  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Shooting Benzos + PUBG - My experience


Jan 21, 2023
I take about 5 mg Zolpidem for sleep (been taking it for months). I play PUBG Mobile (on my iPhone) before going to sleep to chill out. I noticed that when the effects kick in (~20 mins onset) during gameplay, I start to feel less "fear" and anxiety. I'm usually "coward" player, I camp, fear moving out of ambush; I usually stay inside a house or apartment building and camp there.

But with Zolpidem kicks in, I'm a different person. I'm more aggressive and push the game forward (sometimes even rush and kill which is very dangerous). I scored significantly better scores.

I just know when it comes to "performance enhancing drugs" for gaming, it's usually Adderall or stimulants. Stimulants give the opposite effects, especially when I'm under a pressure, I could literally feel my heart rate pumping.

Wondering if someone's has had similar experience with downers like Benzos, alcohol, etc. + gaming
I'm gonna guess that plenty of people how experienced similar, due to the disinhibiting effects of the GABA drugs