• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Beauty for Healing and Joy


Mar 18, 2010
I know this is a bit unorthodox, but could be of benefit to you all, so please listen out.

One of my tasks in this life is to learn about and focus on beauty. Especially just holding the focus, since when just one of us is focussing on something it will impact the collective-consciousness, so when there are many of us we can really make a difference.

Too many go through life without paying any attention to beauty and it's healing and uplifting power, which has the potential to bring you into a state of bliss, and accelarate your spiritual evolution (a thing of true beauty is such a high-vibration/high-consciousness manifistation of itself).

When I talk about "Beauty" I don't mean in the sense that many might, however. I'm not talking about Angeline Jolie or any physically attractive man or woman. That has no uplifting power. The kind of beauty I'm talking about comes from endless source - in nature, as a beautiful green scenery or the Aurora Borealis, in crystals, gemstones, and precious minerals, in rare works of high-level art - music, painting, dance, writing, architecture, etc.

All this has the effect and it can of benefit for you to focus and meditate on. From a spiritual perspective, som of its (invisible) particles will enter you, and that's what can lead to the blissful trance-like states you can sometimes enter observing something truly beautiful. Genuine beauty also has two sides - the form, and the energy of beauty that fills the form. These are two different things, but it's the energy and consciousness of beauty that has the power. The form is more like a medium for it to express itself through.

A perfect form with none of the energy of beauty in it would look grotesque. There are many who have perfectly formed featues, Kate Moss), for instance, yet, there is no real beauty in their faces. You don't become intoxicated looking at them, and they're dependent on lots of make-up, the right lighting, etc. to look "beautiful". But this is not real beauty.

"Intoxicated is a keyword, yes, because you can also get high on beauty if you get into the habit of focusing intensily on it over extended periods of time (like a classic music recording or spending all day out in nature. And it CAN help you in the elevation of your consciousness if it's something you do consistently. Even one time can be enogh to create a break-through.

This is what I was trying to introduce by posting pictures of otherwordly beautiful women (like Helena Christensen in her prime) because of their almost unbearably high beauty-vibration - this is what exercises its effect on you and chances somethng in you. But of course I would just get ridiculed and the threads deleted as they "belonged" in the "Bootyfull women's" thread. (Right).

So maybe now you can see it from my point of you - that is anyone who doesn't particular problem with me - and after giving it some thought maybe be able to come up with some examples of yourselves for others to enjoy. It doesn't have to be of heavenly beautiful women. It just seems like women (and children) is where the energy of beauty can be the most easily expressed. It's one of the feminine energies, after all, and children are always surrounded by angels who lend their energy to them.

I hope some can see the value of this as beautiful visuals can actually be healing to come back to, just like beautiful sounds, and can be quite soothing to a worn-out heart at times. Unfortunately this cultue has conditioned us to take no notice of this, so we're not even aware of what it can do, and we're not exactly sorrounded by it at all times.

I would think looking at beautiful, spiritual images instead of plain, wordly ones would have the same effect on the psyche and conscioussness as listening to beautiful classical music (like "Air"). It's like it opens up a door to the divine world, where all exists in a heightened state of spirit, and as a result that almost unbearingly high beauty vibration.

If anyone understands what I mean I welcome any examples that might be of benefit to readers...I'll see what I can find myself.




Just mediate on it and feel your vibration rising.
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