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Are shamans just "glorified trip sitters"? Or do you think they actually have special knowledge or powers?

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I remember hearing someone saying shamans were just glorified trip sitters. It really made me think about the whole subject.

I kind of have to agree... then again, I don't live in a native tribe, so I really don't know, nor have I ever met a real "shaman".

A lot of shaman practices seem crude, primitive or just alchemy in nature... but then again, how am I to disagree with thousands of years of human wisdom?
Depends on the shaman. Is a mechanic just a glorified wrench jockey or is he a specialist with in depth understanding of his field?

Nowadays in developed western countries most anyone claiming to be a fucking shaman is likely full of shit tho.

Historically in a traditional context shamanism likely had a lot more weight because of competent practitioners. Nowadays it's kind of just a buzzword for a lot of people who want to feel spiritual.

When I talk about what would once have been called shamanism I usually just say "'using psychedelics/entheogens in a therapeutic context"

(I mean if I were to misuse a title in a modern context, I would go with witch doctor, it sounds dope)
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Depends on the shaman. Is a mechanic just a glorified wrench jockey or is he a specialist with in depth understanding of his field?

Nowadays in developed western countries most anyone claiming to be a fucking shaman is likely full of shit tho.

Historically in a traditional context shamanism likely had a lot more weight because of competent practitioners. Nowadays it's kind of just a buzzword for a lot of people who want to feel spiritual.

When I talk about what would once have been called shamanism I usually just say "'using psychedelics/entheogens in a therapeutic context"

(I mean if I were to misuse a title in a modern context, I would go with witch doctor, it sounds dope)

The problem is Shamanism in the traditional context has zero relation with what it is today.

A “shaman” wasn’t someone who gave others psychedelic medicines, they strictly took them their selves to enter the spirit plane to communicate with entities, sometimes battling them.

People would go to shamans for healing, to lift curses, place curses, find stolen items, find missing people, etc.

Anything beyond this is a westernized/modernized version.

I’ve been called a Shaman many times, I refuse the term. If asked I prefer the term “provider” as all I’m doing is providing a medicine which truly does all the work. You can get the same (or better) results safely and cheaply at home compared to spending 1000’s flying down to SA to sit in a hut while some HUMAN BEING does a little song and dance, blows smoke in your face, spits water in your face, and sings randomly.

The whole thing is born about by new age Trustafarians that want to make you believe that their lives are infinitely better and more enlightened than yours because they had all the money and time in the world to spend months down in SA.

Sadly I’ve watched people get sucked into this ideology and it’s more damaging than anything. Actually just talking with my buddy about one ex friend, she essentially borrowed 1000’s from her poor at the time bf swearing to pay back to do this trip, then cane back and not only didn’t pay him back but acted like she was so much better than anyone around her cuz of the experience.

I think a lot of this is probably social media related, this is why I’m not on the gram or the book.

I only trust practitioners that seem fully aware that they are nothing more than a means to an end, a supplier, it’s still gods work but makes the provider realize they’re just a human not some holy being closer to the source than anyone else around.

VICE does a good job in some of their shows portraying how these ancient cultures we westerners idolize aren’t quite the love n peace n harmony we thought. Watch the one where Hamilton tries to become a San Pedro shaman and they kill a poor guinea pig by crushing it against his body...

These are just human beings, they aren’t any wiser than we are, just trying to figure this crazy thing out we call life.

It's well known that they predicted technology, all kind of. I think super powers may exist because you don't need energy in order to achieve that, you need to re-design your DNA. So I don't think they had that stuff but they're special trip sitters -- I remember my Ayahuasca ritual and there were 2 shamans with us and their voice guided our journey.
The problem is Shamanism in the traditional context has zero relation with what it is today.

A “shaman” wasn’t someone who gave others psychedelic medicines, they strictly took them their selves to enter the spirit plane to communicate with entities, sometimes battling them.

People would go to shamans for healing, to lift curses, place curses, find stolen items, find missing people, etc.

Anything beyond this is a westernized/modernized version.

I’ve been called a Shaman many times, I refuse the term. If asked I prefer the term “provider” as all I’m doing is providing a medicine which truly does all the work. You can get the same (or better) results safely and cheaply at home compared to spending 1000’s flying down to SA to sit in a hut while some HUMAN BEING does a little song and dance, blows smoke in your face, spits water in your face, and sings randomly.

The whole thing is born about by new age Trustafarians that want to make you believe that their lives are infinitely better and more enlightened than yours because they had all the money and time in the world to spend months down in SA.

