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Tapering Benzo withdrawal: Losing my mind

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I had 10mg of the etizolam. Lasted me the 3 days I needed it too in order to make up for the deficit I had from taking more kpin then prescribed.
Nice, sounds like it working out well for you. I am so glad to hear you're doing well cj, and I know I'm not the only one :)

Keep up the great work! How is stability treating you this week?
I had taken benzos once daily for a few weeks at a time and never had an issue. I've seen people develop issues from them in the same time frame. Definitely a unique susceptibility for some individuals.
I had taken benzos once daily for a few weeks at a time and never had an issue. I've seen people develop issues from them in the same time frame. Definitely a unique susceptibility for some individuals.

I had the same experience for years. One day I just crossed some threshold and the game fundamentaly changed
I think once I took my first bar and lost all anxiety and could go have a good discussion with a random person was the moment that it was all over for me lol
I was GABA-drug dependence resistant for a long time but like alot of things that changed eventually. Luckily due to my experiences with addiction and its wily ways I saw it coming and only got a minor taste of the shit... I can't even fathom a long term benzo kick and I don't want to. I could so easily see someone falling into the trap... They just work soooo well to alleviate the mass of worries and concerns that infests life these days but I found in an incredibly short period of time the effects become nil and psychological dependence sets in insanely fast. TPD is spot on with the tolerance too, It never seems to go away, Even an opiate tolerance will *subside* for a minute. W/o other drugs I literally get nothing from benzos except a zombie like foggy lethargy.

Yeah, It can be difficult being a hopeless romantic type in 2017..... Good luck CJ!
Yeah, It can be difficult being a hopeless romantic type in 2017..... Good luck CJ!

That's the fucking truth.

I am scared to death about life. What if I get arrested while I have this habit? I need to get a job asap. I activated my credit card today 1k of money use it wisely I suppose. I cant stop thinking about buying a shotgun and putting an end to this bloody mess. Kurt Cobain that shit. Something is wrong with my head. I am about to spin out of control again I can feel it coming. Maybe I am bi=polar? I don't know. I am fucking scared though.
That's the fucking truth.

I am scared to death about life. What if I get arrested while I have this habit? I need to get a job asap. I activated my credit card today 1k of money use it wisely I suppose. I cant stop thinking about buying a shotgun and putting an end to this bloody mess. Kurt Cobain that shit. Something is wrong with my head. I am about to spin out of control again I can feel it coming. Maybe I am bi=polar? I don't know. I am fucking scared though.

I have the same worries and have actually been in the above context. I'm currently down to 2.25mg from 6mg of Clonazepam and my biggest tip besides the CBT I recommended in my post prior is to STAY BUSY AND BREAK OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!!!!

Get a job ASAP!!! If it wasn't for my corporate 8-5 that forces me to interact with others---I'd never recover.
That's the fucking truth.

I am scared to death about life. What if I get arrested while I have this habit? I need to get a job asap. I activated my credit card today 1k of money use it wisely I suppose. I cant stop thinking about buying a shotgun and putting an end to this bloody mess. Kurt Cobain that shit. Something is wrong with my head. I am about to spin out of control again I can feel it coming. Maybe I am bi=polar? I don't know. I am fucking scared though.

It is likely you are bipolar and need proper antidepressants (perhaps an SSRI, or lithium, or something else like NA blockers, antipsychotics, etc.)

Is it possible to find a psychiatrist who specializes in bipolar disorder?
It is likely you are bipolar and need proper antidepressants (perhaps an SSRI, or lithium, or something else like NA blockers, antipsychotics, etc.)

Is it possible to find a psychiatrist who specializes in bipolar disorder?

I guess so. Man its crazy how society espects mentally ill people to navigate this complex ass medical system they have set up
There's a lack of qualified psychiatrists everywhere in this country. The requirements to become a psychiatrist are too steep, and many are deterred.

Have you tried any antidepressants before?
I have this strong feeling, wonder if anybody can relate. I feel like there's no drug that can fix the way my mind feels right now. It's scary, hope I'm not mentally ill yo
There's a lack of qualified psychiatrists everywhere in this country. The requirements to become a psychiatrist are too steep, and many are deterred.

Have you tried any antidepressants before?

Yeah I've tried a number of SSRI's, remeron, and others. None of them worked very well
Waited months to see a pdoc to help me off the Xanax (went from 8mg to 3 by myself over 2 months). He refused to switch me to a long acting benzo, and wants me to cut .5 every week. Is this completely unrealistic? I don't know what to do anymore, that was my last chance at s comfortable taper. Of course detox was suggested (3 to 5 days?!) not that I could miss work or afford it anyway it seems pointless. He said I "probably would be okay" cutting .5 even after I told him my DOC is heroin and anytime I feel uncomfortable I crave it to ease the pain. I've been on Xanax since end of summer, steady increase, then began to taper mid October. What do I do now?
Could you negotiate with him a little? .5 increments seems reasonable. But my feeling is that you're body is gonna need more than a week per step if the taper is going to be anything but awful. My docs have recommended like 4 weeks between steps, with possibly longer plateaus if things start feeling shaky.

So maybe you could blow some smoke up his ass--yeah, .5 sounds great! But could we slow it a bit?
Feeling the same, think I might go get some klonopin for the first time since I quit. My main worry is I wanna see if it turns everything im feeling back around. Escpecially being in my head all day thinking weird things and feeling crazy. If it doesn't I guess that means something's wrong
^Try finding people to talk do IRL! Doesn't matter what you talk about, or if you even like them or not. The more people you spend 20+ minutes with chatting, eventually, and probably quickly, you'll find someone you gel with, and you'll be able to coregulate your mood with them and get out of your head :)

Hell, it can even be the girl at your local coffee shop or restaurant. Just chat whomever up. You'll be amazed at how well coregulation works as soon as you find someone you jive with. It's the social isolation (BL is definitely a hell of a lot better than nothing, but nothing comes near the effectiveness of being within three-one feet of someone and sharing your electrical field with them).
Simco how long were you taking Xanax before you began to taper, I'm trying to figure out if my length of time on it is why I keep getting told I'll be safe at .5 reductions a week. Or is that the standard answer doctors give?
Depends on where you're start from. If you are on a very high dose of alprazolam 0.5mg/week isn't at all unreasonable, but once you get down to around the 6-3mg/day dosage you should slow down the taper to reducing it by 0.25mg/week at the very least.
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