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Atropa Belladonna-First Time-"Sandal Graves"-Not My Report, Posted By Anonymous 420chan User


Jul 2, 2021
I will begin by saying this report is a very lengthy one, and I have never read a report that chilled my very soul as this one did. I want to mention that this report was originally found on 420Chan but the only existing source i can dig up is a Tumblr post on it. I wanted to repost this amazing report here as to preserve it since it is hard to find as of now.

"It all started around mid-June of 2000 me and my buddies, Alton, and Elmo, and Brandon were preparing for quite some time to eat some poisonous plant to get a trip. Now of course we didn’t expect it to be fun, in fact we pretty much expected to suffer long drawn-out deaths, but we just had to try it, for the sake of getting it under our belts, for the glory, and though we didn’t know it yet; FOR THE LULZ.

So we found our belladonna patch, in full bloom, berries and flowers looking all pretty and such, we decided not to take an ‘experimental’ amount, we instead had a contest to see who could eat the most. The berries were bitter and burned like a motherfuck, the flowers tasted more like… well, flowers. We had eaten all we could find (there were only three or four plants in all).

We each said a prayer, to quote Alton “If God didn’t want us to do this he wouldn’t have made us so stupid”. We headead back to the house, and we all agreed we were pretty buzzed, I can describe the come-one from such a high amount of poison to be a bit like Benedryl, a real spacey and dreamy feeling. By the time we got to the house we were all nauseous, and the trip began then.

1:35pm: Brandon (who had never even smoked pot, probably never taken an Asprin) Began to freak out and started dry-heaving over the toilet, shoving his fingers down his throat in a desperate attempt to throw up, he tried for what must have been half an hour with no luck, all of us were nauseous, a horrible nausea, a Jean-Paul Sartre, kind of nausea, but we couldn’t throw up. Brandon gave up his futile attempts to puke, saying, “I guess I just have to ride this torpedo straight to hell”. At this point I shuold mention that I’m writing this right now as I recall it, not saving it to notepad and proofreading it. This is the first time I’ve ever spoken about this time.

3:00pm: Still as intensly sick as we were and hour and a half ago, only now the hallucinations are starting to form, none of the other boys can walk, but I’m in the front yard pacing back and forth, chain smoking. The house didn’t have electricity, running water, gas, or anything. it was a house mind you, a two-story one at that, but it was abandoned, a perfect place to die. I could hear my friends inside, screaming, cursing, talking, dry heaving, crying and making bargains with God. I was on my second pack of cigs when I noticed I was covered in cobwebs, thick furry strands of rope kind of cobwebs, and I couldn’t shake them off, they were old webs, the spider was surely long gone. I suspect these webs were my cigarette smoke, but I couldn’t tell from the state I was in.

6:00pm: I smoked my fourth pack of cigs, the butts were covering the ground, it was getting dark (it was wintertime, I was (hallucinating I was) in maryland) I decided to head back in, I remember having several lucid daydream-type moments, including one were my grandma, the previous owner of the house, told me I was going to die. I didn’t care, I couldn’t walk anymore, I crawled back in the house, Alton was in a fetal posistion screaming incoherently, Brandon was in the bathroom again, also screaming, Elmo was biting his knuckles and they were bleeding. There were a dozen or so other people in the house, sitting, playing laughing at the four idiots who had poisoned themselves, some of these people were made of shadow, some of these people were friends and family, some were long dead. They were all pointing and laughing and carrying on, like our slow deaths were some goddamn circus act. I fell down, according to Brandon, I was convulsing and laughing at the same time, but at that point nothing anyone saw could be confirmed as real.

4:00AM (THE SECOND DAY): I woke up thinking I had taken a short nap, from what I gathered it hard been a full day since I had eaten the nightshade. I was sure I was dead, I was moving through the house, but I wasn’t sure if was actually up or not, I was in the kitchen, I was bleeding from my nose (and possibly my eyes, ears, and mouth), my skin was as pale as death, I was pretty sure I was no longer of the earth. I heard Brandon, he was behind me, just as pale, bloody around the nose, he asked me if I was dead too, I said “I don’t know”. Suddenly, I had a lucid moment, I was consious, the effects of the nightshade had instentaneously worn off, I was aware that I had eaten them and that I wasn’t dreaming! I was alive! I shambled into the basement to look at the mirror, walking was trouble, I was sick, I was weak. In the mirror I saw myself, I was disgusting (moreso than usual) I was not pale but a sickly yellow, I had pissed my pants (at first thinking it was blood) I was bleeding from not only my nose but my gums too, in fact, my gums had receded horribly showing the roots of my teeth, covered in blood, red.

12:00pm: I was staring the clock, I don’t know what happened after looking in the mirror, I was dead again. Large shapeless brown animals manifested themselves thoughout the house, Alton and Elmo were on the floor, twitching, still alive. Brandon was gone, I began searching the house for him, drifting through it. He was nowhere, he was gone. I lied down on the mattress on the floor and went to sleep, and dreamed insane dreams, dreams I could only compare to Salvia experiences, I didn’t know where I was, or if I was.

9:00pm: Alton wakes me up, I’m lucid again, it’s him, it’s definitley Alton. I ask him, “Are you just a figment?” he replies: “You wish, I’m alive, you’re alive, Elmo’s alive, we survived”. I knew it wasn’t over. “What about Brandon?"I say, remember him asking me if I was dead. "We’re going to go look for him, we checked the yard, we have flashlights”. I remember these conversations perfectly, because no one else talked but the people that were actually there. I weak from hunger, and my mouth was insanely dry, like sandpaper, I told this to Alton, he gave me a gallon jug of water and asked me if I had pissed in the last two days. I felt my wet pants and said “Unless that’s blood, yeah”. They said they had already looked for Brandon, and saw him a few times, but it wasn’t him, they heard him too, but they couldn’t be sure that’s what they were hearing. I was still pretty much insane, we all were, but we felt we could function.

10:00pm: We had drank the entire gallon of water, but we were still thristy. I also had a Red Bull, another cigarette, and a banana (all of which I kept down, amazingly) we were back in the woods, looking for Brandon, we’d hear him scream, say hi, hear him walking, but when we looked we couldn’t see anything, we had feared the worst. The worst was yet to come.

12:00 the dead of midnight, the THIRD FUCKING day of our trip, and yes, we were still very much tripping balls, we were probably plateuing as we walked through the woods. We had been there for two hours, walking everywhere, being sliced apart by bryers, hearing things, seeing things, drifting off and coming back. Reflecting on this experience I was probably not having ‘lucid moments’ but simply thinking my hallucinations were really happening. All that has been confirmed in this part of the trip is that: Alton and Elmo were with me, Brandon wasn’t, and we were in the woods, the dark backwoods of Louisiana looking for him, because there’s no where else he could have gone, the flashlight was long gone. In fact it had never been, neither Alton nor Elmo had packed a flashlight, the water was real, we had two gallon jugs with us and seven more in the truck (which was back at the house, although we would occasionaly see it parked in a clearing in the woods, and when we tried to get into it we would find ourselves sitting on the ground)

1:30AM. I had a watch on, I knew the time. I checked it constantly, it was a real solid watch that kept perfect time, I would write the time down on my arm, though I didn’t have a pen. Alton and I sat down, in the dark woods, tired as shit, sick as chemo patients, drinking our water. Every once in a while I would ask him if I was in fact drinking the water, he would confirm it, then I would ask the question again, and he would have me repeat it. The conversation we had then and their and I can recall perfectly, I remember every word, as does Alton, the only way I can be sure anything happened and wasn’t a hallucination is if someone else remembers it too. This is what transpired:

ALTON: You think Brandon’s dead?

ME: Maybe we’re dead, and we can’t find Brandon because he’s alive.

ALTON: You’re a dick.

ME: Was Elmo with us?

ALTON: No. You and me.

ME: Blair Witch project?

ALTON: Essentially

ME: But on drugs.

ALTON: No drugs; poisoned.

ME: Maybe, Alton, I’m not really here, I’m with Brandon and Elmo, dead, back at home, and you’re just here, sitting in the woods, alone, waiting to die yourself.

ALTON: Now who’s being a dick?

ME: I’m just afraid… I’m afraid it’s me, sitting in the woods talking to myself. About to die as well.

ALTON: This is somehow the most deep and meaningful discussion we’ve had on this shit. We’ll never remember it, it’s probably not even happening.

At this point in time we just both stopped talking, stood up and continued walking, in the dark, through the woods. Delirious, disassociated, and dying.

2:23AM I drifted off, maybe I passed out, whatever, it’s hard to tell. but here’s the important (to me) part of the story. In the backwoods of my property, in the middle of Redneck-Incest-Buttfuck-Nowhere, Lousisiana, in our woods, our private hunting grounds, four children are buried, they all died of flu at very young ages, headstones mark the spot they’re buried. I found myself standing at that spot, in front of the headstones, only the light from my digital watch to tell me this. I read the engraveings on the stones, and understood, these kids didn’t die from the flu, they ate the same plant I did, for the same nihilistic reason. Their mothers thought they were delirious from fever. They all died within days of eachother. Alton was gone, lost, in the woods, yet probably still talking to me. I was standing on the graves of dead children, I shuddered.

My Grandad called these the 'Sandal Graves’. I don’t know why.