Sadly I’ve watched people get sucked into this ideology and it’s more damaging than anything. Actually just talking with my buddy about one ex friend, she essentially borrowed 1000’s from her poor at the time bf swearing to pay back to do this trip, then cane back and not only didn’t pay him back but acted like she was so much better than anyone around her cuz of the experience.

I think a lot of this is probably social media related, this is why I’m not on the gram or the book.

I only trust practitioners that seem fully aware that they are nothing more than a means to an end, a supplier, it’s still gods work but makes the provider realize they’re just a human not some holy being closer to the source than anyone else around.

VICE does a good job in some of their shows portraying how these ancient cultures we westerners idolize aren’t quite the love n peace n harmony we thought. Watch the one where Hamilton tries to become a San Pedro shaman and they kill a poor guinea pig by crushing it against his body...

These are just human beings, they aren’t any wiser than we are, just trying to figure this crazy thing out we call life.

Unfortunately those with wealth and power seem to always find a way to use that to re establish themselves as superior, becoming validated through expensive ceremonies as being more spiritual or more intelligent than "common people."
Unfortunately those with wealth and power seem to always find a way to use that to re establish themselves as superior, becoming validated through expensive ceremonies as being more spiritual or more intelligent than "common people."

Yup anytime “we” find something worth a damn they have to take it and make it into something that can only be attained through spending lots of cash.

The Rave/Dance scene is another where it started as something the misfits did, the kids that needed a community, a place to call home, love and acceptance. Then after some time it has become about the expensive raver gear, and getting VIP to the craziest Massives where you can then be separated from the others your supposed to connect with..

Rich people just need to fuck off :)

To me, the word 'shaman' has become synonymous with 'charlatan'. Its like the Indian gurus who made a fortune ripping off gullible middle class westerners jumping on the Beatles' bandwagon.

All I know is that the last thing I'd want whilst in the grip of a heavy psychedelic experience is some cunt in freaky makeup that I dont know from Adam, chanting shite all night. I'll fuckin go where I want in my own head thank you very much, I dont need a guide...
The belief that you need a magic guy to help you also creates this false divide that all informal use outside of a Doctor's office or a Shaman's ceremony is abuse/recreational use when this is far from the case.

Not that there's anything wrong with using drugs in general or psychedelics in particular recreationally.
I agree with most on all points. Two words have the ability to make me cringe a little. Guru and Shaman. And I think when a person gets far enough out there they see neither are required. I remember in Be Here Now the statement you are your own guru stuck in my head. People looking outside themselves to learn about what is within themselves seemed counterintuitive to my inquiring head. I see both titles have become something they should never have become. Naturally human instinct lead to confidence men and other charlitans to exploit what people may have been looking for.

Once LSD hit the streets people tripped on a mass scale without a Guru or Shaman and many have navigated the states of mind just fine. Sure we have casualties but that would happen if a Shaman or Guru were present too. And it is my opinion that LSD, Ayahuasca, mescaline, mushrooms all create a similar (yet different) mind state to each other so when someone says oh no Ayahuasca is not LSD I sort of chuckle. Maria Sabina knew the Spirit of the mushroom was in the synthetic psilocybin. LSD was just the grand daddy gift to humanity. A powerful psychedelic active in microgram doses. :)
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I agree with most on all points. Two words have the ability to make me cringe a little. Guru and Shaman. And I think when a person gets far enough out there they see neither are required. I remember in Be Here Now the statement you are your own guru stuck in my head. People looking outside themselves to learn about what is within themselves seemed counterintuitive to my inquiring head. I see both titles have become something they should never have become. Naturally human instinct lead to confidence men and other charlitans to exploit what people may have been looking for.

Once LSD hit the streets people tripped on a mass scale without a Guru or Shaman and many have navigated the states of mind just fine. Sure we have casualties but that would happen if a Shaman or Guru were present too. And it is my opinion that LSD, Ayahuasca, mescaline, mushrooms all create a similar (yet different) mind state to each other so when someone says oh no Ayahuasca is not LSD I sort of chuckle. Maria Sabina knew the Spirit of the mushroom was in the synthetic psilocybin. LSD was just the grand daddy gift to humanity. A powerful psychedelic active in microgram doses. :)
yeah lsd kicks ass.
I think about it this way. There are many ways of knowing and interpreting the world and making sense of it. As modern westerners we grow up in a context where we unconsciously think the only valid knowledge is so called rational, objective, scientific knowledge and we are, in the most part, unable to give credence to alternative ways of structuring our subjective experience of reality. In a way, this constrains how extensively we can expand the boundaries of our perception and interpret or comprehend phenomena.

