• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Asking professors for career direction

jazz hands

Nov 26, 2011
I'm really tired of working bullshit jobs and am trying to get into my field of study (business administration). I'm not from the area and don't really know much about the local businesses, nor do I have many references to put onto my resume. I can tell that my professors from certain classes are very experienced with local businesses and since I'm taking some of the classes for my Bachelor's at the local community college (in fact I have just received my Associate's by going this route), they know me much better than the average professor knows their students in large classes. What is reasonable to ask of these professors? The professors I have in mind are from last semester for the record, so it's not like I'm asking professors who are in the process of teaching me.
Most profs I've ever had were quite approachable. I would either drop by during their office hours or email them telling them you're a former student and would like to set an appointment to talk to them about careers in the field.