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Stimulants Benzedrex questions and warnings?

I take it almost every day, and it doesn't give me any sort of bad come down symptoms. It has greatly helped me in giving up my everyday crack addiction. The way I like and recommend taking it is chewed up with powerade or lemon aid or even coke until the lavender/menthol/propylhexedrine taste goes away. I usually need to drink between 24 and 32 oz. to achieve the desired result. Then you simply discard the spent cotton.

Different people react differently to different drugs. For example, MDMA never gave me any kind of hangover but rather a pleasant afterglow. But it makes some people sick the first time they ever take it, so YMMV. It may just be that you will always have a terrible comedown from benzedrex. In that case, you'll just have to weigh the perceived benefits it gives you against the downside.

Omg you chew it? I couldn't imagine doing that. The taste is disgusting... Just it being in my mouth for the few seconds before swallowing is enough for me to nearly puke.
Yeah, you get used to the taste after a while, and I always wash the sick taste down with copious quantities of a room temperature, sweetly flavored drink. Swallowing the cotton repeatedly is really bad, as it can cause potentially fatal intestinal blockage, especially if the cotton hasn't even been cut up into smaller pieces.
True but soaking it in juice would be worth it haha. I've eaten it plenty of times and god I truly can't imagine chewing on one. Blehhhhhh hahaha :)
The only way for me to get it down is to soak it in as little lemon juice and water as possible then chug. Even that makes me want to puke I can't imagine chewing it or downing it with pop like some have suggested, the carbonation would make the menthol/lavender burps much worse.
I've ended up in the hospital in pretty bad cardiac shape from using these. Becareful, if you use high enough doses that propylhexrdrine shiittt affects in you for days... I would wake up the next few days with really high blood pressure/ heart rate. Super toxic and very very constricting. IMO, I'd stick to adderall or other well known stims. This fucks with your heart way to much for what little "positive" effects you get.

edit; i dosed at 500mg-1,500mg
i just recommend staying away. it isnt anywhere as euphoric as good amphetamines. Hence why the dea has not scheduled it. It can bite you in the ass...

i had a friend who had "brain zaps" for 72 hours after binging it. painful zaps like electrical, also had a dude that did have a heart attack on a few of these inhalers. Dosing can be unpredictable based on aborbtion.
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i have found eating one cut up cotton then taking100 mg of ephedrin makes for a good high that i can also sleep on
my resting heart rate is around 80bpm when I take 250mg. As long as you don't overdo it propylhexedrine actually has a pretty smooth comedown aside from the vasoconstriction.
Firstly, no drug testing questions and answers please.

I just drank 500mg of propyl soaked via hard lemonade.

You will see rampant posts from me once the effects take hold, give it 20 more minutes.

I am a master of using propylhexedrine.

Please ask questions now while the Propyl Lord is in the building.(sry that was fuckin wacko haha but I am a propyl veteran and on it right now)
This stuff is intense! Ive been doing it basically daily for about a year and a half. Heavily i might add. Il stay up for 3-4 days on this by redosing. Afterwords, im wrecked. My muscles are so sore, ny heart is weak, and i get all irritated by everything. But even though i use 15 of these stupid things a day, i dont really want to stop just yet.
Advice: there is a reason propylhexadrine, the constituent substance of these inhalers is available over the counter.

First off, you have to deal with this disgusting metholy wad of cotton. You will be burping gross smelling shit all day. Secondly, the high is amphetamine-esque, with more intense peripheral nervous system side effects. Jitters, Tics, Palpitations, Tachycardia are more severe than with amphetamines or even methylphenidate for that matter. The comedown is sudden and intense. Ultimately not an enjoyable experience.

I though that it might be a decent substance for when you are fucking high on opiates and nodding out. It's the only way that the side-effects of propylhexadrine can be tolerated by this user.