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Benzo WD/taper (valium)

Invisible Helper

Oct 20, 2015
Hi guys , I posted here a few weeks ago with a question on benzo tapering . I'm an opi addict and know what that is but never been dependent on benzos and I've been abusing Valium up to 30/40 mgs a day usually 10-20 I would binge for 3-5 days and stop for 1-2 than binge again I could control that for a few years but lately been slippery slope . So I've decided to taper and stop and definitely feeling WD cause what a normal opi dose for me to get well isn't enough unless I take benzo . So for he first few weeks I did 10 mgs every day for 5 days instead of 20 or higher dose. After that I did 10 mgs every other day for a week . Now this last week I did 10 mgs waited 2 days took 5 mg every other day for 4 days and jumped off its been 4 days since my last 5 mg dose I feel kinda crappy but I've been drinking all 4 of those days to help me sleep :/ I'm also a chronic marijuana user . My question is basically am I having any progress or am I being dillusional cause of the half life of Valium? Is 4 days jumping off from 5 mg really not that much progress ? To me it feels like it is lol... Any answer would help thank you
Sounds like progress to me, bro. My only experience with benzo's is taking them, I've never really had to withdraw from them, but from what I've heard and read, you're doing it right as far as tapering down using diazepam.

Others will know more and be able to help better, but I thought I'd just give you my $0.02. 5mgs every other day and then jumping off and 4 days off just feeling "kinda crappy" is a lot of progress compared to 30-40mg's/day.
Thank you for the reply . I took 5 mgs today on day 4 was working a lot kinda needed it :/ any other experiences with Valium would be nice thank you
Don't feel bad, 5mgs valium is really a very small dose. The fact that it (seemed to have) provided you with the necessary anxiolysis clearly suggests a move in the right direction.

I myself am having a small crisis with my alprazolam tolerance. It is now taking me 4mg's to feel what 0.5mg's did to me during the "honeymoon" phase. Luckily, I don't use it enough to suffer any withdrawal so I'm going to shelve the rest of my supply and wait some time to see if my tolerance will reset to what it was then.

I wish luck to the both of us. Hopefully another BL'er with more experience on this will chime in soon to give you more info that I don't have enough experience to provide.
Well, I don't THINK I will. I only use it 1-3 times a week max (every few days or so). I also don't like to psyche myself out by mentally expecting a withdrawal. We'll see. They're getting shelved and I'm going to abstain for a while.
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Xanax has a short half-life which causes tolerance to skyrocket fast if you try to keep chasing the feeling it gives.

Although the very same short half-life allows people to use it "wisely" in larger amounts if they don't do it every day. This is why Phil won't necessarily have much of a physical WDs if he keeps spacing his doses. (Disclaimer: it still can give hell of a WDs due the fact that we are all individuals).

I currently use alprazolam three to four times a year for a week for imsomnia if other drugs fail help me and I have to taper down for the last two days to not have WDs even if it is just a week of daily use. I start out with 1mg per day and on a fourth day I need 2 or 3 mgs to be able to sleep.

I can still use it for panic attacks in doses of up to 4mg per day and not have WDs if I use it two to three times a week. Luckily I haven't had to use it for panic attacks for a while and can keep it as a sleeping aid when z-drugs won't work anymore as a final solution before resorting to triazolam, midazolam or flunitrazepam which are quite tempting to use recreationally too...
Invisible Helper, no.
For insomnia I use it three to four times a year for a week as I wrote.

If I have some kind of a mess up with prepositions (I am not a native speaker of english and my native language doesn't share any grammatical similarities with english) it means I use it daily for a week long period and have three or four such periods per a year.
Well you wondered how Phil won't have any WDs with 4mg Xanax use and I commented on that about Xanax and how it's properties make tolerance to skyrocket but still you might not end up having WDs if you use it wisely and added anecdotal evidence of my own experience about that issue.