• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Back porch stinks of tobacco!


Dec 5, 2015
I frequently smoke cigarettes outdoors on my back porch. I have an extinguishing ashtray that I leave my cigarettes in and I also have a plastic trashcan that I throw them in. My dad said it doesn't matter but I think it is making the area reek especially during the summer when it is hot and humid. Is it worth the trouble to go dispose of them in a Ziploc bag after to stop the smell from lingering?
Yeah. If you remove the source of the stink it would lessen the smell. The stank has probably penetrated the area, you could clean it a bit and start cleaning the butts out more often to ease the stank.
Thanks, I'll empty the trash bag each day for sure from now on. I'm worried it might linger and offend neighbors
Can you not add some planters that have a fresher strong smell - lavender or rosemary spring to mind.

Also make sure that your asktray doesn't leak and it is waterproof to stop the leftover tobacco etc seeping into your porch if it rains or if you spill anything into the ashtray.
we have planned a lot of veggies this summer but rosemary and lavender is a good idea to add to the scene... I was reading about rosemary and how it is good for short term memory which is a plus!
Just use a sealed container. If the cigarettes are exposed to the air then they'll take on moisture and rot over time. It's still an organic substance after all. At least with a sealed container the stench won't go anywhere.

At my old place we used a metal tin with a lid.
Not a bad idea, I have lots of tins. Christmas tins and stoner tins to be more specific!
I use old jam jars, or any glass jar with a screw on lid. Comes for free, kind of taking extra use of what is already trash. When jar is full I toss it in the bin, and replace with new one. It's kind of ugly if it is see through glass, but you could wrap aluminium foil around it if you want to cover the grim buds from view. Very low tec, low maintenance and low cost solution.
I'm worried it might linger and offend neighbors

if you're not smoking on their property you have nothing to worry about

some non-smokers react very unreasonably over tobacco smoke,do not let them 'win' , the day a neighbor has the power to stop you from smoking tobacco on your property will never come

if they're offended that's their problem, if they say something just explain you'll try harder to prevent any odors...but don't actually change unless you're an over the top people pleaser, if that's the case i highly suggest you start learning how to say no, going through life with the intent to make everyone around you happy, at your expense, is no way to live
Cigarette smoking is a hot button issue for a lot of people, so it may be hard to please them. Have you ever tried e-cigs or vaporizors? Not only do they not stink but good ones apparantly are low risk for harming your health.
I'm one of those sensitive people to smoke. Worked with a guy who had a vape and he was in the next cube puffing away. Never bothered me and the smell was actually nice from some of the flavors. Highly recommend if you're concerned about bothering others.
I'm moving this thread to Second Opinion due to another mod's request. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.

---> SO