3:00AM Finally got my skinny ass out of the woods, I was still sick and delirious, My insanity kept coming and going. I kept thinking/seeing alton/brandon/elmo right next to me, I’d be talking to them, and then they’d be gone. I should add now that it was a full moon, which in the country illuminates everything. I had made it back home, I walked in the house and looked for the others, there was no one there, three drugged up weirdos were wandering in the backwoods of Louisiana under the full moon.

5:30AM I waited as long as I could stand for them to come back, I was on the come-down from the plant I had eaten, every moment I could feel more down to earth. I was still crazy, about once every half hour I would think I had to get ready for school, and would rush around the house looking for clothes, but this would pass, and I’d sit back down and keep waiting for my tripping buddies to come walking out of the woods. It never happened, so I looked in the truck, they had packed Potted Meat, I had not eaten in three days, so even this was appealing to me. I popped open the can and ate the horrible shit, and for the first time since eating the poisonous plants, I threw up.

6:00AM The sun was coming and and it the FUCK out of my eyes (my pupils were about the size of dimes), I was walking down to the road to Jackson, bleeding from two dozen or so cuts all over my body, I wasn’t a sickly yellow anymore, I was white, with black rings around my eyes. I could only imagine what people must have though as they passed me on the road. Someone in a red pick-up truck pulled up beside me and told me he was going to call the paramedics, I asked him “Why, what’s wrong?” he told me I was bleeding, I replied “No shit, call the paramedics if I’m dead, right now this is none of your goddamn buisness”. He drove off, and I never even heard any sirens.

6:45 Made it to the little conveinence store I like to shop at, I bought a thing of sunflower seeds and a Mountain Dew, and managed to have a coherent conversation with the cashier, I tried asking her out but I think she was a bit put off by the fact that I was half-naked and covered in blood.

6:49 This is the most positive part of this trip. The part where I realized I had survived a lethal dose of poison, and the effects where quickly leaving me, I felt like nothing that happened to me ever in my life could even scare me or hurt me, because I had survived this. To this day I still have that feeling, and that’s why I will never regret this experience. If I hadn’t been weak and dying I probably would have skipped back to my house, but I need to find Alton, Brandon and Elmo, because it would be a pretty shitty trip if I was the only one to survive.

12:00 alright, here’s my favorite part of the trip, I was finally coming down off the poison, and everything was positive, I was having tripped out thoughts that were nothing but ego-boosting and fun and generally uplifting, I was the ubermensch, I could survive any war, any disease any fight and anything nature, God, and the universe could throw at me, I had Satan’s fire and Christ’s light guiding me. I was at home cleaning out my cuts and bandaging them getting ready to drag my three friend’s bloody corpses out from the woods, I had eaten some rice dank about a liter of water and for some reason had a perfect understanding of the the metric system. I wish I had taken a picture of myself then and there, because I was the scariest thing you could have ever seen, I had jet-black eyes and alabaster skin. I lied down on the bed to rest my aching muscles. I looked over at my computer a Pentium with a T1 line, and it was an armadillo, and it said to me in James Dean’s voice:

“Kid, you’re like, the perfect nihilist. You hold no value on your life, or anyone else’s. You’re dying and you don’t give a shit, that’s wild man. You poisoned yourself just to see if you would survive and you did.”

I stated that my friends were pretty nihilistic as well, as they did the same thing, and the armadillo said

“All they wanted to do was get high, to brag about it, you don’t care about bragging, you just went ahead and did it just to do it, you have my respect kid”

1:30PM I had dosed off that was obviously a dream, I woke up to hear yelling and screaming and the roar of a diesel engine, I ran outside and there were my friends, Alton, Elmo, and Brandon, and they all looked like hell. They were all bleeding from one part of their body or the other, they had the same dark circles under their eyes as I did and were just as pale. but all three of them were alive and as far as I could tell, not a hallucination, I invited them in.

2:00, we sat around in my living room, all of us had a bizarre 'Brain Fog’ that made us feel completely dream like and unreal. Alton told me that Brandon had gone outside after talking to me (believing himself to be dead) he was under the porch when Alton and I had gone to look for him, as we were having our existential discussion in the woods Elmo and Brandon had begun looking for us when they met up with Alton (I was probably at the grave site at this point) I had gone back to the house while they continued to search the woods for me. It was only luck that they had decided to check my house."
loveee this report, found out it was all a fake story written by the original 420chan user (i saw their post a bit before the site shut down for good). it makes sense , theres a few errors with continuity but i remember reading OP on 420chan saying they wrote this entirely free from any actual experiences and used many early 2000s datura and belladonna reports to write it. damn. also when i posted this to a discord server, a friend told me itd be impossible to survive this as even 10 belladonna berries will kill you, and they wrote about eating a bunch of them.