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Are drug addicts actually more sane than normal people. . .


Sep 14, 2011
I was just thinking about how I can't believe that not everyone in America is a drug addict. The more I learn, the more I realize just how fucked this society is. My thought is that people who are more connected to themselves and reality, at some point must find a way to cope. It might not always be drugs, but it's got to be something (maybe eating). So that's why I'm thinking that maybe drug addicts are actually more normal people, than the "normal" people. Because what is happening is so abnormal, that anyone who goes about their daily life happy and sees absolutely no problem with it, is technically insane. Anyone who's intelligent knows the countless things I'm talking about.

I've even done psychedelics to try to learn more about myself and see things from a different perspective. At first it seemed beneficial until I realized that many of the horrible things in the world I have no control over (unless solipsism is real). So at first psychedelics seemed to help me, but then I later became addicted to other drugs because no amount of "enlightenment" was going to change things. I certainly don't regret my experiences because I'm a very real person and want to know the true nature of things, no matter how shitty.

Maybe this has been discussed before, but I was lazy so I didn't go looking much.
I'd say ultimately no, because in the long run drugs aren't a good coping method so a truly sane person would avoid becoming addicted to them as much as possible even in dire circumstances and there are many people who are aware of what is going on in the world today and are not drug addicts. However, I do feel that wanting to escape through drugs is a perfectly natural response to living in this world, but it is short sighted. Over time drugs tend to stop working due to tolerance and often cause problems for the addict.
I would say yes but do not have the time to explain my opinions on all of it - half the time its paradox anyway.
Who was it that defined sanity anyway...? :unsure:
I think it needs a fresh review.
What say ye all?
Stranger danger
I've even done psychedelics to try to learn more about myself and see things from a different perspective. At first it seemed beneficial until I realized that many of the horrible things in the world I have no control over (unless solipsism is real). So at first psychedelics seemed to help me, but then I later became addicted to other drugs because no amount of "enlightenment" was going to change things. I certainly don't regret my experiences because I'm a very real person and want to know the true nature of things, no matter how shitty.

Maybe this has been discussed before, but I was lazy so I didn't go looking much.

Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me?

Druggies are, in general, less full of themselves, maybe. I thought they were a nicer breed of folks since I was 16. However, that's just in general. Assholes exist everywhere.
Well, I'm crazy. And an old addict, .So I'm a well medicated crazy person, and I think everyone is off center a bit, but on drugs?? Holy batshit!
Insane people on drugs are not a complimentary duo.and EVERYONE is crazy. No one can be sane.
I think drug use can be a very psychologically healthy choice for many people in certain circumstances. And plenty of the choices that society promotes have the potential to be just as damaging as inappropriate drug use, but are not equally stigmatized.

Addiction, however, by definition is not a choice and by definition is not healthy or fulfilling.

I think the sanity that addicts often share is more because we are largely all united by the shared experience of trauma (pre or post becoming addicted), and the fact that addiction kind of displays your trauma on the outside, so we tend to acknowledge vicious reality and the suffering of others... versus stuffing it all down with capitalism and denial. I find non addicts who have been through serious trauma are often the same way..
Is it solipsistic in here or is it just me?

Druggies are, in general, less full of themselves, maybe. I thought they were a nicer breed of folks since I was 16. However, that's just in general. Assholes exist everywhere.
Actually, I think there's a user here with that name.
I think it depends on what kind of drug users you're talking about. Some of them are very full of themselves and their drug use just builds up their egos even more. I noticed that psychedelic users tend to be one of the two extremes. Either very self-less or very selfish. That's just been my experience. There was only one guy in high school that got me interested in psychedelics (otherwise I never would have considered it). I liked him because he was like a jock on the surface, but secretly a nerd who was very deep into esoteric things. He was the full of himself type though.

I don't think drug addiction is related to how aware you are of the world, but your personal traumas, coping mechanisms, predispositions, and the pillars of support in your life (or lack thereof).
I'd say it's both.

With or without drugs I am convinced that everybody is crazy-- we're just crazy in different ways.
Right. "How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste. . ."
It's the same thing for crazy vs sanity. Our basis for what is sane could actually be completely insane from a cosmic or god-like perspective.
So yeah, I guess my question is a loaded question.
I'd say ultimately no, because in the long run drugs aren't a good coping method so a truly sane person would avoid becoming addicted to them as much as possible
I think you're equating sane with rational. Humans are largely emotional creatures; leaning on mind-altering substances to cope with pain or the state of the world may not be rational, but it's not indicative of insanity in and of itself.
I think drug use can be a very psychologically healthy choice for many people in certain circumstances. And plenty of the choices that society promotes have the potential to be just as damaging as inappropriate drug use, but are not equally stigmatized.
All societies like to have a group of individuals they can define themselves against and to project their own insecurities onto, and druggies fit the bill as symbols of degeneration, 'sinful' appetites, rebellion against collective social mores etc etc.
If you're walking past some miserable street junkie nodding out on the pavement, you get to feel that whatever your personal shortcomings, or the fact that you're only one paycheck away from eviction, 'well at least I' m not like THAT '.
Addiction, however, by definition is not a choice and by definition is not healthy or fulfilling.
You're right in that nobody goes and deliberately gets themselves addicted. You don't choose addiction because that's not a desirable state. HOWEVER you absolutely do choose each instance of use that sets you on that path, because you're pursuing the immediate effects of the substance, which obviously can produce extremely desirable short-term states. Nobody gets addicted to shit they don't LIKE.
It’s tricky. I wouldn’t say they are less sane for sure. I think generalizations are usually inaccurate when defining people. I do know that some drug addictions can really cause a person to seek out there and on edge. No I don’t think drug addicts are more sane than people who don’t use drugs.

We are constantly changing our brain when we ingest drugs and our brain wants to have homeostasis. So it’s this back and forth thing of altering our brain and then it fighting to achieve homeostasis. I don’t see how that can make us more sane. Think about stimulant abuse for example. Most experience anhedonia when they quit. How is that beneficial to our sanity?
I always thought the opposite i look at people who don't use drugs as sane . I envy them why cant i be happy without heroin meth or coke flowing through me what is wrong with me that i find normal life so boring . Even when I'm off heroin I'm abusing coke or pregabalin i not been drug free for 31 years hundreds of thousand spent that cant be sane behaviour
I'm sticking with my original statement that we are just more sensitive than "normal" people.
I see the world and I see most people acting like everything is OK. Straight-edge people say things like "why would I want to feel different?"
I cannot imagine living in this fucked up world and NOT wanting to be anesthetized.
A lot of people over 50 take some sort of mind altering medication. They don't even question the side effects or mood swings.

A good amount of teens are put on medication without their consent.

Everyone else is addicted to something, may not be drugs , more like social standing. Religion, money, sex, power. There's always something when you actually get to know someone
A lot of people over 50 take some sort of mind altering medication. They don't even question the side effects or mood swings.

A good amount of teens are put on medication without their consent.

Everyone else is addicted to something, may not be drugs , more like social standing. Religion, money, sex, power. There's always something when you actually get to know someone
When you're over 60, docs suddenly start throwing the miracle drug of the day at you.