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Bad trip advice


Oct 24, 2015
S has been experimenting with mushrooms for about a month now having taken them about 4 times in varying doses and although S is interested in having a more enjoyable and less stressful trip S continues to have bad trips that involve a lot of negative thoughts and emotions of confusion, sadness, fear, panic and occasionally anger. S does not want to give up on the drug because S finds the experiences often fun and spiritually enlightening when they go well. S wonders if there is anything that might improve the trip or prevent S from having a bad trip in the future, is there any other substances S might take as well to assist in having a positive experience? (mdma, cannabis, acid, benzos etc.) Any helpful tips on how to calm down if trip goes negatively? All replies are welcome
We know it's you. Don't conceal yourself cause it's hard to interpret. But it's your mood always be in a good mood and know that you wanna do it and have a good time
Yes. Take a 2mg Xanax or 5mg Valium to take the edge off. After a few calm trips you'll eventually no longer require the benzos.
I usually write down, remember, think of certain positive phrases that I train myself to think when feeling negative feelings.

"Be the center" "Ground yourself" really helps me.
Doing something else like smoking a cigarette often distracts you from your thoughts.
Just be in a comfortable environment.
Change your environment: If you're inside, go outside and vice versa.
Change your music.
Focus on your breathing, in and out, in and out, inhale, exhale. Really focus on clearing your mind.

Also, if it's negative, think of something else. If you see something you don't like, focus on something else. Like if you're looking ay the ground and see a bug, suddenly there's like 10 other bugs and they are getting bigger. Ah, wtf, don't freak out, look at the sky, "not a big deal, omg, that sky is so blue". It's all in the mind! Your mind is super strong and it's all within your control. You really don't need other drugs to help you have a positive experience with a drug.
I usually write down, remember, think of certain positive phrases that I train myself to think when feeling negative feelings.

"Be the center" "Ground yourself" really helps me.
Doing something else like smoking a cigarette often distracts you from your thoughts.
Just be in a comfortable environment.
Change your environment: If you're inside, go outside and vice versa.
Change your music.
Focus on your breathing, in and out, in and out, inhale, exhale. Really focus on clearing your mind.

Also, if it's negative, think of something else. If you see something you don't like, focus on something else. Like if you're looking ay the ground and see a bug, suddenly there's like 10 other bugs and they are getting bigger. Ah, wtf, don't freak out, look at the sky, "not a big deal, omg, that sky is so blue". It's all in the mind! Your mind is super strong and it's all within your control. You really don't need other drugs to help you have a positive experience with a drug.

Very on point with my own view. Nice post!
Yes. Take a 2mg Xanax or 5mg Valium to take the edge off. After a few calm trips you'll eventually no longer require the benzos.

2mg of xanax is equal to 40mg of valium. that's way too much, and 5mg of valium might not be enough. take .5 of a xanax or 10mg of valium, assuming you have no tolerance to benzos.
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Really all there is to it is go into the trip with excitement and content that has worked out for me every time and i have never had a bad trip..well actually i almost went into a bad trip once because i asked my girlfriend to come over and she said no but i just kept myself preoccupied with other activities to take my mind off it. so if you feel like you are getting anxiety and stuff i would just do things you like to do until you forget what you where worrying about. Also to as what you could take to get rid of the anxiety and anger etc. i would say mdma cause that has helped me a lot with my trips but idk if that would be the same for you.
Yeah set and setting are important because your mindset can determine what kind of thoughts or moods you are especially susceptible to, and your setting is full of stimuli that have a big influence since you become so open to suggestion.
What has big effect is suggestions that carry a powerful message (to be extra convincing) and when there is a multitude of things to see and hear that together suggest a 'theme' or a mood. This last thing is why changing your environment can help a lot because it takes you from one "scene" to another. Since emotional states can really switch quickly it is really very comparable to what might also work on children or infants. Fun colors, the peaceful outdoors.. etc - Interesting and beautiful settings are of course good, but avoid ones that have very intrusive stimuli like strong brightness and loudness or people bothering you.

I think it can help to realize the above and that this is why pretty_diamonds' suggestion works well: mantras or phrases can do two things, they act as positive brainwashing by shifting your focus and wiping the previous slate clean (like meditation!) and its place you can put a powerful message: one that is reassuring, you telling yourself that everything is actually fine.

It is hard to be your own tripsitter and arrange for the right thing to aid you when you really need it, especially for relatively unexperienced trippers or people tripping balls that are losing track. It is very tiresome to have to finds such simple though positive conclusions and messages by deep thinking, in a way having to reinvent the wheel.

So prepare very well to anticipate this! Take the time to do so, because while trial and error can work it is much less agonizing to map the sensitivities of a tripper. Learn well to avoid things that are no problem for steadyminded adults but that are confusing or scary to trippers. Arrange the right situation, music and write things down to guide yourself, then when you go trip go on little ventures but if you get a little scared, just return to some of these positive and powerful things and relax + concentrate. That should be a good way to learn and play with your own psychedelicized mind.
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i always try to meditate for 15-30 minuted before a mushroom trip. calm your mind. decide why you are tripping and what you hope to achieve. you need to treat mushrooms with a great deal of respect.. they arent meant for having a good time and partying.. thats usually when i see people have bad trips, when their intentions are not good. not saying thats whats happening to you, but i think its reallyimportant to have a clear goal for your trip, be in control of your mind, and treat the mushrooms respectfully, almost like a teacher.. i have always had amazing, uplifting, and enlightening experiences with mushrooms. i do not recommend taking any benzos, this can remove a lot of the power from the trip and make it almost pointless. pretty diamonds makes some very good suggestions if things still go south.