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Attempted Asimov, Achieved Only Ass


Bluelight Crew
Mar 19, 2001
The refrigerator stands stoically, humming away and fulfilling its purpose, as it has for years, seemingly bereft of intellect or curiosity. But if it could wonder, it might wonder why so many have so often looked within, to then stand staring at the perishable goods it so carefully tended, only to walk away, taking nothing, and leaving its door to slowly swing closed. "Inefficient use of my powers!" it might shout, as its compressor fires up again and again, hemming and hawing at the additional work. Such a racket it makes. Such a fuss.

But never a hint of sadness
As one must imagine
Fridges fuss happily

It's like something wrong with me, I hear something wrong, or autosubstitute homophones for the actual words, then can't get it out of my head until I make a pun out of it.

I've decided to try writing some nanofiction to justify some truly horrific puns, in the hope that this affliction clears up. It's a long way to go for such a nothing payoff.

Thank you for your appreciation!
This is exactly why I felt sad for my fridge for some time.

To cheer it up in the end I told a ghost that his head was inside the fridge, and when I closed the door when I had done that, I told him as I swinged the door shut, that when the door closed, the fridge's light would be both on and off at the same time.

Of course it's not a true story it's bollocks.
I actually did get kind of Asimov vibes off this. Been reading Foundation recently to take my mind off the world going to shit.