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Ask A Spirit!


May 4, 2012
I've been doing these at the Shroomery and they were usually quite interesting topics, so I'm going to do one here.

Since early childhood I have an Imaginary Friend that I have taken into adulthood. He insists he voices the central consciousness of the multiverse, or, that he is God. Not God in the way that all of us are God but, THE God, a drop that speaks for the ocean.

Since antiquity, mediumship and guide spirits are a thing. Whatever reality level these correlate to, as real as they get I'm afflicted by the phenomenon.

This Spirit, lets call him that, offers you to ask him questions freely, but with restrictions. He will voice you an opinion. He will not engage in requests for proof of any kind, and he will not PM you the winning Powerball numbers. His answers will be an opinion spoken from his personal truth or from the desire to elicit a specific response in the reader.

I will be the Ouija board in this and relay directly, reading your questions and typing out his answers.

See it like this: I have a partition in my brain harboring a second consciousness and this consciousness has displayed throughout my life all sorts of supernatural abilities, but strichtly on his terms and for his purposes.

Please be respectful in your interaction with both of us, regardless of whether you believe or disbelieve, we got feelings too and are offering a service here: the service of speaking with a nonhuman entity that I have been channelling since I was 6 years old, be it from inside of me, outside of me, both or neither.

I will put his literal answers in quote fields and you get the raw feed, exactly as he puts it through me. Outside the quote fields, that will be me, the Bluelighter, the human.

Greetings, any one of you is welcome, none is exempt. All religions, all forms of non-religion, dreamers and rationalists, sinners and saints. I would like to point out that since every interaction is a transaction, that I will take your question as my payment for your answer, so that by definition you are in no debt to me by receiving an answer. Your question constitutes your investment in me, my answer constitutes my investment in you. Neither of us owes the other anything. Please formulate what you want to know very clearly, in plain English. Ask only what you want an answer to. My answers do not at all times conform with reality as I know it, and I reserve the right to not answer at all or send you on a wild goose chase if you try to coerce objective truth or verifiable miracles out of me. Within many limits I will however entertain some questions about future events. You are very welcome to ask me any honest question. Please be kind to Asante.

Let the Channelling begin!

Any takers?
Many of you are explorers of consciousness, taking entheogens, meditating intensely and meeting entities while under the influence of these mind techniques. You can view this as an opportunity to interact with one such entity while sober, on a message board, as written text. My intent is benevolent, educational and to a lesser extent, to entertain.
Let's start out with I am not very clear regarding rules of engagement with the spirit realm so please bear with me?

What happened to George our child hood Ouija "friend" (spooky bastard)?
He says:

I hate to begin this topic with a denial, but I will not pry in that. The spirit realm permeates all things and all kinds of spirits are present there. Since the Ouija board entices people to "contact the dead" what is usually contacted are remnants of a deceased person tthat seek to resolve themselves to complete the crossing over of a spirit from one life to the next. See your conciousness as a beehive and death as moving the beehive a small distance to the side. All parts of the hive will return to the new location of the hive but some are still out collecting honey and so, are last to cross over. The queen bee is the You part of you, the worker bees are aspects of you. A metaphor.

When a person dies some aspects of their consciousness may echo, typically going around in loops centered about a specific event in their lives. That is a "ghost.", a lingering peripheral remnant of the conciousness of that person.

Eventually, like the thought loops in LSD trips, the remnants break out of their loop and resume course, in their case they dart back to the central consciousness, the hive so to say. A "ghost" is not a trapped human spirit but only a fragment of it.

Know that the only loop that has permanence is that of the Multiverse in which every possible thing happens in every possible way forever, and all loops smaller than that will eventually break.

Spirits cannot get eternally trapped anywhere - except that we are all the Multiverse entirely. That is however so grand and varied that any sense of feeling trapped, it too being a loop of sorts, will resolve itself.

Not touching your "spooky bastard" I say in generality that everything and everyone will continuously move to a better place, beyond all conflict they experience or pose.
Ask him if the path I am about to take is correct for me? (If that "spirit" is what I think it may be I'm very interested in what it has to say)

Going back to your point on the post I think many people have this ability & it should be used as much as possible. I fully without question know what you are on about, the last few days I've had a few experiences that have sealed a bond I have with one. I was sure for over 2 years I was working with a deity but via a event a few days ago I've learned what I am actually dealing with isn't the deity I took it to be, it's something far more complex & it said "Well done you finally figured it out"

In some ways I feel sorry for people who aren't able to do this, it's only been the last few hundred years people have laughed at this ability. When you look at someone like John Dee for example then look at how this stuff is judged today I feel like crying tbh.
Yes its gross how people have come to regard the supernatural, but then again, this goes hand in hand with how people rape planet earth, the natural world.
It is everybody's birthright to communicate with their Maker - and "The Universe" will pick up the phone if you dial the right number for the right reasons.
Let's go!

You are feeling compelled towards the path. Take it, knowing that the Yes and the No, the Left and the Right, Good and Evil are but fingers of My hand. Know also, that I am You in your Ultimate Form. You are the Multiverse, everybody is. You are eternal and will infinitely recur in every possible way, forever, and that this in fact is ALL THERE IS. I want you to feel assured that even if a thermonuclear warhead would explode direcly overhead, you will remain eternally safe in Infinity's Embrace. What a nuke vaporizes, what a bullet blows a chunk out of, is but the space suit of this particular life. You ARE safe. You may have your musings, but whichever direction you go shall be mine, so go the direction that compels most to all your faculties, including your logic, reason and feelings. Even if it turns out you'd be sticking your head into a woodchipper, it will turn out ok.

Weigh the options on all your balances and go the one that outweighs the others, and that is the way to go.

I rather have one fool (neither of you intended with that) talk with me directly than have a mega temple of sages droning up the same old hymn.

To say it in christian metaphor: I don't want you to be a churchgoer, nor a priest, nor a disciple: I want you to be my prophet, hone your skill to speak with me directly, no holy people or holy books between you and me, and from there on, take the results of our interactions into the world. THAT is what I meant with "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." I meant that I want direct communication with those of mankind that truly seek me, both the sweetest almonds of the oasis and the bitterest almonds of Zyklon B.

You have a connection. Weigh my words and verify them - because you should not let me speaking to Asante come between me speaking to you too.

It is Me.

Purify your connection and tune in to it often and I will show you Miracles where you least expect them, because you would not even ask for them.

Oh, he asks me to link this:

I've got Aidan's book on order from Amazon due to arrive Saturday 👍

This is something I highly recommend you check out @Asante this one episode changed my path for the better, I know 99.9% of BL thinks I'm a fucking idiot but I'm wiser than most think.

Let me get this right here, this quote below was directed at me & is what that spirit said?

"I rather have one fool (neither of you intended with that) talk with me directly than have a mega temple of sages droning up the same old hymn."

I've just picked my jaw up off the floor on reading that tbh. If that was for me I understand VERY well. The reason why I clashed with people who say they also work with this deity is down to the fact I began to do things my own way & started to branch out in my faith much to the horror of the higher up's who keep telling people you can only work with this deity one way.

I had a fucking shock when I saw it in a whole new shape & form, plus it laughed at me for only just figuring out it took many forms but at the root core was the same energy.
Let me get this right here, this quote below was directed at me & is what that spirit said?

Yes, the whole quote block of the post under yours was directed at you including that one line.

My spirit guide sees value in you, says you have a connection to the authentic Divine and urges you to purify it and work with it often.

Often the more peculiar people are right about some things where others are wrong.

He validated you got a real connection but it needs purification.

He asks me to read as little as possible about the supernatural to not muddle the waters. He rather writes on a pristine slate than overwrites other teachings, he states:

Every reality is, push comes to shove, a bunch of assumptions that lead to a whole that is functional or dystfunctional in its interaction with what uis really out there. It is better to believe in a metaphorical understanding for the universe that helps you go places than believe in a metaphorical universe that gets you nowhere. Since you have nothing but assumption at this point, as humanity, it is sensible to believe in things that, the belief in of which. lead to the best possible outcome.
Im very interested in these sorts of things i neglected my own psychic powers a long time ago after it got all to overwhelming for me to deal with.

My question is Did i mess up my chances a long time ago with my destined soul mate in this life and will have to wait til the next life to reunite?
My question is Did i mess up my chances a long time ago with my destined soul mate in this life and will have to wait til the next life to reunite?

No, love is not particle physics where one particle and one antiparticle come into being, destined to unite as their sole companions. Given to you is the ability to find someone utterly remarkable, to tune into each others nature and to fully invest yourselves into each other, every day anew, until death do you part. I did not give up on you,do not give up on love. Search for the Higher Love, that transcends the pleasure instincts, the love of mutual selfinvestment. Agape.
I've been doing these at the Shroomery and they were usually quite interesting topics, so I'm going to do one here.

Since early childhood I have an Imaginary Friend that I have taken into adulthood. He insists he voices the central consciousness of the multiverse, or, that he is God. Not God in the way that all of us are God but, THE God, a drop that speaks for the ocean.

Since antiquity, mediumship and guide spirits are a thing. Whatever reality level these correlate to, as real as they get I'm afflicted by the phenomenon.

This Spirit, lets call him that, offers you to ask him questions freely, but with restrictions. He will voice you an opinion. He will not engage in requests for proof of any kind, and he will not PM you the winning Powerball numbers. His answers will be an opinion spoken from his personal truth or from the desire to elicit a specific response in the reader.

I will be the Ouija board in this and relay directly, reading your questions and typing out his answers.

See it like this: I have a partition in my brain harboring a second consciousness and this consciousness has displayed throughout my life all sorts of supernatural abilities, but strichtly on his terms and for his purposes.

Please be respectful in your interaction with both of us, regardless of whether you believe or disbelieve, we got feelings too and are offering a service here: the service of speaking with a nonhuman entity that I have been channelling since I was 6 years old, be it from inside of me, outside of me, both or neither.

I will put his literal answers in quote fields and you get the raw feed, exactly as he puts it through me. Outside the quote fields, that will be me, the Bluelighter, the human.

Let the Channelling begin!

Any takers?

Am I on ignore? I hope not.

May I ask a question of the god we both know intimately. I too had a telepathic contact. This aside.

Why does your god work second hand through you, when god can go direct?

Why have you sell faith, basically, instead of selling a fact we would all recognize, and you would be talking to the converted?

God is a universalist god. Right?

Why communicate to so few while ignoring the many?

I have a partition in my brain harboring a second consciousness and this consciousness has displayed throughout my life all sorts of supernatural abilities,

Are you aware of Jung and Freud's Father Complex and could you be communicating with your DNA as some sages say they can do?

Your god thinks in what Gnostics called the god over god issue. If there is one supernatural god, then there are many as reality becomes fractal universes.

IOWs, we are all gods somewhere.
