Mental Health Bad psychiatrist experiences


Dec 27, 2005
Have you had bad experiences with psychiatrists or other doctors treating your mental health?

I was once at this psychiatrist, and he read on the file about my previous recreational drug use years ago.

The thing he did was, that he asked me: "Are you craving for Xanax?". Then I thought, that this guy is a huge dick. (And he obviously wouldn't prescribe me Xanax, but I wasn't there for that purpose.)

I have had good and understanding psychiatrists after that.

What are your experiences on this field?
Is that the first thing he asked you after he found out you had past drug use on your record?

like obviously this guy must be here to try and get me to write him a script for Xanax?

what a bigoted asshole

I had a free psychiatrist at a methadone clinic walk in with an a4 checklist of adhd symptoms and claim my adhd diagnosis was wrong because someone with adhd couldn’t possibly scrape through and pass high school exams

despite the fact that I’ve been diagnosed multiple times by adhd specialists as having severe adhd
Since age 17 clinical depression, panic/anxiety, bipolar. Have coped for over 50 years with Rx'd meds, and a few self admitted hospitalizations. No self harm. Met with new doc (Medicare coverage) for monthly appointment Within the first five minutes she asked me if I had considered ECT. Have nothing against ECT for those who want it. I didn't and don't. 50 years of my records available to her. Was aghast, insulted, and yes, 'shocked'.
I find psychiatrists rely on guesswork not common sense.
I don't know what else we can do about the future than guess. Advanced algorithmic statistics is about the best we have. These people give a decade of their lives into making those predictions. That phrase "common sense" is pretty vague. No one can entirely understand how their provider comes to their conclusions. They don't want to create more issues by burdening people with the intricacies of their pathologies. Things make more sense to trust them. If society thought that everyone should have complete liberty to self-medicate, then it would. It's about protecting the patients from something that could ruin their lives, not taking the fun out of existence.

Real recovery is not a quick fix. It takes trust, time, and discipline. People get engulfed in what medications they take. Life is easily accessible, but a good life is hard-won.
Since age 17 clinical depression, panic/anxiety, bipolar. Have coped for over 50 years with Rx'd meds, and a few self admitted hospitalizations. No self harm. Met with new doc (Medicare coverage) for monthly appointment Within the first five minutes she asked me if I had considered ECT. Have nothing against ECT for those who want it. I didn't and don't. 50 years of my records available to her. Was aghast, insulted, and yes, 'shocked'.
ECT appears to be crude and dangerous on the surface.
I don't know what else we can do about the future than guess. Advanced algorithmic statistics is about the best we have. These people give a decade of their lives into making those predictions. That phrase "common sense" is pretty vague. No one can entirely understand how their provider comes to their conclusions. They don't want to create more issues by burdening people with the intricacies of their pathologies. Things make more sense to trust them. If society thought that everyone should have complete liberty to self-medicate, then it would. It's about protecting the patients from something that could ruin their lives, not taking the fun out of existence.

Real recovery is not a quick fix. It takes trust, time, and discipline. People get engulfed in what medications they take. Life is easily accessible, but a good life is hard-won.

ECT appears to be crude and dangerous on the surface.
Thank you Alpha. "Life is easily accessible but a good life is hard-won". Yes.

I think ECT is a good option for those who are open to it, and whose depression 'does not respond' to Rx/Tx. I was one of the One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest influenced. But at the same, I knew people (family) and patients while I was hospitalized with who underwent it, and benefitted. It just seemed to take a very long time to get cognition back. I was not willing to risk that.

I reached a point during a fifth depressive episode when I told my long-term Doc that it was so bad I wanted ECT. She was willing, but asked if I would try one more AD first. From the age of 17 until age 35, no AD had worked for me. Psych meds were limited at that time. Fortunately, the suggested AD (P A M E L O R) worked for me for about 5 years, when it pooped out. Prozac replaced it, and it has served me reasonably well. A 2 years ago hospitalization included a switch back to P A M E L O R, which resulted in toxicity. Back on Prozac, with Lamotrigine (Lamictal) added.

