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Banning raves

^ Well I'm going to be 18 soon so I guess I'll be okay with that. But I thought raves consist if A LOT if 16 and 17 year olds.
Audiotistics next weekend. Insomniac events. Infected mushroom tonight at music box. I think rveryone has the wrong idea, they r trying to stop raves at state owned venues like coliseum, sports arena, cow palace, thats all, no outdoor within la after 2 has been in place already. Nos is not state owned venue so events there will coninue. Dnt b surprised to see edc move or maybe become 3 day event at nos. It will go on but jist not at state owned venues.
One person dies out of like 180,000 attendees. That's so much less than clubs where everyone gets drunk and kill people on the way home with their car. Why ban raves? They should be banning alcohol.
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One person dies out of like 180,000 attendees. That's so much less than clubs where everyone gets drunk and kill people on the way home with their car. Why ban raves? They should be banning alcohol.

Very good point! All comes down to money, I think. DUI's are extremely expensive, and make a lot of money for law enforcement and the state. Alcohol is expensive. Bottle service at clubs is ridiculous....The decision to make MDMA illegal to begin with wasn't very clear, nor was the reasoning for making a lot of drugs illegal
One person dies out of like 180,000 attendees. That's so much less than clubs where everyone gets drunk and kill people on the way home with their car. Why ban raves? They should be banning alcohol.

Yah.. i was going to say. How about all the underage drinkers at nightclubs that get their asses killed? I'm pretty sure that number is much higher than raves. Let's ban clubs and bars as well. Can't say much about kids at raves. I was way younger than most people here when I started partying <3

They cant kill an idea that has spawned a whole culture. Yet they can suppress us back underground...


^^^This is the most bias load of bullshit Ive seen in awhile. If the rave scene is pushed underground then all of those people will be a criminals and targeted the Government.

Ever seen a swat team crack down on a rave with tear gas?


Still think your free?

All i gotta say is i luv the underground RAVERS RANCH enough said!!! We rocked that spot so hard in 06 takes us bak!!
They cant kill an idea that has spawned a whole culture. Yet they can suppress us back underground...


^^^This is the most bias load of bullshit Ive seen in awhile. If the rave scene is pushed underground then all of those people will be a criminals and targeted the Government.

Ever seen a swat team crack down on a rave with tear gas?


Still think your free?

Lol.. that second video. That rave was out in Utah. I had a couple friends go to that. I was even planning on going at one point. They actually went through the crowd and confiscated everyone's cell phones and cameras from what my friends were saying. Not sure if that's actually true, but apparently one video made it out at least ~.^
Yah.. i was going to say. How about all the underage drinkers at nightclubs that get their asses killed? I'm pretty sure that number is much higher than raves. Let's ban clubs and bars as well. Can't say much about kids at raves. I was way younger than most people here when I started partying <3

430000 deaths directly related to tobacco use.
85000 deaths directly related to alcohol use.
17000 deaths directly related to ALL illicit drug use.


I will proudly say that I am a Christian and I have used MDMA several times in high school but quit because of the potential damage that MDMA could cause. I also dosed MDA at Bonnaroo last year. And I am an opiate addict currently.

I find it very offensive to me that you are insulting Christians entirely. Doesn't exactly go along with the whole PLUR aspect either does it? I don't insult you for taking MDxx or judge you for not going to church. What gives you the right to be so condescending to Christians?

I'm not trying to argue or anything like that at all or derail the thread by the way.
I will proudly say that I am a Christian and I have used MDMA several times in high school but quit because of the potential damage that MDMA could cause. I also dosed MDA at Bonnaroo last year. And I am an opiate addict currently.

I find it very offensive to me that you are insulting Christians entirely. Doesn't exactly go along with the whole PLUR aspect either does it? I don't insult you for taking MDxx or judge you for not going to church. What gives you the right to be so condescending to Christians?

I'm not trying to argue or anything like that at all or derail the thread by the way.
While I agree with you that I was insulting christians entirely, I more off meant the extreme radicals that setup booths at massives and pray for everyone there that's using/ scold you for your usage.

I believe in god/ was raised roman cathlic.

Still, it seems to be the extremely relegious who are also extremely judgeing on the worlds judge use, or some christian/relegious organization trying to crack down on drug use or ban raves.
The whole USA needs to spend less time in church and more time in school imo.
Lol.. that second video. That rave was out in Utah. I had a couple friends go to that. I was even planning on going at one point. They actually went through the crowd and confiscated everyone's cell phones and cameras from what my friends were saying. Not sure if that's actually true, but apparently one video made it out at least ~.^

jesus. I wonder what the story behind that was
jesus. I wonder what the story behind that was

My guess was "Mormons don't like raves", but who really knows? It was out in the Utah desert and they sent in the swat team. That's all I ever heard about it :|
Lord knows what I would do in a police situation like that... We had the cops show up to a house rave once (looking for a drunk idiot that was outside of the house throwing up and causing a scene)... And in my friendly state of mind, I walked right on up to them and chatted with them for awhile and tried to help them find the guy (as... nobody at the party knew him, and he was ruining shit for the rest of us)... Needless to say, they just gave me this "what the hell..." sort of look..... After a minute, I realized exactly what was probably going through their heads, and excused myself to another room. They didn't try and stop me or anything so... good things! =)
It would be ridiculous of them to even try banning raves - the rave scene would not end and it would not become safer. It would just be done in secret and far less safe because of that. A lot worse things would be going on at aves if they were banned and had to be put on illegally, in secret. 8) The government however doesn't seem to realize that illegal does not = safer, but then again, something tells me its not at all about our safety when it comes to our trusty gov't.

I agree that a 15 year old should NOT have been at that rave. Raves should be 18+ and the people who put them on should take precautions to ensure that only people of age are getting in. It's so illogical that they can't see that the rave scene is not the blame for this, banning raves will not prevent this kind of thing from happening again (infact, it would probably be more likely to happen again as I said earlier). We NEED EDUCATION, education saves lives. This little girl probably would have done e somewhere else even if the rave had not been going on, and the same thing would have likely happened because she was NOT properly educated. Fear tactics are killing kids and this is a prime example of that. :(
They cant kill an idea that has spawned a whole culture. Yet they can suppress us back underground...


^^^This is the most bias load of bullshit Ive seen in awhile. If the rave scene is pushed underground then all of those people will be a criminals and targeted the Government.

Ever seen a swat team crack down on a rave with tear gas?


Still think your free?

umm yeah, I agree, that video is ridiculously biased. I live like 20 minutes away from Salmo, BC where Shambhala Music Festival is held and we never have issues like that. Ever. It gets pretty busy and crazy with so many people from all over the world here but nothing like they are accusing this festival of causing. 8)
430000 deaths directly related to tobacco use.
85000 deaths directly related to alcohol use.
17000 deaths directly related to ALL illicit drug use.


We have to also consider that a higher percentage of the population drinks and smokes tobacco than uses illicit drugs which will artificially increase those numbers -- but even taking that into consideration isn't going to get 17000 between all illicit drugs to a number 5x that amount.
You get 180,000 people together over 2 days and someone in some fashion is going to die....

California alone has a little more than 1,500 alcohol related driving fatalities a year....

There are less than 100 ecstasy deaths per year....

It sounds really bad to say, and the death of anyone so young is a terrible thing, but its a drop in a very very very large bucket compared to any other drug....

Aspirin, prescription anti biotics, NSAIDs of all sorts, alcohol, tobacco, anti depressants, pretty much every prescription opiate own its own all send more people to the hospital or cause fatal overdoses than MDMA....