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Anyway to avoid the appetite suppressing effects of weed?


Feb 15, 2007
I've found that weed heavily reduces my hunger. To the point that I could be starving hungry, food consumes my mind but after a joint its the last thing I'm thinking about and often couldn't even bring myself to eat even if otherwise delicious food is sitting right in front of me.

When I don't smoke weed for several days I become a monster, and eat so much food. I can't eat enough, it's relentless.

Ideally I could find a middle ground. Anyone have experience dealing with this? The only thing that seems to help albeit just slightly is that it's best if I eat before I smoke in the morning. I'll atleast be eating food before 3pm if I do that.

My weight is always a struggle, Im on the lean side and could do with another 5-10kg of weight but this seems impossible to do with a daily(mostly) weed habit.

Weed stopped giving me the munchies a very long time ago. I don't get the appetite stimulation anymore (no matter what tolerance level I have), but it also doesn't suppress my appetite either. Neutral.

What strain/type are you smoking?

Maybe finding a specific strain or adding certain other cannabinoids at some ratio would help.
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Weed stopped giving me the munchies a very long time ago. I don't get the appetite stimulation anymore (no matter what tolerance level I have), but it also doesn't suppress my appetite either. Neutral.

What strain/type are you smoking?

Maybe finding a specific strain or adding certain other cannabinoids at some ratio would help.
I don't find any particularly noticeable difference smoking different weed. I am not in the fortunate enough position to know what I am buying anyway. But yeah, just seems to be that any weed does this to me. The more blazed I get/stronger the weed is, the more powerful the appetite suppression is.

If I smoke weed regularly throughout a day I can easily not eat, at all. This causes me to go a day or two without really eating kind of regularly. I have to stop smoking for 2-3 hours before I have any appetite. Sometimes I can force myself to eat earlier than that but not often.

Oddly enough I don't remember ever getting the munchies even in my earlier years.
Hey mate , im the opposite i struggle with my appetite and eating if I haven't had a joint . I just don't fancy nor get hungry , yet as soon as I light a joint by the time I'm half way through a king size skin spliff im thinking about food and sweet things carbs n everything, by the time I've finished a joint my hunger is ridiculous and I can't stop munching. I've never heard of someone who's the opposite how strange, sorry I can't be of any help 😕
Looking forward to seeing more replies on this though as its a new one to me
I don't find any particularly noticeable difference smoking different weed. I am not in the fortunate enough position to know what I am buying anyway. But yeah, just seems to be that any weed does this to me. The more blazed I get/stronger the weed is, the more powerful the appetite suppression is.

If I smoke weed regularly throughout a day I can easily not eat, at all. This causes me to go a day or two without really eating kind of regularly. I have to stop smoking for 2-3 hours before I have any appetite. Sometimes I can force myself to eat earlier than that but not often.

Oddly enough I don't remember ever getting the munchies even in my earlier years.

This is the strangest (well.... rarest would be more accurate, I suppose) paradoxical effect from weed I've ever heard claimed. It's a shame too, because indulging in a little cannabis beforehand makes every meal an absolute joy for me.

You make it sound as if you smoke a lot/often as well, so having your appetite constantly suppressed could be harming your body through malnutrition. I don't know of any way to get around the appetite suppression as I'd never even heard of weed causing it until I read your post, but the good news is that there's a pretty simple work-around!

Eat before you get high. It may require a few lifestyle changes that you have to force yourself into but I promise you, bud, you start getting some food in you and you're going to feel better than you do now. If that means putting off getting high for an hour or two-- well, I honestly think that's a good trade-off but it's up to you to make that choice.
i find vaping weed makes me fairly hungry , more so than smoking it would
Also look up which strains are higher in THCV and avoid those
This is the strangest (well.... rarest would be more accurate, I suppose) paradoxical effect from weed I've ever heard claimed. It's a shame too, because indulging in a little cannabis beforehand makes every meal an absolute joy for me.

You make it sound as if you smoke a lot/often as well, so having your appetite constantly suppressed could be harming your body through malnutrition. I don't know of any way to get around the appetite suppression as I'd never even heard of weed causing it until I read your post, but the good news is that there's a pretty simple work-around!

Eat before you get high. It may require a few lifestyle changes that you have to force yourself into but I promise you, bud, you start getting some food in you and you're going to feel better than you do now. If that means putting off getting high for an hour or two-- well, I honestly think that's a good trade-off but it's up to you to make that choice.

Yes I smoke a decent amount. An ounce lasts me about two weeks but sometimes I'll smoke it within a week. About 5-10 doobs a day.

I do have concern of malnutrition for sure. I am constantly fighting to not drop below 70kg(I'm over 6ft for perspective).

I appreciate the feedback and so far I think you're right, I have to time my weed usage better. I have little self control in regards to weed so it's difficult for me, that's why I'm trying to find a work around to that solution.

I've met one other stoner who had this same effect, although he used opiates regularly too and I'm not sure how much that effects appetite.
what can I say , except psychedelics generally make you nauseous, so if I have a psychedelic strength series of tokes I do not eat for hours and then do eat - somewhat mechanically with gusto, and the same with lsd, I start to eat before other users on lsd, but not in the first 3 hours.
what can I say , except psychedelics generally make you nauseous, so if I have a psychedelic strength series of tokes I do not eat for hours and then do eat - somewhat mechanically with gusto, and the same with lsd, I start to eat before other users on lsd, but not in the first 3 hours.
Thanks this is a good comment. Maybe this is all related to the fact I'm kinda permanently tripping from mega doses of shrooms years ago and that weed brings this constant inner trip more to the surface. Like I get more intense closed eye visuals when I've smoked weed etc.
It's funny. I stumbled upon this thread just as I was about to load my pipe with some appetizer bud.
I no longer get the munchies per se but if I'm not particularly hungry then weed nudges my appetite a little.
Like right now--- it's hot as hell, which kills my appetite. So I was gonna smoke a bit just so I could eat some dinner tonight.
Never heard of your condition. I'm weird, though--- I used to love to eat when high on oxys or hydros.
I think as one learns to use weed correctly, one is wise to the fact that weed slightly impairs motor function and enhances proprioception in a characteristic way that makes eating a somewhat bad idea, and on the other hand works great with meditation or light physical activity such as taking walks.

Weed munchies are real but not ideal. If you habitually avoid it, i'd say you've developed a sensible use, a sustainable personal ritual.

Best food to eat on weed is fruit.

Not sure if this applies to everyone really. But if i were to guess we are similar enough in terms of physical and mental properties.
Thanks this is a good comment. Maybe this is all related to the fact I'm kinda permanently tripping from mega doses of shrooms years ago and that weed brings this constant inner trip more to the surface. Like I get more intense closed eye visuals when I've smoked weed etc.
Same lol but other psychedelics. After i stopped weed for a few years it all stopped. But as soon as i smoke weed it all starts again hahahaha <3 <3 :D
yeah man balance your bread habits

integral is still a killer, better eat some black one

also you kill the routine so the placebo effect is less likely to kick in unless you think about it constantly

flour like anything else has its plus and minus, what you experience is called the "drone effect" and therefore flour kills vitamin C by speeding up your blood, similar to rice. This vitamin is responsable for everyday function of your body, others are important too but C is the clockmaker. I say bread because it makes you less hungry and in more people I noticed prone to never tried diary products.