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Australian centric "Pro drug law reform" thread - how to do your bit

I have been meaning to draft a letter which others can fill in the blanks and email/post to the relevant parties.

Is there anyone on here who could proof/edit the letter? Preferably someone who works in a associated field.

Yes, and I study in an associated field ;D

That'd be heaps helpful.
Happy to help with the letter in some way. Will be short on time ITNF due to exams. Don't study in an english related field, but can still lend a hand here. Am happy to do some research (and have the resources available to). Not offering to personally organize anything due to time, but please pm me OPP/anyone if you think I can be of assistance.

Have fun
As for the topic of the thread; I think that people with views along the lines of Bluelight users need to get themselves into positions where they can influence change. Politicians, law enforcement, health professionals, bureaucrats, etc. That's what I'm planning on doing anyway. :)

Me three. :D I'm actually starting to get tired of arguing this point with people who believe that they can influence the majority from the outside: cliché dress, an obsession with not working - basically trying the failed 60's approach all over again, man.

So happy to read comments like this :D

For anyone interested, the Law Enforcement Against Prohibiton website is now up and running. More will be added in the coming months, check it out :)

Thanks Divine Moments - I've been keeping an eye on the site and was actually starting to become disheartened by the lack of development. :D
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@Mods. Any chance of a sticky? I do I have to work on it a bit more =P
I don't think that "members of the organisation" have anything to do with it. Getup have a great track record for being AGAINST anything remotely to do with drugs. A spokesperson for them were adamantly against the campaign for our Garden Freedom because of drugs, when the whole garden freedom thing really has nothing to do with stopping the creation of drugs, it's just complete idiocy from people with no idea.

I don't have an exact quote on hand and I couldn't be bothered looking for one because I'm drunk, but in my opinion the GetUp organisation is a piece of shit and if you think they will "tarnish their good name" with anything related to drugs, think again.

Research their response to the garden freedom thing before you think about supporting, donating, or even thinking about this "activist" group.
Since the whole take the internet filter opponents money and spend it on other campaigns bullshit I don't trust getup anymore. Useless twats imo.
they take money from whoever donates to them.
i'm no getup advocate, necessarily, but they do have a track record for doing good work.
if your political drive is motivated by a single-issue, i daresay you shouldn't really expect someone else to fight it for you.
getup comprises a wide range of stances, and unfortunately politics is a complicated game.

i'm not saying they're perfect, and i'm not saying i agree with every decision they make, but they're a hell of a lot better than the vast majority of lobby groups in this godforsaken backwards land (ie mining groups, religious groups, "family" groups, the big pharma and alcohol lobby and any number of other regressive BS organisations that push our legislators to do all kinds of heinous shit).

groups like getup that openly and vocally question the status quo need our support, lest we get entirely drowned in the rupert murdoch / alan jones hate-anyone-different voices that permeate the media.

ending drug prohibition will never happen in australia without a broader shift in social consciousness.

enough of my ranting - to get back to the topic a bit more, please remember that election time is one of the few opportunities we have to affect real change in our legislature. letter writing and campaigning is to be commended, but we need some decent folk representing us in the first place.

if this issue means a lot to you (as i'm sure it does to many, if not most of us) don't just vote for who your parents vote for.
don't vote for who the stupid old farts on talkback radio or commercial telly want you to vote for.
don't just vote for who your mates vote for - find out who has the most intelligent, liberal drugs policy and vote for them.

i'll give you a hint - one of the 4 established political parties has a rational, mature stance on drugs, focusing on harm minimisation.

we need to all be aware that this drug law reform campaign has to be about the big picture.

i'm tired of hearing people get disillusioned about the political process because their unrealistic expectations weren't instantly met.
we need cultural change, first and foremost. until we can break down the old myths, stereotypes and prejudices, "illegal drugs" will always be a prickly issue smarmy career politicians will stay well clear of (unless they're demonising them and the people who use them, of course). the more socially minded, community aware people speaking for us in parliament - and the less big-business-greedwhore fatcats - the better.

