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Best drug to avoid crying at an emotional event?

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May 23, 2013
like at a wedding or funeral. What would be the best drug to be on to avoid getting emotional and tearing up...and also would not make you appear intoxicated in any way.

I'm guessing opioids, but its hard to look sober with pinpoint pupils or scratching all the time or nodding off...and too little might not have the desired effect.

I have very limited experience with benzos....do they work for this application?

open to hearing about any other drugs.

this isn't a "what should i take"....this is a what drug has what effect thread.
This is a horrible reason to take drugs. A sign of strength is embracing emotion while weakness is to hide them in shame. Go to the wedding, laugh, cry, smile, and truly live as anything less would be insulting to those being married
Its much easier to just not cry....rather than to have to deal with changing the views of other people that they have been carrying their whole life. Or attempting to not care and brush off all the bullshit that would follow....its easier to take a drug and never have any of it to deal with in the first place....i choose the path of least resistance regardless of whether certain ultra-altruistic people like yourself believe this path to be "wrong"

please lets keep the discussion to drugs effects....we can start another discussion about whether it is "right" or "wrong" to take drugs to cover up emotions at public events in one of the other forums appropriate to that discussion
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Many drugs make me feel disinhibited and so I can become more outwardly emotional than usual. I dunno, I think you may struggle to get really thought out answers because I don't think this is a very common application for drugs. Maybe a stimulant, could work to overwhelm any sorrow or negativity. Downers are more likely to get you 'opening up' in ways you may be uncomfortable with.

I don't think this is wrong, I think its emotionally damaging to try an repress emotions. There's no correct motivation for using drugs IMO, anything flies, but I think its unwise to use them to stifle emotional expression. I'm not sure it will work very well in the short-term or long-term, and I don't think there's anything wrong with painful or public emotion. Its part of being human and alive.
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:\ I tried Kratom during the summer of 2015.

I had enrolled in pain management in 2014, but GI can not tolerate meds.

I did not think the Kratom was having an effect, as I was unable to swallow enough capsules during the day. I don't think it did much to relieve my pain.

I suffered a partial bowel obstruction and was hospitalized before I could complete the Kratom experiment.

Now, to the point...During those couple of weeks, we had one of our beloved Dalmatians die unexpectedly. Normally, I would have been DESTROYED. Instead I remained strong and basically NUMB.

I thought I was in shock, but hindsight makes me think it was the Kratom. I suffer from horrid pain and depression, but noticed a minimal "mood lift" or "comfortable numbness" during Kratom trial.

:( Lucid, I'm sorry for whatever it is that you are going through. I certainly do not mean to belittle your feelings by comparing your loss (to the loss of my fur baby).
I really don't recomed you use drugs to not show emotions. I have taken xanax before a funeral and made a complete fool out of myself....
Wouldnt this just be on the other spectrum of wanting to feel every beat, a synergy with the music at a dance event etc. Have a benzo. Dont mix with anything.
sounds like someone needs to grow up a little bit.... you can only hide emotions for so long.... and drugs can actually make you more emotional at times.
I would assume they have alcohol there.

Should be easy enough to ask your doctor for something. Why so embarrassed to cry at a wedding?

It can be quite an emotional experience seeing two people devote themselves to one another.

Whether you want that or wish you had that or tears of joy, who cares?

I can't really tell you what drugs block emotions because it sounds like pretty unstable to begin with.

Sometimes you are going to feel life no matter what you do. Drugs may cushion things but you going to feel them somewhere.

This is coming from someone who doesn't cry and has no emotions come to the surface in public.

But grow the fuck up and cry before or something.

I could have named a few if this was straight up pharmacology talk but those substances could lead to worse consequences than shedding a tear.

This is a harm reduction site so I am not going to name the drugs that will just zone you out because if you don't already know you shouldn't be taking them m.

I get not wanting to show emotions all too well. I do but me saying take this or that drug to avoid embarrassment the thing is those drugs might make you do something worse than cry.
I would have to agree with the posters who are recommending benzos, as that's generally what they're made for; handling overwhelming emotions (aka Panic/Anxiety). Depending on how long you need it to last, there are several different types. The most popular choices would probably be Diazepam (Valium) if you need a longer duration (~24-48+ hours), or Alprazolam (Xanax) for a faster onset but shorter duration (~10-20 hours). However, as others have stated, it may not be in your best interest to be hiding such emotions at an event where many other people's emotions will be in full swing. Obviously, we don't have enough information regarding your specific scenario, but you may want to be careful about being the sole person who isn't showing any emotion when it should be expected. In other words; it may become even more awkward if you are the ONLY person in attendance who isn't crying. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope I was able to at least provide a little bit of help.
Benzodiazepines or Opioids.

I have to close this. It doesn't fit with Harm Reduction at all. Please read forum guidelines before creating any more threads OP.
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