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Anyone remember Tenuate Dospan?


Bluelight Crew
May 12, 2010
A recent thread about UK speed reminded me of 'Chalkies', AKA 'Tombstones', brand name 'Tenuate Dospan', chemical name 'Diethylproprion'. my experience of these was around 1981. An aquaintenance's mother was prescribed these for weight loss, but she sold them to her son for his nights down Wigan Casino (classy, huh!). They were white and oblong with a score across the middle with (I think) 'SKF' debossed on the reverse side. I don't know how strong they were, but one morning, myself and a friend, (both aged about 17), took six each. We had previously been told that in addition to its amphetamine-like appetite suppressant activity, another reason for its anorexic effects was that each tablet swelled up to the size of a cigarette packet, therefore also making you physically 'full'. God knows how true this was, but I remember after about half an hour, I felt this amazing 'full' feeling wash over me, which was the start of the most amazing 6 hour experience I had ever had in my life at that point. The euphoria and empathy I felt was like nothing I'd had before and would never experience again until MDMA came on the scene. i'd had speed before, and bloody good speed at that - but this took it to a completely new level for me, and turned me into a speed freak for the next 20 years.

So does anyone remember these little buggers? Are they still available (Rx or black market)? Does anyone else agree that the effect was much more serotonin based than most 'classic' stims? Cheers!!
Never had them but remember them. Girlfriend has sketchy memory of them. Then again she has a sketchy memory of last night. Will try and think harder but yeah, definitely was an abusable slim pill.
Thinking about it now, the most striking memory is the feeling of 'fullness' we experienced - and not just physically. We felt full of love, empathy, bliss! It felt like there was nothing we needed, and everything we did experience was just a bonus on top of that feeling of being completely and utterly satisfied. It felt like the polar opposite of heroin - so far at the other end of the spectrum that it was virtually the same - an anti-gouch if you like!

The come down was fuckin' shite though!!
Going off wikipedia it sounds as though they're related to mephedrone
Ahhh, well pointed out.! I had no idea it was a cathinone (silly me for not checking wikipedia first). Unfortunately I completely missed mephedrone, a fact which pisses me off even more in the light of this information!!! GOODGODDAMMIT...!!
yep - my ol man was prescibed them for weight loss. Plus a girl i knew from Jersey literally had a drawer full of slimmers -all different types she got from the staes at different weight loss clinics.
When i lived in spain/tenerife we use to get fat birds to buy speed pills from the pharmacias cant remember the names but they were fucking strong.
Ahhh, well pointed out.! I had no idea it was a cathinone (silly me for not checking wikipedia first). Unfortunately I completely missed mephedrone, a fact which pisses me off even more in the light of this information!!! GOODGODDAMMIT...!!

Had NO idea that Cathinone's had even been around that long, did Cathinones once adhere to some other pharmacological nomenclature?

Yeah I've tried these in the early 90''s. Didnt like them, felt the buzz was inadequate, anxiety strewn & overlong, but of course I had access to fine, genuine Ecstacy tablets at the time. My Tenuate doses weren't more than double the prescription though, probably 2 at a time. These things were also used along with a number of other crappy pharmacuetical stimulants in Zimbabwe's early 80's club scene. I never had any n Zim but along with Ephedrine (otc at the time) it was one of the few stimulants available to peasants such as myself. There was always quality cocaine in Zim but I never saw any. Also had a few completely spangled nights out on Vesperax, another club-use pharmacuetical (alcohol alternative) but one for which you had to con the doctor outta a script.
Yeah I've tried these in the early 90''s. Didnt like them, felt the buzz was inadequate, anxiety strewn & overlong, but of course I had access to fine, genuine Ecstacy tablets at the time. My Tenuate doses weren't more than double the prescription though, probably 2 at a time

Yeh, I think you have to do a dose significantly bigger than the prescribed dose. I've had just two on other occasions and it wasn't really worth it.
Actually they still exist as a readymade pharm in Germany.Either 30pc/75mg or 60pc/75mg.
But they are a real bitch to get scripted.I think lots of them goes to the "grey" market.Both are retarded versions,
so you only have to chew them to get the full effect.Nice & clean stimulation.unfortunately very rare
Tenuate Dospan/Tombstones = diethylpropion.

Ethcathinone is an active metabolite of diethylpropion.
It's the ethcathinone that is responsible for the CNS stimulation & appetite suppression.
I can sort of remember these but I came across them later in the 80's - I can remember buying them but I can't remember who the hell the person was I was buying them from or how I came to know she was selling these pills? There were a few different slimming pills around then -but as the speed that was around was brilliant I never really looked for another stimulant.
Diethylpropion - TENUATE DOSPAN white scored elongated, marked MERRELL, 75mg strength OR APISATE, yellow, round, marked WYETH 75mg

Other anoretics that were/are abusable

Phentermine - DUROMINE, grey-green 15mg or maroon/grey 30mg Both marked DUROMINE and with strength Also came in Ionamin capsules which had different colours but the same strengths as Duromine.

Mazindol - TERONAC, white, scored, 2mg marked Teronac

Dexfenfluramine - ADIFAX capsules, white, 15mg marked S5614

Fenfluramine - PONDERAX capsules, clear, blue, marked PxPA60 (60mg fenfluramine)

A by-product (?) of PHENTERMINE (above) has been found, apparently, in some Methoxetamine analysed in North America.
I don't recall any of these slimming pills as far as ever trying any meself. I do recall a... well-built mother and daughter speedfreak combo that lived in the static across from me and the then missus when I was living on a gypsy site a while back were into slimming pills in a big way and raved about 'em constantly though.

In related news, unless memory fails me I do believe that me beloved peevee started off life in the form of a banned slimming pill only ever available in France in the 60s (or summat along those lines). Wasn't actually peevee itself that it contained but peev is kinda like a massively beefed up version of the active ingredient. Unless I just made that up anyway.
In related news, unless memory fails me I do believe that me beloved peevee started off life in the form of a banned slimming pill only ever available in France in the 60s (or summat along those lines). Wasn't actually peevee itself that it contained but peev is kinda like a massively beefed up version of the active ingredient. Unless I just made that up anyway.

Wasn't that just Pyrovalerone without the methylenedioxy bit? i.e the PV without the MD
Dunno tbh, FUBAR. Just remember reading summat somewhere on BL about peev being essentially an extrapolation of an oldskool slimming pill that was banned years ago. I seriously doubt if I had said pills to hand I'd be as enchanted by its seductively freaky charms even remotely. Didn't have much to add to this thread otherwise so just tossed it in there in the hope someone more knowlegable than I could confirm or deny my vague memory is all. Consider it more or less denied ;)
Dunno tbh, FUBAR. Just remember reading summat somewhere on BL about peev being essentially an extrapolation of an oldskool slimming pill that was banned years ago. I seriously doubt if I had said pills to hand I'd be as enchanted by its seductively freaky charms even remotely. Didn't have much to add to this thread otherwise so just tossed it in there in the hope someone more knowlegable than I could confirm or deny my vague memory is all. Consider it more or less denied ;)

'ere yar; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrovalerone
Sounds about right, FUBAR. Fits all the (very limited) info I recalled. Should probably check the almighty wiki before spouting hearsay ;)