Are Tweakers a good thing??


Jan 2, 2000
As I have made my way through the party scene I have noticed a growing epidemic that has been around us. When I first started going to these events it really was an uncommon thing to see someone off in the corner twitching hysterically, but now-a-days I often observe my peers partaking in the abuse of Crystal Meth/Glass. I often see sad sights that can only make me wonder where the state of parties are going?
Ohhhboy, here we go again. *grin* I plead the 5th this time round.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
when ur on *e* and u fall over and start actually feel pretty good
i dont know about crystal cause thats stuff im not gonna mess with but when i roll i tweak out somtimes if i roll real hard but it feels real nice...its not always a bad thing
Depends on your definition. There is the definition of tweaker as in someone who quite often "freaks out" while on a drug. Or a tweaker as in someone who does more then alcohol and weed. I think you mean the person who takes too much drugs and is kind of incoherent. It is their choice, why should we judge them for their idea of fun? As well as it is thier well-being, for whom they are responsible. Now if others are at risk then the "tweaker" then this is a different story. Such as driving.... If parties are going downhill...take a stand and make your own....make plur.
Uhh... hrm. That's odd. Candy Xtasy and Narcosis have me a bit confused.
Where I'm from tweaker tends to mean meth/speed/glass/insert-stimulant-here addict. Yanno, the skittish sweating kids who run out and pace around the apartment and wind up gathering around the coffee table to snort No-Doz. Pyro picking thru his carpet for yellow specks. Me two years ago.
You've seen the bumpersticker "Tweakers suck" I'm sure. I have to disagree of course. My self esteem tells me I don't suck. Pyro is beloved here. (and I hope he doesn't take offense at me using him as an example.. none was intended. He has my total respect and admiration,) As for the kids who snorted all my No-Doz a couple months ago, well such behavior can grate, naturally. But every one of those kids round the coffee table has had their moments of beauty and brilliance. That's why I still count them friends. So that bumpersticker pisses me off, that people would generalize like that, and especially pinpoint someone else's weakness.
Dammit, and I was gonna let this topic go.
So much for that plan.
Okay back to your definition. Which is odd, but let's go with it. If that's what it means then tweakers still don't suck. Feel sorry for them! How awful to fear chemical indulgance allatime coz you might flip out and lose control at the drop of a hat.
And just now I glance back up at the title and realize the original question is 'Are tweakers a GOOD thing...' Uh. Huh?
I'd have to say no to that one too. And on the same note, if I could keep the upper hand with the shit, I would still be a hardcore speedfreak today.
~*~ Ashke, who apparantly sucks at pleading the 5th ~*~
Right on!! Tweak is good! Tweak is good!!
say it again...Tweak is good!
Meth sucks....Take it from a veteran tweaker who quit using the sh*t and is still sitting in the corner twitching and shaking....
Heres something else noone wants to hear: No conclusive evidence (thank god) but there has been some indication that e may potentially cause Parkinsons disease (characterized by....uncontrollable twitching...)