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Anyone help?


Dec 22, 2015
Does anyone find when they are smoking by themselves that you don't smoke very much at one time? Like when I use my bong by myself i find myself only smoking like one bowl with some kief then just finding myself doing something else and almost feels like i have to force myself to smoke again. I have been smoking everyday for about a year and just don't understand why this is happening?
Yeah, I normally smoke by myself and I don't need much, or to redose very often. You're normal.
because you're not smoking to get absolutely, completely fucked up, you're just smoking because you like a mellow high.

I'm the same way lately... started a couple years ago. Once I started getting top shelf all the time, I noticed myself doing exactly what you described. Sometimes it's just a single hit from a kief bowl and I get lost in something else because, at that point, I'm high enough for my purposes and I'll get to the rest of my tree in due time.

but there are definitely days where I smoke (and drink) myself half retarded. Don't get that twisted. It's just, when it comes to regular, every day usage, I know exactly what you're talking about.
Pass to the left?

When you have someone constantly handing you a bowl or joint, it's a lot easier to smoke more.
My problem is I take a hit find something like this on the internet and think "oh man this needs my input these people cant live without it!" and divert 100% of my attention to the post for 5-10 minuets then i change the music i was listening too read wikipedia only to notice its been 20 minutes since i took a hit and that cycle repeats until i dont get high and burn through what i packed in like 2 hours...

I have to actively get high before i get distracted or i enter into a cycle where i take so few hits and space them out so much that it goes unnoticed in effect. I am sure i get mildly high but if i get distracted and dont have someone say "are you going to take this thing or what?" when i forget to take my hits i will forget until i look over and see it.
I always smoke by myself because I do it at night before bed, or like today all day while my wife was at work. I took her for breakfast and stopped by the weed shop and just got ripped all day. I tried a bit of budder, then some shatter, then some sativa and baked on the couch. Normally though I just like a mellow buzz. Its nice to relax. I use it for some medical reasons as well.
With other people I end up blazing a lot more. When I'm by myself I just chill and do other stuff, taking the occasional bong rip every 30 min or an hour. When I was younger I had no self control at all and would end up smoking a gram in like 5 min to myself.. what a waste..
IME experience it really depends on set and setting. Like when I'm in my own house I don't feel the need to have a full on sesh cause I know I'm gonna be blazing throughout the day (mainly with other people) and I can smoke anywhere in my house, so I dont have to go outside often. But when I'm at my parents house for example, I end up having full on smoke sessions cause I have to go outside and feel like I need to get the most out of it. And fuck it if I'm already outside I might as well smoke the fuck down.
Yeah, I mostly smoke on my own so whenever I do it with other people it's usually because we all want to get blazed and have a good time.
OP; I rarely smoke around other people. Perhaps once or twice a year; otherwise it's all solo smoking. I actually find I smoke a lot less around others. I dunno, perhaps self consciousness on my part?

I'm medical and tend to have bong rips (0.1g) once every hour when on weekends or holidays. I try not to smoke before I start my days otherwise nothing gets done; dinner doesn't made so much as microwaved, the dogs don't get to go for walks, the house doesn't get cleaned, etc. I have to force myself not to smoke, which can be problematic for pain control.

Distraction and the wandering mind my friend....Cannabis makes eveything just kinda stretch out and drastically dilutes urgency for action (for me at least).

Forcing yourself to smoke usually results in wasted weed.

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