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Anyone else noticed this difference -?


Jul 8, 2021
From my personal circle of druggie acquaintances, it seems that when it comes to first time IV use, males generally get initiated by male friends, while the majority of girls will get hit up by their boyfriends. I've also noticed nearly every guy apart from the pathologically needle - shy ones will learn how to do it themselves, while a good number of girls seem to just keep relying on others in that respect.

Is that just a coincidence of my own experience or is it like that everywhere ; and if so why do you think that is?
It just strikes me as slightly curious.
I have seen/witnessed this phenom.
not sure if cultural just seems more controlling. my taake
My brother first hit me up saying that's the only way to do heroin, it's not in the UK I didn't know it can be smoked on foil, sniffed etc, I'd not done it before, I was 17

Then I tried injecting myself and couldn't till I was hit up by others a few times and watched and learned how
In a group, I'm fine with hitting up anyone who asks me or that really needs their shot and is so shaky they'd probably mess it up. I actually kinda take it like a compliment if somebody wants me to do it for them.
However the other way round, I'll only let someone that's a close friend. I find it a very personal thing so I already have to have a bond ; it's also a matter of trust.
I like to get fixed every once in a while 'cause it makes me feel very attached.
I taught myself to do it with speed and managed to do it with no complications for many years. I taught my girlfriend to do it, but she preferred to do it herself once she learned how. When I ended up having a crack at IV coke years later, I mainly relied on hookers to hit me up because my hands shook so much and my veins disappeared after the first shot. They always did themselves too.
I was a self teacher. Only ever shot two other people up. I taught other people, but never wanted the honor of creating an IV drug user.
From my personal circle of druggie acquaintances, it seems that when it comes to first time IV use, males generally get initiated by male friends, while the majority of girls will get hit up by their boyfriends. I've also noticed nearly every guy apart from the pathologically needle - shy ones will learn how to do it themselves, while a good number of girls seem to just keep relying on others in that respect.

Is that just a coincidence of my own experience or is it like that everywhere ; and if so why do you think that is?
It just strikes me as slightly curious.
Seems likely that this could be an actual trend in the drug community and not just a coincidence. It's been this way in most of the drug circles I've been a part of.

Although, anecdote time, I shot myself up the first time with a female friend of mine (she did not shoot up) without her help. My mom and brother are certified phlebotomists and so I watched and learned how they found and hit veins to draw blood and voila, I nailed it with a little more effort than expected. They made it look easier than it was at first. A few months down the road I became quite proficient at it.
I was too scared cause I didn't know wtf I was doing tbh. I feel like there's some weird connection thingy between you and the person administrating, maybe even sexual, amarite? Or maybe it was just me. If I hadn't stopped in my tracks (pardon the pun) I would have learned myself although I'm glad I never.
I was too scared cause I didn't know wtf I was doing tbh. I feel like there's some weird connection thingy between you and the person administrating, maybe even sexual, amarite? Or maybe it was just me.
To this day I've only ever administered my own drugs, so I don't know what that's like. I'll never forget that first time shooting up. I puked so hard almost immediately after I got the needle out of my arm and then I felt fucking amazing. Someone had prepared me for thzt, too, so I had a garbage can at the ready.
I puked so hard almost immediately after I got the needle out of my arm and then I felt fucking amazing. Someone had prepared me for thzt, too, so I had a garbage can at the ready.
Know the weird thing? I actually wasn't sick after my first dose of heroin. I knew a lot of people are, and was prepared for that reaction ; but nothing. (fun fact : you have opioid receptors not just in your brain but in your gut. the latter is what gives you the nausea.) First time (first 5 or 6 times actually) smoking opium though -?
For some reason I got sick as fuck.
Know the weird thing? I actually wasn't sick after my first dose of heroin. I knew a lot of people are, and was prepared for that reaction ; but nothing. (fun fact : you have opioid receptors not just in your brain but in your gut. the latter is what gives you the nausea.) First time (first 5 or 6 times actually) smoking opium though -?
For some reason I got sick as fuck.
The first ten or so times I did heroin, I threw up like crazy. The last time I threw up from it was when I graduated to the needle, oddly enough. Never threw up because of it again aftert that, despite shooting dope for quite some time.
I feel like there's some weird connection thingy between you and the person administrating, maybe even sexual, amarite? Or maybe it was just me
Nah quite a few people experience it as something semi - sexual though most would never admit it. Though I've always thought the analogy is kinda obvious - there's an act of penetration, you're literally putting something into somebody else's body and then that person gets pleasurable sensations. XD
I've known one or two couples where both were users and shooting each other up became almost like a substitute for sex (since heavy continued opiate use has the effect of telling your libido to go take an extended holiday).

.. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone to hit me that I was attracted to for that reason, because it would just feel sort of wrong. I do enjoy the different sense of intimacy you get when it's a friend ; like kind of a 'blood brothers' vibe.
The first ten or so times I did heroin, I threw up like crazy. The last time I threw up from it was when I graduated to the needle, oddly enough. Never threw up because of it again aftert that, despite shooting dope for quite some time.
Were you chasing, or snorting before?
Chasing. Never could find anything suitable to snort, and I prefer to not put things up my nose anyway. I've always been the guy to smoke my drugs when possible.
Chasing just seems to be the most wasteful method to me. The other two ensure you get the full dose right down to the last half miligram.
Chasing just seems to be the most wasteful method to me. The other two ensure you get the full dose right down to the last half miligram.
Is there a proper way of snorting BTH? Because the consistency makes it seem like it would be hard to get to a state where it could easily be snorted. I've only ever had BTH. I always wished I could find some of that nice white powdery shit but it just never came along.

As for chasing being wasteful, if your technique needs work then yeah. I got to the point where no smoke would escape and I was melting it efficiently enough that I could make a point last me more than a couple sessions. Of course, that only lasted until my tolerance developed which lead to more and more and then eventually the needle.
Is there a proper way of snorting BTH? Because the consistency makes it seem like it would be hard to get to a state where it could easily be snorted. I've only ever had BTH. I always wished I could find some of that nice white powdery shit but it just never came along.

As for chasing being wasteful, if your technique needs work then yeah. I got to the point where no smoke would escape and I was melting it efficiently enough that I could make a point last me more than a couple sessions. Of course, that only lasted until my tolerance developed which lead to more and more and then eventually the needle.
Yeah I take your point. You gotta have good quality shit available for snorting and I know some downright chaser addicts who never used a needle.
.. But needle is where it tends to go once you got any kind of tolerance. (I only ever used that method of administration but this was from choice.)
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Know the weird thing? I actually wasn't sick after my first dose of heroin. I knew a lot of people are, and was prepared for that reaction ; but nothing. (fun fact : you have opioid receptors not just in your brain but in your gut. the latter is what gives you the nausea.) First time (first 5 or 6 times actually) smoking opium though -?
For some reason I got sick as fuck.
I always thought I was weird bc I never got sick from H but would often get violently ill from coke. It’s like I had it backwards - not that I had any control over it.

Someone said something about an almost sexual attraction - I nvr really had that as I insisted on learning by myself bc I couldn’t allow anyone that much control (someone also said this). However more recently I’ve seen other chicks who use IV - like meth in the neck for whom it’s a completely sexual thing which is why I was *really* uncomfortable when her bf was out of town & she asked me to do it. Further, I always think man I have to have seen all the hustles but they seem endless much like the bottom is bottomless. I started having ppl call me when I wasn’t IVing just to hit them. Well I realized that - with that feeling or craving that socks you in the gut - that ppl were doing the whole ‘misery loves company’ routine so just another hustle. And what will end that is just a single miss. Lol. No, never on purpose but weird locations are prone to issues like chests & necks. I know that back when I had perfect fat veins which I can’t even really imagine now, as if it was some dream or something, those weird places tended to always bruise. I can’t imagine those places on me anymore either like who I must have been to have not been scared shitless.

