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Baba Rampori

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
Came across this guy by total mistake, his the first Western person to be brought into the Naga Baba tradition. I've downloaded his book as PDF, as his a Naga Baba I don't think he would mind me doing that as his renounced cash and material possessions.

His YouTube channel was taken down after some academic paper done by some guy who had no experience of living with this Sect of wandering Holy men.

Anyone heard of him or know more about him?
think i saw him on a postcard once back in airport but even then am not a book enthusiast, find that i already got knowledge and if i explore more of a same under those circumstances that i "was" under i'll get drown in my irony and one of reasons i also ignore drag races.
what all these sect/occult have in common is a spiritual fight against society, they do what Gov says and some wonder why i was like that to follow everyone else? they're the master of being a broken record.