• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Are benzo's and zopiclone (z-drugs) comparable?


May 11, 2016
As in, is their mechanism relatively similar.

Both supposedly act on GABA, and both used as sleep aids.

If one showed an intolerance to zopiclone, could they expect the same from any benzo?
Benzos are a clean, relatively safe, downer.
Z-drugs are trippier and more unpredictable. Also, in my opinion, less valuable as a sleep aid.
I've just came off zopiclone as it made me depressed as fuck as my tolerence was high to them, soon as I switched back to benzos I felt so much better, but my tolerance goes up even quicker on benzos, rather than that what I just went through on zopiclone, I was on it a long time though

I don't think they are the same even if Z drugs are known as nonbenzodiazpines as work in a similar way, but the zopiclone in it obviously is not good for my brain at all, I used to love them at the start, yes mildly trippy till body geys used to them and the trippy effect ain't all the time just occasionally for some people when they start taking them
As far as I know, the mechanism of action for the Z-drugs is not fully understood. They are highly unpredictable and in some cases they can worsen mental illnesses & cause delirium. This is usually (but not always) caused by the drug being dosed too highly and/or used for long periods of time. I would refrain from assuming that an (in)tolerance to Z-drugs = an (in)tolerance to benzodiazepines.
As far as I know, the mechanism of action for the Z-drugs is not fully understood


They are highly unpredictable and in some cases they can worsen mental illnesses

Made my depression come back, people with history of mental illness like depression shouldn't take them, yet we do as think we be okay but as proved they fucked people up to the point I'm not taking them again and yes mine was high doses over years
Given that muscimol (from fly agaric) acts through GABA receptors, it's not too far off that the Z drugs were indeed selective GABA-A agonists (benzos, being positive allosteric modulators, rarely ever induce hallucinations). At least I'd say they are a kind of their own, unlike either delirants (besides one 500mg benadryl experiment which didn't cause any delirant features, I didn't touch that drug class, but love to read trip reports), dissociatives (which aren't hallucinogen at all to me, only at high dosages some black'n'white CEVs) or psychedelics. There are some similarities to dissociatives but the visual aspect is very different.

I liked pagoclone, even when it was kinda underwhelming. Zolpidem doesn't even help me falling asleep but showed some weird stimulatory effects next to the obligatory GABAergic disinhibition. Zopiclone is the most bitter substance I ever encountered, it's strong enough to cause taste disturbation just from the tiny amount which reaches the responsible nerves through the bloodstream. Has some interesting CEVs but I always forgot all because of retrograde amnesia and it usually required alcohol as a potentiator for the CEVs to set in. Can't recommend that combo.

I was on zopiclon 7.5mg for afair three months and stopped cold, no withdrawal to speak of. Benzodiazepines, ugh, if you ask me they are anything but clean ... yeah, at first they feel clean, but made me to do some serious shit and then didn't even calm me down but the opposite. Engaged in a fight for example which I never would have done while sober. Here zolpidem or pagoclone are more clean imo. Out off the benzos, alprazolam might be the best, and lorazepam is a pretty dirty one (which where I lived, psychiatry loved and thus repeatedly used it).

But intolerance - I'd say depending on what sort of. Not to have good reaction to BZDs doesn't have to say that Z-drugs won't work and the other way round. Even if one has done bad stuff on one category doesn't have to mean that the other one is useless but I'd say if this is the case then great caution is warranted. Allergic reactions, the molecules might be too distantly related as for the immune system to recognize them but I'm no expert on this topic.
Given that muscimol (from fly agaric) acts through GABA receptors, it's not too far off that the Z drugs were indeed selective GABA-A agonists (benzos, being positive allosteric modulators, rarely ever induce hallucinations)

No way, that's why when I first started zopiclone many years ago at 4 x 7.5mg and above they was trippy, so is that why, that's so interesting, the trippy feeling soon went as tolerence built, even after eating 18 x 7.5mg in one day

unlike either delirants (besides one 500mg benadryl experiment which didn't cause any delirant features, I didn't touch that drug class, but love to read trip reports)

I read trip reports on the dark, twisted scary hell of a trip of deliants that put me off trying it, and yes I love reading those trip reports, who in their right mnd chooses to trip on them lol

Zolpidem doesn't even help me falling asleep but showed some weird stimulatory effects next to the obligatory GABAergic disinhibition

Its has such a so short acting half life much shorter than zopiclone that's probably why, but strange it's stimulating, I get that on most opioids and benzos especially clonazepam at higher doses than 1 or 2mg, makes me wake up after 2 hours and the non trippy thing about zopiclone after 18 in one day didn't make me r trip make me trip

lorazepam is a pretty dirty one (which where I lived, psychiatry loved and thus repeatedly used it)

Weakest benzo I've ever had bought one box, won't buy again

You made some interesting points there
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