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Are you an introvert or extrovert and what's your drug of choice?

Cannabis is the introvert's dream drug. I was pretty introverted from 17-20, until an acid trip kind of permanently changed my personality and social confidence.

During those years, cannabis was my ambrosia. I am already very introspective when I'm sober, so cannabis and psychedelics just send the introspective introversion in to overdrive, it is just amazing. My first and most intense (3 hit) LSD trip at 21 was experienced alone when my parents were out of town, and it was astounding. I don't think I've ever thought so much in my life, I broke down the mechanism of time and was able to truly define it in a tangible manner.

Opioids are nice for the lonely introvert, filling that social hole in your personality that is missing, but they don't provide any substance, nothing real, just a state of artificial contentedness. Being content does not equal being happy, which can be truly be achieved through the power of our minds. Cannabis and LSD are just a jetpack for our minds, so we can provide happiness ourselves. Opioids take all the fun out of it, they just do the work for you in a half assed way.
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Introvert and yet my DOC are stims. However, as fellow bluelighter sleeping pains mentioned, its also about what you seek in the drug. Despite stims being considered extroverts drug, you can use them in introvert way. Most of the time I was high on mephedrone I was alone, either studying (rarely lol) or listening to music or doing other stuff on computer... socializing is good on these drugs but I can have just as good if not better time alone.
Extreme introvert.

My real DOC is LSD, but since its something I would never use regularly (more than once every 1-2 months at most) I have to go with Heroin.

But lately Ive just been smoking herb and tripping every few weeks.
I'm definately an introvert, though once I feel comfortable around people, I can become quite a flamboyant character. However, I am more often the quiet dude in the room that gets paralyzed by social anxiety to the point where I can't even follow simple instructions as I'm so preoccupied with myself.

So yeah-Heroin, though alprazolam works well (just no where near the euphoria).
introvert --> weed used to be my DOC, but now my DOC is heroin/oxy
Introvert. Weed was my DOC for many years but now I only toke up once every month or so. Mushrooms have been my favorite ever since my very first trip last year.
Introvert round people i dont know. Extro around people i know/ am comfortable with. But yeh, wen it comes to doc, its gonna be booze
I'm an introvert but I am constantly dragged to go out with friends lol . The first 2 months after I moved states I was alone basically the whole time and during that period was when my life/ self worth and depression started to improve .

Then I found friends and as soon as I made one friend I made 20 ... So now I enjoy my time alone a lot more because I have less time to enjoy myself :p I heard a saying the other day 'one who can enjoy their own company , is happy with who they are' . I love sitting up for hours at night in dead silence and darkness alone to think freely .

My favorite drugs are Ice (addicted , been clean for 4 months used 1nce at the 2 month mark . I liked it because It made me more of an extrovert , but recently I've really been enjoying opiates and drugs I can enjoy alone .
No idea tbh. I'd say more extroverted than introverted but it depends... The last 2 years I used to be pretty depressed all the time so I didn't feel like seeing a lot of people. The last year though i've gotten better (trough tripping and MDMA) and now I just kinda naturally chat with everyone, sober or non sober. Since I got out of the depression I made a lotttttt of new friends.
Yesterday my girlfriend complained that she thinks I don't try hard enough to contact her and stuff but I told her that's just my personality and I enjoy my time alone... When I'm with people the entire day I feel mentally drained and I just wanna sit at home and not see people. So idk, maybe i'm just a balanced mix of both.
DOC: I haven't tried a lot of drugs yet (alcohol, pot, psilocybin, GHB and MDMA) but my favorite is definately MDMA, although i'm liking my truffles :D
I'm fairly balanced in terms of being introverted vs extroverted, though with a slight propensity towards being introverted. My DOC(s) are Heroin and Marijuana.

However, my ultimate mix is like 30mg addie, 100mg Tramadol hcl, a few rails of no.4 Heroin, a few beers and a J of Indian hand-rolled resin hash.
My mood is highly variable, both introverted and extroverted, my DOCs of opiates and the occasional methamp.
Introvert, DOC - weed

No offense but id say your theory is horribly wrong
Introvert // MDMA.
I have social anxiety and MDMA helps me break out of my shell. I've met some of my best friends while I've been on MDMA. It really helps!
I like any stimulants, at least the ones I've tried. coke, 4-fa
Although my next favourite is oxys. :p
I think that I used to be more of an extrovert, but then I discovered heroin and... now I'm an introvert. lol
^ Thats what happened to me as well. I was never a full extrovert, just more extroverted than I am now. Now Im a total introvert and will only hang out with a certain few people.