arm curl technique?


Aug 9, 2011
The bar I have looks like the second one in the picture but standard size not olympic. I just started curling with grip in the middle part of the bar and it feels as if I get more squeeze with my reps and the weights feel heavier than it is. Does this technically mean I am getting more workout from it rather than the common grip of shoulder width? The shoulder width grip when curling does not feel like I even get much "squeeze" from it. Maybe it depends on my arm length and or physical attributes? Is the "squeeze" important?

I base how good my lifts are for biceps on how good the pump is Tbh. Whatever feels natural
the pumps are great, it feels as if I get more squeeze something I never got from shoulder width curling.
bro the whole point of roids is 2 get yoked without having to work out. fuck lifting a weight, i bang steroids like a dope fiend and now i got dad strength
bro the whole point of roids is 2 get yoked without having to work out. fuck lifting a weight, i bang steroids like a dope fiend and now i got dad strength

Your also a knobend.
If you're getting a pump then you're on your way. You always want to vary grips anyway. As long as it's not stressing your wrists you'll be fine.
It all depends on which head of the muscle you're trying to engage. Theoretically, you should be getting a better pump from a full supination of the wrists outward when you curl, rather than inward. This is because when you curl your arm with the hands protinated (what it looks like that grip on the bar would have you do), the main muscle doing the contracting is the biceps brachialis. However, when you supinate your hands (straight bar curls, for example) the prime mover is the biceps brachii; this is what most people call the "peak" i.e. what most people with no understanding of anatomy refer to as simply: "the biceps".
what else would an arm curl work out the most other than the biceps?

It all depends on which head of the muscle you're trying to engage. Theoretically, you should be getting a better pump from a full supination of the wrists outward when you curl, rather than inward. This is because when you curl your arm with the hands protinated (what it looks like that grip on the bar would have you do), the main muscle doing the contracting is the biceps brachialis. However, when you supinate your hands (straight bar curls, for example) the prime mover is the biceps brachii; this is what most people call the "peak" i.e. what most people with no understanding of anatomy refer to as simply: "the biceps".
There are different muscles within the bicep, it's not just 1 single muscle
Primarily, when performing bicep curls, you're working the biceps bracii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. Within the biceps brachii there are two separate "heads", the outer long head and the inner short head. The short head originates at the corocoid process of the scapula (shoulder blade). The long head originates at the supraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula. Both heads insert at the tuberosity of the radius (the most lateral forearm bone when standing in anatomical position; better known as a supinated “palms up” grip), and at the lacertus fibrosus of the fascia of the forearm (basically a sheath). Both these heads can be emphasized differently via different exercises because the long head is bi-articulate (AKA it crosses both the shoulder and elbow joint). However, you are also using quite a few stabilizer muscles: The superior and intermediate trapezii, as well as the levator scapulae functions to stabilize the scapula. The anterior deltoid stabilizes the shoulders, but if you’re performing “cheat curls” then it serves a major role in assisting the movement.

Probably a much more drawn-out explanation than what you were looking for, but if you want to understand exactly what you’re working, you've got to have complete and correct information.

I can't fully supinate my hands :( They just won't turn that far... I've tried "stretching" but it caused pain that didn't feel healthy...
Me neither I can't turn them face up it hurts my forearms