• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Anyone here live on social security?

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May 15, 2011
Maybe this should just be part of my other thread, I'm not sure. But does anyone here live on social security? It seems nearly impossible with the amount that you get to live on your own. I mean $710 nowadays is ridiculous. Even with the cheapest housing around you basically only get enough to barely survive unless you have roommates. Seems pretty stupid.
you are not suppose to be able to survive on it thats the whole point.

im aussie and i read our current right wing extreme dickhead prime minister is looking at proposing a total ban on any government benefits for anyone under 30 because he wants to dig up our outback and flog off minerals now before the world wakes the fuck up and decides to get serious about cutting pollution.

i couldnt stand living in merica and receiving food stamps. what a joke.
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you are not suppose to be able to survive on it thats the whole point.

im aussie and i read our current right wing extreme dickhead prime minister is looking at proposing a total ban on any government benefits for anyone under 30 because he wants to dig up our outback and flog off minerals now before the world wakes the fuck up and decides to get serious about cutting pollution.

i couldnt stand living in merica and receiving food stamps. what a joke.

Don't be so judgmental, laugh. I'm on food stamps and I have no shame in it. I pay my taxes like all of the other like minded sheeple here. I mostly take care of my mom and won't be making a decent living until I go back to school and finish my massage therapy training. That my country/continent is better than yours because (insert arrogant reason here) is just the type of thinking your government wants you to buy into.

And to think I bestowed upon you an epic PM last night. I have half a mind to take it back.
Ummm ok I had posted but deleted it to see what everyone else was posting at the same time...

What degree of luxury should I be able to enjoy? IDK basically being able to still buy food and living essentials after paying rent and utilities. I'm fine with not needing much to get by, but I think if you qualify for ssi the amount should reflect how much the cost of living is. $710 would've been fine maybe in the 90s, but now its hardly anything.
Don't be so judgmental, laugh. I'm on food stamps and I have no shame in it. I pay my taxes like all of the other like minded sheeple here. I mostly take care of my mom and won't be making a decent living until I go back to school and finish my massage therapy training. That my country/continent is better than yours because (insert arrogant reason here) is just the type of thinking your government wants you to buy into.

And to think I bestowed upon you an epic PM last night. I have half a mind to take it back.

i think there has been a misinterpretation frank - quit being so judgemental!! you hate being on food stamps and i would hate to be on food stamps. i can totally sympathise with those in the ordinary position. i was having a go at your government though seriously who wouldnt be atm. i think merica and australia would be better off if they were more like the scandinavians in regards to social security, health, education, etc. i recently saw literacy and numeracy rates and australia has slipped well down the list so has englad but america was at the bottom of the heap. if our countries spent the amount they do on defense on health and education i think it would be wise. now please quit being so bloody judgemental and patriotic. how can you be so patriotic when you government is on a paid holiday and you good sir are on food stamps! i wonder if you will get a tax deduction for the time your gov has been on holiday? you should have no shame im sorry if i have offended! i guess i just find it sad that merica is sprooked as the land of the free the land of opportunity when its obviously not all its advertised to be.

im actually in a very similar position as you atm. my old man is crook and to make it worse he is beginning to shows signs of dementia. im trying to help mumma with income and study at the same time.

iv been told before that i am judgemental. well could someone please tell me how one lives life and makes decisions without being judgemental? if iv been given the judgemental label in a thread behind the scenes as i suspect i couldnt really care less. i can live with being judgemental i mean i wouldnt know how to live without making decisions. its better than being religious or a capitalist or free marketeer..

there are so many thing about merica i truly despise. the gap between rich and poor. guns, weapons, war machine. vietnam, afghanistan, iraq. resource theft under the guise of terrorism. man i wouldnt live in north america even if i was paid too. why are there so many people in america running around with guns murdering one another. australia has the down under dingo rep and merica has the white power bible bashing gun toting crippled capitalist economy sick and crazed society rep.

peace and love franky

What degree of luxury do you believe you should enjoy?

perhaps luxury is the wrong word?

btw are you aware that left wing and right wing politics is the opposite in australia to merica? i think it must flip at the equator like how whirlpools turn the opposite direction..