It annoys me when some people espouse that mental illnesses are merely imaginary figments. And that if they were real, Rx meds/Tx should resolve them.

There is no med, therapy, or vaccine to overcome and eradicate them.

Agree with you that ETC is neither crude nor dangerous. Mental illnesses tend to reoccur. ECT can alleviate some of the suffering of depression.

Again, I was aghast that a new doc would suggest ECT within the first few minutes of meeting me. It seemed dismissive. And felt shitty.
Ya probably the worst one was when I had a cup of booze mixed with a dangerous stim going inside her office so I was to blame I actually liked that she pushed a mindfulness meditation practice on me and not drugs
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Have you had bad experiences with psychiatrists or other doctors treating your mental health?

I was once at this psychiatrist, and he read on the file about my previous recreational drug use years ago.

The thing he did was, that he asked me: "Are you craving for Xanax?". Then I thought, that this guy is a huge dick. (And he obviously wouldn't prescribe me Xanax, but I wasn't there for that purpose.)

I have had good and understanding psychiatrists after that.

What are your experiences on this field?

And my opinion won't change, they threatened me, manipulated everything, used previous engagements with psychologists against me & told me I have no hope of living a healthy life without drugs...

I don't recommend Psych treatment for anyone now, I am so anti mental health that I will never, ever seek assistance for my PTSD again, for as long as I live...

I can manage it just fine on my own with a bit of Cannabis...
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When i was in the psych ward i had a real quack. She took me off not only my clonazepam and morphine but also my seroquel. She flat out refussed to prescribe me anything even a anti-psychotic. I only got shots of lorazepam in the ass after getting into fights with security and was thrown in isolation. So yeah i came off morphine clonazepam and seroquel while suffering from fucking cotards syndrome. That was fucking hell. I will never complain about being dopesick on the outside again cause atleast you can get meds. I got no immodium no nothing for withdrawals. Not to mention i went cold turkey off 6mg's of clonazepam as well. How i didnt have a seizure i dunno. Thankfully my mom gave me some clonazepam from her own prescription or fuck knows i mighta died in there.

Thankfully after my brother who happens to be a lawyer as well flipped out at them i got a new psychiatrist who put me on anti-psychotics and i came back to reality.

WellThisSucks said:
Thank you Alpha. "Life is easily accessible but a good life is hard-won". Yes.

I think ECT is a good option for those who are open to it, and whose depression 'does not respond' to Rx/Tx. I was one of the One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest influenced. But at the same, I knew people (family) and patients while I was hospitalized with who underwent it, and benefitted. It just seemed to take a very long time to get cognition back. I was not willing to risk that.

I reached a point during a fifth depressive episode when I told my long-term Doc that it was so bad I wanted ECT. She was willing, but asked if I would try one more AD first. From the age of 17 until age 35, no AD had worked for me. Psych meds were limited at that time. Fortunately, the suggested AD (P A M E L O R) worked for me for about 5 years, when it pooped out. Prozac replaced it, and it has served me reasonably well. A 2 years ago hospitalization included a switch back to P A M E L O R, which resulted in toxicity. Back on Prozac, with Lamotrigine (Lamictal) added.

It annoys me when some people espouse that mental illnesses are merely imaginary figments. And that if they were real, Rx meds/Tx should resolve them.

There is no med, therapy, or vaccine to overcome and eradicate them.

Agree with you that ETC is neither crude nor dangerous. Mental illnesses tend to reoccur. ECT can alleviate some of the suffering of depression.

Again, I was aghast that a new doc would suggest ECT within the first few minutes of meeting me. It seemed dismissive. And felt shitty.
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I wouldnt recomend ECT to anyone. I saw 2 people get it in the psych ward i was in and they could barely remember their own names ffs after a few sessions. It also didnt seem to help their depression so much as just make them forget why they where depressed. It was really sad actually watching a guy i had gotten to know get it. It not only robbed him of his memories but also seemed to change his personality.
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I wouldnt recomend ECT to anyone. I saw 2 people get it in the psych ward i was in and they could barely remember their own names ffs after a few sessions. It also didnt seem to help their depression so much as just make them forget why they where depressed. It was really sad actually watching a guy i had gotten to know get it. It not only robbed him of his memories but also seemed to change his personality.
I would not recommend ECT to anyone either. ECT was invented by people who worked in slaughterhouses. They found that when they sent electric shocks through the brains of the livestock, that they would relax enough to allow themselves to be slaughtered ie., throats cut. Then some sadistic psychiatrist somewhere heard about it and thought it would be a good practice to use on humans. Fuck. That. Shit.
One experience and she liked prescribing gapapentin,trazadone seroquel,ziprasidone,I went to her and said I have continuous racing thought, trouble sleeping,I stopped seeing her
Is that the first thing he asked you after he found out you had past drug use on your record?

like obviously this guy must be here to try and get me to write him a script for Xanax?

what a bigoted asshole

I had a free psychiatrist at a methadone clinic walk in with an a4 checklist of adhd symptoms and claim my adhd diagnosis was wrong because someone with adhd couldn’t possibly scrape through and pass high school exams

despite the fact that I’ve been diagnosed multiple times by adhd specialists as having severe adhd
It doesn't help either if you're female and can hyperfocus to get the work done so that you don't fail the class.
And my opinion won't change, they threatened me, manipulated everything, used previous engagements with psychologists against me & told me I have no hope of living a healthy life without drugs...

I don't recommend Psych treatment for anyone now, I am so anti mental health that I will never, ever seek assistance for my PTSD again, for as long as I live...

I can manage it just fine on my own with a bit of Cannabis...
I'm so sorry. I'm doing my part to change how mental health is handled. I feel like so many in that field now just want the money and to hell with the patients. It's disgusting. If you can find ways to manage on your own, do that. I know it is not recommended, but for so many of us, myself included, it's either that or death. Seriously.
Yuh, one lady i was made to speak with once, told my dad some shit i thought she would keep to herself, and he fucking punched me in the face, i fell backwards and hit my head on the stairs, fractured my fucking skull, got stitches and a weird bump in the top of my head that will never go away. Whenever i touch it, i think its a bit funny. At least he said sorry.
I like my psychiatrist, we can have very open discussions about medication and if I don't like something we try to find a solution and compare pro's and cons. She's also well aware of past drug (ab)use but it doesn't influence much.
They're definitely not all bad.
Oh boy, have I been waiting for this one:

Had a psychiatrist that some might call was like a "mother hen" - the type of woman who smothers you in fake care while secretly wanting you to be entirely alone and single. It was under her role as my psychiatrist that I was duped out of alternative health treatments when I had a serious underlying physical health problem. I should have been taken off antipsychotics immediately in order to deal with it, but she outright refused to take me off of Risperdal Consta, claiming that my mind needed "time to heal".

I've since run into other figures like her who blatantly and outright assume that people who are disabled are basically like walking automatons who can't think and make their own decisions. You know... being talked down to like you don't exist?
The first pyschiatrist I ever saw was an utter waste of space. I go in to see her and it's fucking clear as shit there is some family trauma going on there (my psychologist later on picked up on it almost immediately) and when I got caught drinking and taking drugs at 17 this fucking idiot psychiatrist tells me and my parents that alcoholism and drug use can 'skip a generation' so were there any heavy drinkers in the family. Mum says her dad and the pyschiatrist looks smug. Tells me to go to 12 step meetings as it's a disease.

Fucking no one stopped to question the fact that my grandfather (nonno) drank excessively because he was tortured in Bergen Belsen during the war and survived one of the worst concentration camps in Germany. And that maybe it was because of trauma.

