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Aus - Our Lethal Love Affair with Alcohol


Jul 21, 2005
Our Lethal Love Affair with Alcohol

Alexander Muir jumped off the Story Bridge not long after his 21st Birthday. His shirt, thongs, wallet and phone were found on the footpath. His body was recovered from the Brisbane River below. The Coroner’s report found that he’d drowned, with a blood alcohol level of 0.238.

Alexander’s Story

Alexander’s friends and family are convinced he didn’t commit suicide, despite the Story Bridge being a notorious suicide spot.

The Bridge (pictured) is fully fenced nowadays, with phones available which directly connect desperate people to Lifeline.

Alexander’s friends and family describe him as a thoughtful young man: sweet, funny, an amazing listener. But when he drank, his personality would change – he’d become bolder, braver, sillier, funnier, more maverick.

Alexander’s sister, Elspeth, spent the months after her brother’s death searching for answers, eventually writing a book. While digging through the debris, she realised her brother had developed a pattern of risky behaviour associated with drinking, which had not been addressed in the lead up to the fateful night.

Alexander had been drinking with friends on that night. A mate offered him a lift home at about 9.30pm, but the young man wanted to stay out longer. He went to a different pub, met some other friends, and by 1am, they too wanted to put Alexander in a cab home. He chose neither of those options – perhaps too drunk to be capable of making a sensible choice.

Binge Drinking

Sadly, Alexander’s story is not uncommon.

In Australia, one person aged between 16 and 25 dies every week due to an alcohol-related incident, and 60 are hospitalised

These incidents often result from behaviour we ‘normalise’ – after all, larrikinism or larking around at the pub is one of Australia’s favourite pastimes. While drunk, we often engage in conduct which might otherwise be socially unacceptable – all in good fun.

But our tendency to binge drink comes with risks over and above the health consequences, including accidents, brawls and king hits, as well as risky decisions like accompanying strangers, having unprotected and being alone in secluded areas.

According to the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), more than one-third of Australians drink in a way that is hazardous to their health.

In 2010, the Australian Institute of Criminology estimated the cost of alcohol-related problems at $14.352 billion per year, comprising:

$2.958b (or 20.6%) in costs to the criminal justice system

$1.686b (or 11.7%) to the health system

$6.046b (or 42.1%) in lost productivity, and

$3.662b (or 25.5%) associated with traffic accidents.
And as the AIC points out, this data does not take into account the impact on others, including family and friends.

Mental health

Earlier this year, the Australian Medical Association renewed warnings about the dangers of alcohol, particularly with regard to mental health.

The Association calls our nation’s relationship with alcohol “extremely unhealthy”, saying the drug causes more harm than all other drugs combined. It points out the strong link between alcohol and depression, explaining that while alcohol is a depressant, it also stimulates and affects brain chemistry by alternating levels of neurotransmitters – the chemical messengers which control our thought processes, emotions and behaviours.

Like other addictive drugs, alcohol increases the release of dopamine in a person’s brain creating a feeling of euphoria, which at the same time reacting with other brain chemicals which are linked with depression.

20-25% of Australians suffers from depression at some stage in their lives, creating feelings of hopelessness and despair and, in extreme cases, leading to suicide.


Teenagers are especially vulnerable to alcohol addiction and associated depression, with their developing brain, lack of maturity and social pressures heightening the risk of risky conduct and self-harm.

In a thought-provoking article called “Hello, my name is Australia and I am an alcoholic”, 19-year-old student Joshua Blake expresses the view that while the Government spends millions of dollars on initiatives to combat smoking, it has a double-standard when it comes to alcohol, which is a cultural staple, and yet more dangerous in so many ways.

He believes our society uses drinking as a ‘rite of passage’ and that binge drinking is an accepted and expected weekend pastime – to the point where if you’re not doing it, you’re considered boring and out-of-place.

Blake is not alone, many Australians believe teenage alcohol addiction is an entrenched cultural problem- for boys and girls – and that many more tragedies like Alexander’s will occur if we don’t make changes.

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My name is Australia and I'm an alcoholic


Earlier this year, the federal government introduced a series of measures in an attempt to further discourage tobacco smoking — raising taxes and a move to plain packaging. Although almost certainly a positive step towards improving the overall health of the country, it highlights a double standard inherent in Australian society.

As governments try to stamp out smoking, the most dangerous drug prevalent in Australian culture, alcohol, is considered a staple of our national identity. Research released this week shows that alcohol abuse is costing Australians $36 billion a year.

I'm up against a social expectation that assumes I regularly partake in binge-drinking events.

We have created a culture where young people who do not get drunk and party hard on a regular basis are considered abnormal. How do I know this? I'm a 19-year-old who regularly sees my peers getting drunk and viewing it as some sort of rite of passage. I see others my age who consider getting drunk the only means of having fun. I'm up against a social expectation that assumes I regularly partake in binge-drinking events.
Society has largely turned a blind eye to the huge increase in underage drinking, particularly among younger teenagers (16 and under), despite government campaigns to warn of the dangers such as alcohol-fuelled violence and damage to mental development.

While it's true that there have been numerous campaigns targeting drink driving and underage drinking, these have ultimately proved ineffective in changing the way we drink (this is more true for the latter, some progress has been made with the former).
Those of us not keen on this excessive drinking culture are constantly being pressured to drink, and we are labelled boring or immature when we don't partake. Having only started drinking in the past two years, there was a long period where people my age would comment "oh how you're growing up", implying that drinking somehow makes me more mature. And even now that I do drink I am considered strange for doing so in relative moderation, having only been drunk on a small number of occasions.
Many are surprised that I drink not to get drunk, but because I actually enjoy the taste of certain drinks. I'm considered abnormal for not wanting to go out to excessively loud venues, spend hundreds of dollars in one evening, and not even remember the events that took place.

It would be unfair to suggest everyone my age drinks to excess, but at the same time more young people are unaware of the extent to which they drink and the damage it causes.
But I'm not revealing anything new here. What is surprising is the extent to which adults behave in a similar manner. Parents who happily buy alcohol for their children or condone its use. Adults who accept that children drink and that is it simply a part of growing up.
Because we accept drinking as an integral part of our national identity and culture, society has normalised and continues to legitimise binge drinking. Of course, it's unreasonable to suggest prohibition or similar policy as a solution, nor would it realistically solve the problem.

However, significant improvements can be made if Australia changes its drinking culture. A huge chunk of that $36 billion could be saved in health costs as well as out-of-pocket expenses. To make this change, Australians needs to drop this sense that heavy drinking is a part of our identity. Admittedly Australia is not the only country with heavy drinking inherent in its national identity, but by that count, we are not the only country with a problem and one evil does not beget another.
Fixing the problem is not easy. The first step, however, is to admit there is a problem.
Joshua Blake is a Bachelor of Arts student at the University of Queensland.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/it-pro/my-...-im-an-alcoholic-20100826-13tqi#ixzz4BamH42aB