romney and the tea party should be hung by the balls and given access to obama care.
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Living on your own is a luxury. You probably need to get a roommate like everyone else who can't afford to live on their own (and has a job). Not hating on you for receiving help, or for anyone who receives it. I just think you need to be proactive about how you're going to get what you want and get back on your feet. You might have to be uncomfortable or inconvenienced for a period of time to dig yourself out. That's just something everyone goes through, whether they're on government assistance or not.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think SSI is intended to cover all of your expenses, just the vital living expenses like rent and food. It's just meant to help you get by, not to cover for everything.
OP, you are correct that in most major cities 710 will not even cover rent. Are you homeless right now? Some cities have nonprofit social service agencies that can help with providing subsidized housing for people who are homeless and disabled. Also, you can work and earn up to a grand a month without your SSI or SSDI getting penalized.
Why are you living on social security?
Seems pretty stupid to expect the gov't to take care of your every need but people expect it.

When I retire I do not expect any gov't money to be there for me. Perhaps to pay for groceries and maybe a power bill *shrugs* precisely why I have had a retirement plan in place since 27.
OP, you are correct that in most major cities 710 will not even cover rent. Are you homeless right now? Some cities have nonprofit social service agencies that can help with providing subsidized housing for people who are homeless and disabled. Also, you can work and earn up to a grand a month without your SSI or SSDI getting penalized.

No, thankfully I'm not homeless. I'm aware of section 8, but the thing with that is that if you move out of state you have to live their before you can apply, and I've heard it can take 1-3 years to get that. As far as working I'm allowed to work up to like 20hrs. I'm pretty sure I can't make 1k and still get my ssi but I'm not sure. I probably should try to find something to supplement it eventually, but right now I'm just not all that stable.

Why are you living on social security?
Seems pretty stupid to expect the gov't to take care of your every need but people expect it.

Certifiable mental illness. I'm glad you have your shit together so well tho.
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What's with the shitty mentality in this thread? First, laugh goes on a tangent about how people who are on food stamps are basically beneath him, now PI is badmouthing people who live on Social Security?

My mom lives on SS. That is her only means of income. This thread sure is bringing the judgmental snob out of a few of you.
I think some of it might have been from how I came across in my first post because I'm frustrated about my situation. I will just say tho that I am grateful for getting some assistance, it's just my opinion that it should reflect today's living costs a little better. As far as working I wish I could hold down a full time job and not have to rely on any government assistance, but the fact is that so far due to my problems that hasn't gone so well. Tried treatment too, and that's gone about as well as working. Maybe I can find something in the future to supplement my income, I just don't know right now.
What's with the shitty mentality in this thread? First, laugh goes on a tangent about how people who are on food stamps are basically beneath him, now PI is badmouthing people who live on Social Security?

My mom lives on SS. That is her only means of income. This thread sure is bringing the judgmental snob out of a few of you.

Wtf that is not at all what I was implying!
I didn't think it was... Wasn't sure about what you meant that you couldn't stand living here and receiving food stamps tho.
And that doing so was a joke? I guess you meant that as a compliment then, laugh. My mistake.

You know you're still aces in my book though, laugh. Along with PI. I have nothing but love for you both.
I think only one person here was really being judgemental but I'll just leave it at that.
Why are you living on social security?
Seems pretty stupid to expect the gov't to take care of your every need but people expect it.

When I retire I do not expect any gov't money to be there for me. Perhaps to pay for groceries and maybe a power bill *shrugs* precisely why I have had a retirement plan in place since 27.

Why the feck are you in our country, and why aren't you producing a baby for your guy?
[COLOR="#FF00000"]<no name calling>[/COLOR]
prove to me that your not by answering this riddle Mell
What kinda goblin would be after your fancy vagina if Womens Liberation came prior to Negroes getting their Civil Rights in the 1960's.

OP: You wanna run interference for straight people, and NOT give a fuckin go green Community college save the earth about Homosexuals that are gaining more Civil Rights in our great Nation. I am sane and reasonable, but my Social Workers and other mental health workers are dragging their heals when it comes to me "telling and explain in detail, even teaching them what I am failing on, over and over again".
I'm learning disabled, and have creeped the fuck outta' them I imagine. The only thing they could wait for is a clue to quit "begging me" to take their drugs after I explained to them for a few hours that I know what my rights are and probably some other plausible things like..............icantsayhere
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