One thing I learned by going to stay awhile in high altitude/really cold climate was in the south they’ll say ‘your veins hide’. They may say that everywhere but when I had great veins it seemed true - one shot & from then on it was as if they were hiding just like when you get cold. I went in the mountains where it was so cold and voila! To my utter disbelief the veins were great, close to the surface, etc. I’d never seen anything like it but all I can figure is it must have to do with altitude.

Because i was so hardheaded with the not giving anyone that much control over me plus knowing that IVng was terrible, I refused to read up on or really even consider harm reduction some 20y ago. THAT I regret most of all bc for all the time that I went the wrong direction, shot against valves, hit nerves, blew out veins - well by the time I read WTF was going on I’d already caused severe damage. I’d say irreparable but after 20 years off IV H, things actually healed or rerouted at least. I never had the same probs with M or esp C. Perhaps both are way more soluble w misses - IDK but the real damage comes and came from tar.

These days I’m here looking for solutions for much different probs. TBH when I saw some photos here (not sure it’s this post) of redness and bruising - I’m thinking man, that’s nothing! So, it tells me I must be really bad off which I knew but I expected to see far worse damage. I have a lot of things working against me. Mainly chemo which has destroyed the inside of the vascular system, lymphedema preexisting before I relapsed on H and finally a sudden severe prob not caused by treatment which is the red, hot, pitted edema. I noticed well before now that even if I don’t miss there will be either permanent black spots or worse like necrosis like every single time from day 1. It’s been maybe 9 months now. Like I’ll never again wear shorts or shortsleeves which sucks bc it’s over 90• here.

One NP is aware but I’ve managed to keep the relapse under wraps with the other docs - which is actually the best I can hope for bc it’s like pulling teeth to even get Lortabs which haven’t worked in 20y. So I found a solution and I want it so badly - I found oxy40 IR will actually hold me 6-8h to my surprise bc I was sure I’d ruined all opiates by now. That one I never abused. I did try an ER (v IR) and that won’t work. Prob is Medicaid. It turns out that when I reached out to try to get to a pain management doc I was offered spinal injections only. Then I began really searching for a doc. Referral after referral came back with they will treat joint/back pain but not cancer pain. It’s not like from cancer I don’t have neuropathy and severe arthritis anyway (same w lymphedema) but whatever. The bottom line is no such docs exist and to try maybe the larger cities 3 or 4 hours away. Wow. Really?

While the one NP knows and thus the accompanying oncologist who actually yelled at me about it… I told him teary eyed that I never wanted to revisit this after 20y either!! It’s just that I can only handle so much pain/discomfort untreated before yeah - I finally sought relief. Of course that didn’t go over well either I’m sure bc he’s lucky enough to have never struggled with addiction.

I’d trade the meds I get happily for a single med that will replace the H. I don’t expect the transition to be quite that easy but I saw hope anyway. Yet these docs don’t even want to prescribe the lortabs & MS for breakthrough which honestly I take neither bc I might as well be tossing then over my shoulder than popping them into my mouth. They’re useless. Besides often, they won’t even call them in for a week+ which if I was so dependent on them - that’d lead to a relapse right there.

I’m at a loss on what to do really. I found a quack but the second I mentioned cancer - they were never going to see me. I just didn’t know unfortunately. It finally dawned on me that there are two types of palliative care. Docs have always steered me away from that but there is the end of life kind but also in the waiting room, reading the magazines I’ve read to get a good palliative care doc right off the bat which wld hv been 6+ years ago now. I’m guessing that has to be one last option. Where I am now is there is nowhere to hit without severe damage but i hv to every 8 hrs. And the NP sd go inpatient on Friday (passed). See …no. No. Besides then all meds will be gone anyway. She’s worried about septicemia or DVT & yeah so am I.

I’m at a loss. I’m at my stomach but that’s when things seemed to get worse. Not really -they were bad every single time but that’s where I’m at. Plus self-antibiotics for 5days and elevated legs to stave off sepsis - actually erysipelas to be exact.

I don’t expect any answers.

In another post someone said something about women whose fingers were swollen in the morning. I saw that years ago esp on older women who did meth Iv. People used to talk about IV users -women- had huge hands. Luckily I don’t have that problem though I have every other one… Yet I think that goes along with people that use IV drugs.