I'm telling you, if this psychiatrist had even bothered to ask I would have told her everything. I already told people who barely knew me who made reports to the Department of Child Protection. But she didn't. She fucked me hardcore for ages and I never wanted to see another psychiatrist after her for ages since she was so incredibly useless.
I once had a psychiatrist ask me if the TV talks to me.

I made the mistake of saying "Well some times there will be things on tv relevant to my situations".

After that, every other question was "So how long has the TV been talking to you", which I would just kinda stare at her like "lady, the TV isn't actually TALKING to me".
I knew what she was trying to get at (label me a schizophrenic).

Afterward she tried putting me on seroquel which I refused.

I once also had a therapist that told me I'd never get on disability because I was able to physically walk into her 'office'. Lol Really?

I've also had a doctor who had me on like 13 different meds all at the same time.
I once had a psychiatrist ask me if the TV talks to me.

I made the mistake of saying "Well some times there will be things on tv relevant to my situations".

After that, every other question was "So how long has the TV been talking to you", which I would just kinda stare at her like "lady, the TV isn't actually TALKING to me".
I knew what she was trying to get at (label me a schizophrenic).

Afterward she tried putting me on seroquel which I refused.

I once also had a therapist that told me I'd never get on disability because I was able to physically walk into her 'office'. Lol Really?

I've also had a doctor who had me on like 13 different meds all at the same time.
That sounds like the typical MO.
I've been in contact with so fucking many psychiatrists through my work,
and to be honest, they ruin my fucking patients.

Many of my patients are elderly, and with elderly people psychiatrists are even worse.
Talk about using Napalm to kill a hill of ants.

Oftentimes the antidepressants, antipsychotics or whatever these fucking criminals use to fuck up my patients
have no effect whatsoever that's positive, but my patients pay the price anyway,
and then the psychiatrists react like "Oh well that's not good hm. But now we can't stop the meds"

Fucking assholes, all of them. It feels like they're working against all I'm doing oftentimes. Hope they return to the fucking hellfire they came from and burn there for eternity.
Sorry, too far. I fucking hate psychiatrists.

edit: ppl just please go to a real therapist that does drug-free treatment.
Many meds are so so fucking bad. Whatever they help you with, they create 2 new problems.
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That sounds like the typical MO.
I've been in contact with so fucking many psychiatrists through my work,
and to be honest, they ruin my fucking patients.

Many of my patients are elderly, and with elderly people psychiatrists are even worse.
Talk about using Napalm to kill a hill of ants.

Oftentimes the antidepressants, antipsychotics or whatever these fucking criminals use to fuck up my patients
have no effect whatsoever that's positive, but my patients pay the price anyway,
and then the psychiatrists react like "Oh well that's not good hm. But now we can't stop the meds"

Fucking assholes, all of them. It feels like they're working against all I'm doing oftentimes. Hope they return to the fucking hellfire they came from and burn there for eternity.
Sorry, too far. I fucking hate psychiatrists.

edit: ppl just please go to a real therapist that does drug-free treatment.
Many meds are so so fucking bad. Whatever they help you with, they create 2 new problems.
Yeah I've had permanent eyelid spasms in my right eye ever since trying Vraylar back in October.
All it took was one dose to give me permanent side effects (or what appear to be permanent so far).

My issues are major depressive, anxiety/panic & I can't understand why psyches think antipsychotics are going to help my depression.
If anything they make it worse.
SSRI's make me feel like i've been lobotomized & fuck up my stomach (constant nausea).

Some docs actually think you're "cured" of your depression if take these shit meds.

I completely agree with you for the most part.
Although I do think some meds have value (i.e. - opioids, cannabis, psyches, dissos, benzos, etc..)
Thankfully I have enough pharmacology knowledge that I research anything I'm given & how it works and what it might do to me.
But I flat out refuse any "psyche" meds at this point.

I can't imagine the people who go into these doctors with no drug knowledge and happily shove whatever they're given down their throats.
And then next thing you know, they have thyroid issues or tardive dyskinesia. No thanks.