^ Top post. I agree with pretty much all of that.

Getup isnt perfect, but the way they actually go about their business is to be commended as they do actually get some results.
Fair enough they havent always done the right thing, but its yet another medium to get the message across. Getup needs to know that drug law reform is a worth while issue so despite your hang ups, just vote..?

No point bitching here, they're not going to read it. They might count your votes though 8)

Thanks for the link Seth_Heinmann
find out who has the most intelligent, liberal drugs policy and vote for them.

i'll give you a hint - one of the 4 established political parties has a rational, mature stance on drugs, focusing on harm minimisation.

Yeah... imo there are more important things to base voting on than purely drug policy. Sure I want it to change but I care about other things too
Vote below the line. Write some letters so MP's know why people actually do/dont vote for them.

The parties with the best drug policy also support alot of another good views, and its moreso about giving these parties a voice. They're never going to be running our country, but if we get enough of these people in the senate/house of reps then if and when a bill for drug law reform comes before the parliament - it may actually get enough votes to pass.
Yeah... imo there are more important things to base voting on than purely drug policy. Sure I want it to change but I care about other things too
well, yeah that is what i was trying to say in regard to getup as well.
but if you're really serious about ending prohibition of drugs, a vote for lib/lab major parties is a vote wasted. mature drug law reform is not on their agenda - they're more about the status quo.
obviously there are other very important issues, it goes without saying.
Thanks L3inad,

Irrespective of how one may feel about some of Getup's campaigns (I, as well as many of the others here, don't support everything Getup does), surely supporting the drug reform cause won't hurt. It doesn't cost any money and they certainly are able, on occassions, to influence government. With enough votes Getup might, I suppose, try to get an advertising campaign going. That would really raise awareness of need for drug reform to the public.

BTW, there is also a global campaign to get people thinking about drug law reform. I guess most of you already know of it, but for those who don't, try http://www.viennadeclaration.com/
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NZ Parliamentarian supports cannabis decriminalisation

Leader of the NZ politial party Act, Don Brash is calling for decriminalisation of cannabis in NZ.

Read the article here at http://tvnz.co.nz/politics-news/brash-wants-cannabis-legalised-4418572

While it is a good start, particularly as it raises the whole issue in public, I somehow doubt it will erase the organised criminal elements involved in the production and distribution of the stuff.
Also added a sample letter to Members for parliament to post #1

See here -

Dear [relevant MP title]
Many public figures in politics as well as law enforcement are starting to express their concern regarding the current drug prohibition laws. Former NSW Police Commissioner Ryan, while charged with cleaning up corruption in the police force was quick to realise the major cause of the problem, that being drug prohibition.

Prohibition has meant that criminals control the distribution of illegal drugs, making enormous tax free profits but having little regard to the quality or purity of the drugs. It is the profit in illegal drugs that drives the crime rate.

Mr Ryan's responsibility is only for the police force but he cannot help but see the tragedy and the misery that flows from our present prohibition drug laws.

Currently Australia has one of the highest recreational drug use rates (per capita) in the world, the amount of money our citizens are spending on their weekend fun is astonishing and it all ends up funding organised crime.

If nearly 100 years of prohibition has taught us anything, it is that the public will continue to use despite the law. Recreational drugs are as popular as they have ever been, and completely unregulated. This often leads to adulterated products that could be potentially dangerous to users. This needs to change.

Drug law reform, being either or a combination of decriminalisation/legalisation could see the money currently ending up in the hands of criminals being diverted to government in the form of taxation (similar to controls on alcohol and tobacco). This represents a massive amount of revenue which could be spent providing better health care and support for drug users. Also a ‘harm minimisation’ policy must be adopted in order to educate users on the choices they make and ways to enjoy themselves in a safe and responsible manner.

I hope this gets heard and steps are made to rectify this grave injustice.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name here]
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