the past is rarely behind us. It's not even past.