TDS Benzo withdraws


Aug 8, 2012
Ok, folks I’m one year and one month off of benzos. Pharmacy that is. In October I did three days of flubromazolam.

So here I am. Waking up in the morning with high anxiety. I take Kratom to alleviate the anxiety. I’m having runny nose and side pain. A feeling of just not feeling well.

I was on klonopin for seven years. I never thought I would be yanked off like I was.

Can anyone here tell me about how long I have to wait until I get back to at least somewhat Normal?
That's a very long time. Are you sure your anxiety is related to withdrawal? I have an organic anxiety, meaning I am not anxious or worried *about* anything. It's just that main brain doesn't produce enough gaba so I can randomly get a SEVERE feeling of anxiety or panic at random. Maybe you have something similar?
Diazepam has the longest withdrawal (as far as I'm aware) of all the benzo's and I think even that is 3 months max.
Benzo withdrawal the mental symptom can last years. And given how high of dose I was on and stuff I figure it’s going to take my body awhile before it really adapts to the normalization.
I have OVD, PTSD, and psychosis.

I’m usually always obsessing I have some thing wrong with me or I’m dead and at Gods Judgment.
Benzo withdrawal the mental symptom can last years. And given how high of dose I was on and stuff I figure it’s going to take my body awhile before it really adapts to the normalization.

Well sorry to break it to you but I am nearly four years off xanax and while I'm mostly over it, I keep going through periods of VERY intense cravings for it. I have been for the past 10 days. All day every day every fiber of my being is SCREAMING for it. But it does pass. I find every three months or so you go through really bad cravings for a couple weeks and you barely think of it the rest of the time. My psych said that's normal with all addictions; for some reason three-monthly cravings is a thing.
I don’t crave it all all. I’m more worried about it’s lasting negative effects.
. Waking up in the morning with high anxiety. I take Kratom to alleviate the anxiety.
Kratom might be making things worse, as it's stimulant properties can be anxiogenic. I would personally stay away from any stimulants, even mild ones like caffeine as there is a very clear relation between people with anxiety and stimulants serving as a trigger.

The most helpful thing for me, at least in the long run, has been form of talk therapy and group therapy. CBT and DBT in particular. They are far from an immediate fix, and although I did generally feel better immediately after therapy, it can't really be compared to something like taking a benzo that completely alleviates all anxiety. The goal of therapy isn't to remove all anxiety, instead, possibly change one's reaction to anxiety.

Anxiety is the fuel to life, and something that all people(and probably animals) will experience on a regular basis. If we never experienced any anxiety, we would be dead as a species long ago, for we wouldn't respond to danger or threats. If we never experienced anxiety, dangerous situations would appear just like safe ones. The problem becomes when we start experiencing anxiety that seemingly serves no function, and instead seems to inhibit function.0

Anxiety and panic disorders are something we are still attempting to fully understand. I personally think that giving someone medications like benzos without talk treatment is setting someone up for failure. I believe at the core of a lot of panic and anxiety disorders is a fear of anxiety and panic itself, that ultimately compounds upon itself and feeds itself. I know for myself, just the thought of social anxiety in a social situation is enough to set me off at times, and without paying close attention to my thought process and breathing, things can easily get away from me.

But by far the biggest relief from anxiety, for me, is interacting with someone who I truly consider a friend and know they consider me one as well. We are social creatures, and I think there is something innate about our physiology that promotes social activity, things like anxiety from isolation and joy from socialization with the right people.
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Also, just to add, acute withdrawal from benzos generally doesn't last much longer than a month, if even that long. Once the acute withdrawals have passed(drug detox basically), you will be experiencing what is called post-acute withdrawal, which is the lingering side effects not related to your body detoxing the chemical.

Things like anxiety and depression a year after benzo cessation would be considered post acute. And it is said that post-acute withdrawal(PAW) can last up to somewhere around 2 years for benzos. Things like talk therapy and group therapy can help reduce the length of PAWs. If symptoms persist, it would be considered a new disorder, rather than side effects from another(addiction).
Ok, I’ve been using Kratom a couple months, sometimes with like a week break. Today I got sick of waking up anxious to down my first dose so I could go back to sleep.

My chest hurts and I have this right side pain. My eyes are watery.

I just feel awful, I’m tired of being held down by something. I’ve had a liver check and my liver is fine. This side pain is hard to describe. When I quite last year I was ok physically . But I started having this unexplainable side pain and wanted something for the pain.

After awhile the pain went away but since I got Kratom from a different vendor the pain came back but it’s more pronounced.
Hey sonic, I'm going to merge this with your other thread about pretty much the same thing. I'll leave the one about religion separate because it is a different topic.
Ok, folks I’m one year and one month off of benzos. Pharmacy that is. In October I did three days of flubromazolam.

So here I am. Waking up in the morning with high anxiety. I take Kratom to alleviate the anxiety. I’m having runny nose and side pain. A feeling of just not feeling well.

I was on klonopin for seven years. I never thought I would be yanked off like I was.

Can anyone here tell me about how long I have to wait until I get back to at least somewhat Normal?
Sorry for off topic sonicwhite! :(
I am very high dosed on Benzos. Does Kratom reaĺly help or should i save the money? Also for opiate taper,does it really help that good as they say on the Net?
Wish you All the best!
You have to wait at least a year, from personal experience, to be "normal" again.

I mean, you're never really "normal" again, because the trauma from the experience leaves a nasty mark in the back o your brain
Wow a year yeah you definitely have a general anxiety disorder going on try some magnesium is amazing and notropics try L-Thienine try some phenibut but only a few times a week all should help
Please see a doctor or medical professional, tell them everything you wrote here, and about your physical and mental health issues, and all drugs and medications that you take. You will not get into legal trouble for doing this.
abdominal pain. i guarantee you it’s the kratom. stop the kratom and it will get better. not immediately, but over the following few days to weeks depending how much and how often you’ve been taking it.

three days of taking a benzo did not put you into withdrawal after a year off.
I have to agree here I take it 7 days a month and I’m fine the rest of the month and trust I came off in a hospital before