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Opioids Are CBD or high doses of any of my meds any good for opioid withdrawal?


Apr 29, 2018
So I normally, ah, "help" my neighbour a couple times a week in return for a 14-count strip of 60mg MSContin pills.
I haven't been able to do this for 3 or 4 weeks now due to social distancing. So I've been taking much higher doses of my DHC to try and make up for it, but of course I have now run out of them too (as of 11 hours ago) and am starting to experience an awful withdrawal (I'm having cramps, cold shivers, sweating and diarrhea already).
I have 90% pure CBD oil. Will it help?
I get my next DHC script on Tuesday.

I have a lot of Naproxen, Depakote, Sertraline, Quetiapine and Chlorphenamine and Trazodone, too?
I dont think any of those meds you've listed will do much mate. You could try high dose immodium which some people swear by. Its available in supermarkets for about a fiver a pack, but you'd need about 100mg. Other OTC options are co-codamol and Paramol. If you can be arsed to do a cold water extraction to remove the paracetamol then you're sorted. If not, dont take any more than 4 every 4 hours - but this should take the edge off.
Quetiapine will help you sleep, thats about it. CBD won't help much because it frankly doesn't do much.

You could try the loperamide but id recommend a lower dose, not above 50-60mg.

I have to ask, what do you mean by "help" your neighbor...
Quetiapine will help you sleep, thats about it. CBD won't help much because it frankly doesn't do much.

You could try the loperamide but id recommend a lower dose, not above 50-60mg.

I have to ask, what do you mean by "help" your neighbor...

I'm temporarily out of loperamide, too. There's NOTHING in shops are pharmacies right no. I've ordered some online but it wont come until Tuesday.

"help" means I blow my neighbour for morphine :p
I'm temporarily out of loperamide, too. There's NOTHING in shops are pharmacies right no. I've ordered some online but it wont come until Tuesday.

"help" means I blow my neighbour for morphine :p

Yeh, we know what your 'help" means. Wish I had a fit busty neighbour with a big arse who was willing to help me. ;)

But I've seen immodium on the shelves of several major supermarkets in the last few days. There doesn't appear to be a shortage (why would people need to panic buy bog roll if they were stocking up on immodium?) Forget the pharmacies, just look on the regular shelves with the aspirin and antihistamines...
Yeah definitely no shortage of loperamide. It’s in pharmacies in bigger packs but you could get it from supermarket also, B&M etc. Definitely worth getting and trying as it should help withdrawal.
Yeh, we know what your 'help" means. Wish I had a fit busty neighbour with a big arse who was willing to help me. ;)

But I've seen immodium on the shelves of several major supermarkets in the last few days. There doesn't appear to be a shortage (why would people need to panic buy bog roll if they were stocking up on immodium?) Forget the pharmacies, just look on the regular shelves with the aspirin and antihistamines...

Haha well my (already fairly big butt) is ever-expanding due to boredom eating when self-isolating :p

My dad's gone out to search me some Paramol and Imodium. But they question you about why you're buying it (any med) and you have to sign this thing to prevent people over-buying so I can't stock-up or anything. Even online I was only able to get 2 of anything (on amazon). I bought 2 x 36 packs so should have 72 soon. I usually need 12 or 14 capsules to get out of withdrawal for a couple days.
I finally tried kratom and it really does help. Nice mood lift and some energy
Well most folks order it somewhere online, Idk kratom legality down by you but it likely is legal.

Most of the pages where I found it said that they did not send to Argentina, I will keep looking ... I really need a substitute
I’d recon that a neuroleptic and/or benzodiazepine would be the only pharmacologically viable option aside from another opioid which would mitigate the negative effects of said withdrawal.