Astrological roll call

WOo0o0o Ho0o0o0! ! !!!
i won something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*jumps up and down*
(excuse my childish delight)
I fit the description of a pisces with my moon in aquarius perfectly...but I dont believe in any of that predicting the future/horoscope poo in all those magazines and stuff.....
HEY IT"S CHAOS, You right
AQUARIUS are the most chill people around.
ANd when it comes to water they rip!!!!
Some of the best surfers,wakeboarders, fishermen I know (Including myself) are all Aquarius!
I believe that stuff if the person making the 'reading' knows their stuff.
I've heard wacky bullshit, especially from magazines, etc. But once, about 10+ years ago I went to a 'reading' that I recorded on tape. At the time I said "yeah right, what a loada' shit". (I had other plans in mind for my 'future'. Anyway I forgot all about it and went on w/ my life...
A few months ago I found the tape and played it. Holy Shit!!! everything happened excactly how that lady 'predicted'.
Maybe there is something to all that stuff after all?
Leo here. I'm not all in tune with the astrological stylo. but if someone could inform me, i would b grateful. i know that the last girl i was with was a sagitarius.
I do recall when i was younger (grade school) i always wanted attention, so i made people laugh and disrupted the teacher...yay for me!
Scorpio here...and everything that has ever been written about Scorpions, fits me to a T!! I am very emotional and when I fight, I fight to matter what the cost is!
However, I am very passionate!
Now, what is my prize?!?
YES, PRIZE! Not only am I a Scorpio, but I'm a *GREEDY* Scorpio. I want my prize and I want it NOW! And it had better be good after all this wait....
Oooh, I hope it's money and drugs
Like the name implies, I'm a gemini brotha through and through
I haven't the foggiest idea about what that means, I just like to say gemini, it sounds cool...*gemini*..

...and the cereal survey was not lame, I just wanted to send everyone their fav cereal in the mail

~~*P L U R*~~
Add another Aries to the list. There's not many of us is there? But at least we're always right

"Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda :)