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As Drug War Dissent Mounts, U.N. Agency Rails Against Reforms It Cannot Stop


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
As Drug War Dissent Mounts, U.N. Agency Rails Against Reforms It Cannot Stop
Jacob Sullum

Although marijuana remains illegal in the Netherlands, in 1976 the Dutch government began tolerating retail sales of small amounts by so-called coffee shops. Thirty-eight years later, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), a U.N. agency that describes its mission as “monitoring and supporting Governments’ compliance with the international drug control treaties,” is still complaining about that policy. In its latest annual report, issued this week, the INCB notes that the Dutch “tolerance policy” (gedoogbeleid) “allows small amounts of cannabis to be sold and abused.” (INCB officials, like hardline drug warriors everywhere, define all recreational consumption of marijuana as abuse.) According to the INCB, such tolerance is intolerable: “The Board reiterates its position that such ‘coffee shops’ are in contravention of the provisions of the international drug control conventions.”

If the INCB does not like Amsterdam’s cannabis cafés, which are technically illegal, you can imagine how it feels about Denver’s state-licensed pot shops. Actually, you don’t have to imagine. INCB President Raymond Yans, never one to hold back criticism of governments he deems insufficiently zealous in suppressing the consumption of arbitrarily proscribed intoxicants, spells it out in black and white. “We deeply regret the developments at the state level in Colorado and Washington, in the United States, regarding the legalization of the recreational use of cannabis,” he writes. “INCB reiterates that these developments contravene the provisions of the drug control conventions, which limit the use of cannabis to medical and scientific use only.”

The “developments” to which Yans refers involved the elimination of certain criminal penalties by ballot initiative, which he says the U.S. government should not allow. Yet under our federalist system, states have no obligation to punish everything Congress decides to treat as a crime, and the drug control treaties say compliance is subject to “constitutional limitations.” So Yans is blowing smoke when he says the U.S. government is legally required to impose marijuana prohibition on recalcitrant states, something it has no power to do under our Constitution.

More generally, observes Richard Elliott, executive director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, “The INCB’s claim that its narrow, restrictive interpretations of the [drug control] conventions override domestic constitutional law cannot stand in light of the actual wording of the conventions.” The board’s insistence that all countries conform to its reading of the anti-drug treaties, regardless of what their own laws say, is of a piece with the INCB’s zero-tolerance scolding, the escalation of which may signal a worldwide re-evaluation of the never-ending, always failing war on drugs.

Although the INCB seems to see its role as whipping countries into line when they stray too far from the proper prohibitionist path, that function was not part of its mandate when it was created by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1961. “The INCB was created to oversee the flow of narcotics internationally, making sure that countries can meet their licit requirements for essential pain medicines while monitoring to ensure that licit supplies don’t seep into the illicit market,” says John Collins, coordinator of the International Drug Policy Project at the London School of Economics. “The INCB fundamentally was created as a number-crunching and technocratic body that is supposed to provide technical assistance for international control efforts in a cooperative way. Its current role as global enforcer or ‘guardian’ of the treaties, as they like to call themselves, is not mentioned in any treaty.” Beginning in the 1970s, Collins says, the United States and other “ideologically prohibitionist states” transformed the INCB into a bully pulpit dedicated to promoting their agenda. As a result, he says, the board “is consistently willing to overstep its treaty mandate and advocate a set of policies that have no basis in either science or treaty law.”

A recent INCB position paper, for example, criticizes the Supreme Court of Canada for “permitting a ‘drug injection room’ to continue to operate in Vancouver.” The INCB is referring to Insite, a nonprofit, government-subsidized clinic where addicts inject drugs under medical supervision. Insite, which does not supply drugs and offers addiction treatment along with health care, aims to reduce overdose deaths, the transmission of blood-borne diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis, and other medical problems associated with unsafe injection practices. A 2011 study published by The Lancet found that overdose deaths had fallen by 35 percent in the neighborhood near Insite since the clinic opened, compared to 9 percent in Vancouver as a whole. “Insite saves lives,” the Canadian Supreme Court declared that year. “Its benefits have been proven.” The court ordered the federal health minister to continue granting Insite an exemption under Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act so that addicts could use it without fear of arrest.

That ruling was based on the court’s interpretation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. “The court said that the government had violated [drug users’] constitutional rights to security of the person, to liberty, and to life by denying [the] exemption,” Elliott says. “In other words, to extend a blanket criminal prohibition on drug possession so far as to even criminalize people using a health facility such as Insite is to violate human rights and is unconstitutional because it is overly broad and because it has a grossly disproportionate impact on the health of people needing such a service. These are fundamental principles of justice that form part of Canada’s constitutional law, and therefore any obligation alleged to exist under the drug control conventions is subject to them.”

The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs says compliance is subject to “constitutional limitations” and undertaken with “due regard to [signatories’] constitutional, legal and administrative systems.” The 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances contain similar provisions. The 1988 treaty says a country’s criminalization of possession for personal use is “subject to its constitutional principles and the basic concepts of its legal system.”

Furthermore, as noted in a 2002 memo from lawyers at the U.N. Drug Control Program (now subsumed by the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime), harm reduction programs like Insite can be defended as fulfilling the treaty obligation to “treat, rehabilitate and reintegrate drug addicts.” Such efforts, the memo says, also would be consistent with a U.N. resolution calling for policies aimed at “reducing the adverse consequences of drug abuse.” Yet the INCB insists there is no such leeway, because safe injection sites “promote social and legal tolerance of drug abuse.”

The INCB takes the same stance regarding “safer crack kits,” which typically include a glass stem, a rubber mouthpiece, and brass screens; they sometimes also come with hand wipes, alcohol swabs, and lip balm. Richard Elliott’s organization explains that the kits are intended to “reduce the risk of burned or cracked lips and the associated risk of becoming infected with blood-borne viruses such as HCV or HIV.” But according to the INCB, governments that allow the distribution of such kits, like governments that tolerate safe injection sites, are failing to meet their treaty obligations.

“There is no legal basis for that position,” says Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch, director of the Open Society Global Drug Policy Program. “The drug control treaties limit certain drug-related activities to medical and scientific purposes. Public health is the driving ethos behind heroin-assisted therapy and supervised consumption rooms. This organization’s discomfort with harm reduction is ideologically driven, and it has nothing to do with the drug control treaties.”

If harm reduction is apt to irk the INCB, how can a country win the board’s praise? Ask the Saudis. In last year’s annual report, the INCB saluted “the commitment of the Government of Saudi Arabia to comply with its obligations under the three international drug control conventions to which it is a party” and commended “the country’s government agencies involved in drug control for their commitment and efforts in the fight against drug abuse and drug trafficking.” Those efforts include cutting off the heads of drug traffickers, which the Saudi government did at least 82 times in 2011, according to a 2012 report from Harm Reduction International.

When that organization asked about the INCB’s position on the death penalty for drug offenses, the board was suddenly keen to respect “internal law,” which it deems irrelevant in the context of harm reduction and marijuana decriminalization. “The determination of sanctions applicable to drug-related offences,” the INCB said, “remains the exclusive prerogative of each State and therefore lie beyond the mandate and powers which have been conferred upon the Board by the international community.”

About those powers: Does it really matter what the board says? Maybe not, says Alex Kreit, a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law who specializes in drug policy. “I think it’s telling,” he says, that the INCB “references decades-old policies in the examples of things it dislikes: coffee shops, safe injection sites, medical marijuana laws. The INCB has complained for years about these things, but at the end of the day, that’s really all it can do. It doesn’t have any direct enforcement authority over parties to the Single Convention. All it can do is say ‘you’re out of compliance’ and, at worst, recommend that other treaty parties stop the import/export of drugs to the countries it doesn’t like. As a result, I believe the more statements like this that the INCB puts out, the sillier it makes itself look.”


EDIT: memebrs of this

Raymond Yans (Belgium), Xin Yu (China), Carola Lander (Germany), Sri Suryawati (Indonesia) and Maria-Elena Medina Mora (Mexico) were elected by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to serve five-year terms on the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB).

They join INCB President Philip O. Emafo of Nigeria, Brian Watters (Australia), Camilo Uribe Granja (Colombia), Joseph Bediako Asare (Ghana), Hamid Ghodse (Iran), Tatyana Borisovna Dmitrieva (Russian Federation), Sevil Atasoy (Turkey) and Melvyn Levitsky (United States).

(law enforcement)
>Melvin Levitsky< Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

Sri Suryawati
Born in 1955. National of Indonesia. Professor and Head, Division of Medicine Policy and Management, Director of Centre for Clinical Pharmacology and Medicine Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Educational background includes pharmacy (1979). specialist in pharmacology (1985); doctoral degree in clinical pharmacokinetics (1994), certificate in medicine policy (1997). Lecturerin Pharmacology/Clinical Pharmacology (since 1980); supervisor for more than 130 masters' and doctoral theses in the areas of medicine policy, essential medicines, clinical pharmacology, pharmacoeconomics, and pharmaceutical management.

Carola Lander
(pharmasist and law politician)

Head of the Federal Opium Agency (since 1992). The Federal Opium Agency (Bundesopiumstelle) is the German authority for the control of the manufacture, import, export and trade in narcotics and psychotropic substances including precursors. As such, the Federal Opium Agency reports under the International Drug Control Treaties continuously to the INCB.

Chairperson of the Federal Expert group for Narcotic Drugs. Only upon the hearing of these experts the Federal Government is authorized to amend or supplement by statutory order the Schedules of the Narcotics Act.

Longtime member of the German delegation at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Previous posts:

1970 – 1979: 4 years research assistant and 5 years assistant professor at the Free University of Berlin

1979 - 1990 in charge of pharmaceutical quality control of herbal drugs at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in

Guest professor for 3 months in 1989 at the Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde (INCQS), in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Head of division “Control of the Manufacturers of Narcotic Drugs” at the Federal Opium Agency (1990 - 1992)

Member of the German delegation to the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF) (1990 – 1991) which was created by the G7 Economic Summit Meeting in Houston 1990 in order to develop effective procedures against the diversion of precursors and essential chemicals from legitimate commerce for use in the manufacturing of illicit drugs.

Lecturer (Drug Regulatory Affairs Department, University of Bonn – special courses for physicians, pharmacists, chemists and biologists regarding narcotics and drug regulatory affairs (2003 – 2005)

Publications (inter alia):

Co-Author of the Commentary on the German legislation regarding Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic substances and Precursors (“Deutsches Betäubungsmittelrecht” Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH ISBN 3-8047-2227-X)

Research on active lipophilic substances in Piper sanctum: 3 publications

Research on herbal drugs with wide spread use in : 16 publications

Guest speaker on International Meetings (“Narcotics Drug Control System in Germany”)


Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding Contributions in the Field of Drug Law Enforcement awarded by () Drug Enforcement Administration (1993)

Nigeria (pharmacist)
Philip O. Emafo, a Nigerian, is a former President of the International Narcotics Control Board and a vocal critic of drug legalization. Prior to serving on the INCB, he was a pharmacist. >source<

Tatyana Borisovna Dmitrieva was a Russian psychiatrist

Turkey (Cop)
Prof. Dr. Sevil Atasoy , immediate past president of the UN International Narcotics Control Board [1][2] born in İstanbul, Turkey (February 25, 1949), is an internationally distinguished leader in the field of Forensic Sciences. Atasoy is the daughter of forensic pathologist Prof. Dr. Şemsi Gök (1921–2002) and bacteriologist Dr. Ferda Gök (1924 - 2003. She is currently the executive director of the Innocence Project (Turkey),[3] the International Forensic Science Services and Atasoy Counseling.

Australia (Bible Thumping Prohibitionist)

Brian Watters, Do I have this right, a major in the salvation Army?

And finally someone with some qualifications that seem suited for the job!!

Maria-Elena Medina Mora

Born in Mexico City in 1951. She is the General Director the National Institute of
PsychiatryRamónde la Fuente(México). Has aPh.D. in SocialPsychologyfromthe
Organization Expert Committee on Addictions. Among other recognitions she has
Drug Abuse (NIDA). Doctor Medina‐Mora's areas of interest are methodological,
Has published more than 210 articles in peer review scientific journals, 187 book

Not a surprise im my book to find cops, pharmacists, and a religious warrior manning the helm of this body. Not to mention it pretty much seems like they stay in thier positions pretty comfortably once elected.. and elected.. and realected.

I say keep your religion to yourself..

Funny that profesionals in such a field as pharmacy are such in arms over grass becoming legal considering all the garbage they sling... possible big pharma ties. wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Law enforcement.. all I have to do is look at your guys success in the last forty years.
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maybe the UN should worry more about actual problems in the world, like Iran's nuclear weapons program, or China's increasingly grim societal lock-down...than on how countries legislate the illegality of what substances people should be able to put into their bodies...which is an untenable endeavor in the first place
After proving itself unable to deal with genocide, WMD use, and nuclear proliferation, the UN moves on to expressing disapproval towards the gravest danger to ever face the human race: cannabis and HR programs.
just a coincidence it came for your 5000 KKB:).. great post!!
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Had difficulty finding a link to the whole article but found myself on this page by mistake. Interesting...

Does Marijuana Legalization Violate International Law?
Jacob Sullum | March 5, 2014

Raymond Yans is president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the U.N. agency charged with monitoring the implementation of anti-drug treaties. It is therefore not surprising that Yans takes a dim view of marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington, which he says poses "a grave danger to public health and well-being." But according to the INCB, legalization is not just dangerous; legalization is illegal. Even Americans who support marijuana prohibition should be troubled by the implications of that argument, which suggests that international treaties trump the Constitution.

Yet "it’s a basic principle of statutory interpretation that a specific statute or command trumps a general one," notes Alex Kreit, a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of law who specializes in drug policy. In this case, the drug treaties make allowances for the constitutional principles that the INCB says are irrelevant.

So is the U.S. government violating international law by letting Colorado and Washington do what they have every right to do? No, and that desperate claim is yet another sign that pot prohibitionists are panicking.
What other branch of the U.N. would so zealously praise the policy of a country like Saudi Arabia? Disgusting.