Anyone who has a friend or is a friend pls read this!!!


Dec 18, 1999
I have been hearing so much bad stuff lately about people getting sick, people like Anna Woods dying, and all sorts of other crazy shit related(or not) to E.
Basically what I've gotten out of all of this is that we really need to watch our friends and ourselves. We all know damn well what we're doing is risky - we don't need people lecturing on how "it can happen to anyone". We've all heard it.
One thing though that can never be said too much is that WE MUST WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER!!!
If your friend is getting sick, get her help. If you see someone being taken advantage of, step in. If you yourself are in ANY sort of situation that makes you uncomfortable, get out or get help.
I've heard one too many stories and witnessed way too much. This is supposed to be fun, so play it safe! PLease.
luv u tons!!!!!

Sorry to scare or get anyone down, but we all need to face this thing called REALITY every now and then. Things aren't always BLUELIGHT perfect!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
"Anyone who has a friend or is a friend pls read this!!!"
luv2luv...why do you exclude me from your reindeer games? *sniff sniff*
A good thing can't be said too often. You have the best threads, luv2luv

Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)
Mr. Sticky, EVERYONE wants to be YOUR friend!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!