AUthentic shamans on the other hand seem to have minds structured to frame the world using different kinds of knowledge and different kinds of perception and also be able to help people with more rigid thinking experience alternative ways of knowing reality and simply “being” in the world. A guy who just supervises the ingestion of psycho active substances is not really an authentic shaman in my view and I think the larger picture of someone sharing access to alternative regimes of knowledge with the less capable is how shamans would generally be perceived and valued in their own cultures.
Very few are true shamans. The whole ayahuasca shaman scene is full of rapists fake as motherfuckers anybody can spend all day drinking ayahusca for 10 years straight when you have every dumb ass westerner willing to part ways with $3k usd a week to suck some dirty cheezy shaman dick and drink a vile tasting jungle brew that might fucking kill you and not contain dmt at all.

Real true shamans probably less than 50 world wide who can acutally tap into the super consciouness mind powers of psychedelics and warp reality to their will around them on the trip i.e suck literally peoples illness out of their body and spew it up as buckets of bugs. A person who can blow smoke on your face and bring you back to 100% sober from a crazy as breakthrough. Most south american shamans are evil aswell for the sake of it they want to rob ya money shove their dick up your ass while your deep on dmt and then psychologically ruin your mind while on your the trip just cause they are psychopaths. Becoming a psychopath is pretty much guaranteed if you spend every single day on DMT for hours on end for decades you lose your sense of reality so these shamans should really be approached with caution. These days they are just a snake oils men selling a free jungle brew for $3k a week while they do some magic tricks infront of somebody tripping balls lol.
I think about it this way. There are many ways of knowing and interpreting the world and making sense of it. As modern westerners we grow up in a context where we unconsciously think the only valid knowledge is so called rational, objective, scientific knowledge and we are, in the most part, unable to give credence to alternative ways of structuring our subjective experience of reality. In a way, this constrains how extensively we can expand the boundaries of our perception and interpret or comprehend phenomena.

AUthentic shamans on the other hand seem to have minds structured to frame the world using different kinds of knowledge and different kinds of perception and also be able to help people with more rigid thinking experience alternative ways of knowing reality and simply “being” in the world. A guy who just supervises the ingestion of psycho active substances is not really an authentic shaman in my view and I think the larger picture of someone sharing access to alternative regimes of knowledge with the less capable is how shamans would generally be perceived and valued in their own cultures.

A true Authentic Shaman wouldn’t be giving psychedelic drugs to their client in the first place... There’s no such thing as authentic shamanism these days.

Today’s shamanism, even in South America, is a modernized form of neoshamanism. Instead of coming up with the answers themselves, these days they try to guide you to do it.

Thing is, one is fully capable of reaching the truth themselves without spending a lot of money to do so.

I do think guides/shamans/providers can be beneficial at times, when a participant is struggling a good guide can change the course of the experience, but IMO sometimes it’s a good thing to endure those nasty experiences. There is as much to be learned from the bad as the good, and what happens if every time a trip goes sour you look to a shaman for help?

Just like religion, it’s kind of giving up your spiritual freedom, identity, and strength to someone else. It’s easier, but is it the right way?

I’ve “guided” countless participants over the years, only one time was I ever truly needed there. That experience I actually didn’t dose him but I found him not long after he had dosed and ended up being his tether to reality for hours on end as he struggled violently to either let go or hold on.

So I guess looking at participants I’ve dosed, I’ve never felt like I was needed for the experience to go the way it needed to..

In my opinion, studying pharmacology, studying various psychedelic medicines, and having a good plethora of these substances is bigger than learning Icaros or blowing tobacco at people. Knowing your medicines is infinitely more important.

I also believe that there is some power in how the medicine is given. When some altruistic individual gives you it for free the experience is going to be a lot different than spending 1000’s to fly to someone who you deep down may be skeptical of because of the large sums of money involved.

True shamans still exist within some Native American tribal cultures, but none are shared outside the tribe and especially not for profit.

Those professing to be shamans for profit are almost certainly charlatans.

If one consumes a psychedelic substance the same 'divine experience" is available to every individual, no guide is truly needed. If one is totally new to this it is helpful to have a sitter just to keep the one having an experience physically safe. I remember a time when my wife and I decided it was just fine to wade in a rapidly moving river under the influence of LSD. If there wasn't a friendly fisherman in a small boat nearby to save us we would have both simply been swept away by the current. Just wasn't our time, I guess :oops:
True shamans still exist within some Native American tribal cultures, but none are shared outside the tribe and especially not for profit.

Those professing to be shamans for profit are almost certainly charlatans.

If one consumes a psychedelic substance the same 'divine experience" is available to every individual, no guide is truly needed. If one is totally new to this it is helpful to have a sitter just to keep the one having an experience physically safe. I remember a time when my wife and I decided it was just fine to wade in a rapidly moving river under the influence of LSD. If there wasn't a friendly fisherman in a small boat nearby to save us we would have both simply been swept away by the current. Just wasn't our time, I guess :oops:

I think you're a shaman. Let's not go overboard with it, it's simple. Shamans are people who practice ancient methods with the purpose to gain more and more knowledge, even if they knew it already -- there's gotta be something to bottle up.
I think my definition is just a bit different because I am Native American, but I see what you are saying.

You may not care about this as it's normal with every human being but I thought to myself ''He's old, he got throughout life with fun and pain'' but now I see you in a whole new light.
Somehow it's a pretty common phenomenon of which gurus (refuse to call them shamans because I believe that such really exist but they won't advertise, probably not treat strangers or take money) are just an obvious example. Like magicans, with them it's (should be) common sense that they're faking as with politicians or speculants. Sects'n'cults, homoeopathics, hypnotherapists, psychiatrists, coaches, influencers, pick up 'artists' fit in the same schema.

A musician is famous because people like their music (exceptions confirm the rules) but a guru is famous because of his illusions fueled by despaired crowds.

Somehow world class athletes or hollywood actors, mainstream chart artists are a bit different phenomenon but not too far away; people like them because the others like them - you can't tell me that everybody buying music from (enter random charts band) would have bought it if they weren't pushed to death by Sony™, EMI™, big money with the desire to multiply. Again exceptions confirm the rule, athletes might be the best of their kind but it's not them generating the revenue but an Illusion which gets monetarized.

Ok, back to topic. I agree to much which has been said in the thread here. Thought myself about going to an ibogaine retreat but to pay 4-10k for a few days - for what exactly? It's really unfortunate, these people who could need it most are left outside in favor of creating a cult - good, sad example with that girl above.

I want to give hypnosis a try, as apparently it's scientifically proven to be strong enough to replace anesthesia at the dentist's but if they were for real, they could offer you to only pay on success. In my former work as an IT technician I couldn't collect in advance and tell the customer he were lying when I couldn't fix his 🖥 either. Some do though.

Then I thought-played about selling 'shamanic magic' therapy for people with social anxiety or depression involving a deschlorinated nmda antagonist 'sacrament' but even if I could do this legally, it would feel wrong and I'd have a hard time living with, should it exacerbate somebodys condition. Unfortunately as you can't do sth openly in most parts of the world, we rather see fake shamans and luxurious retreats.


We had a Sacred 🍄 Church ⛪ ™ in Switzerland, including its Pastor. He offered rituals with the Holy Sacrament™, for free in exchange for a night in his hotel 🛌 or you could give a Voluntary™ donation and, Independently™ of that, receive some 🍄. While a priest too, he made this because law let no other option than to try out establishing a church under the condtitutionary right of freedom of religion. He was a bit excentric but believed in his mission to give the Gift of the Holy 🍄 to folks, and his umm, not-prices were ok I'd say. Nobody knows how success would have changed him though.

They raided the 🛌 church after some years if acribic observation which brought me the first contact with police, police violence, and -record. Pastor spent 14 months in jail (according to him, he provoked police to arrest him b/c he wanted court to officially legalize his ⛪) but they dodged the decision, need to check if it's still open. Then he went to fly agaric 🍄 and people mostly lost interest.

Sorry, went OT again. I lose myself in mind atm.
Yeah, you don't need no guru for psychedelics, this annoys me at the current attempts about psilocybin or ketamine assisted therapy, that they are done by psychiatrists in clinics - but it's a good first step of course and maybe it's not the worst, if and I hope so, they need to take the substance themselves during training.

I am very curious about real shamans, what they are able to do, how they came to do what they do etc but guess chances are higher to win a lottery than to meet one by accident..
As a shaman I find it deeply offensive to be labelled a glorified trip sitter.
I will consult the spirits to determine my course of action