anyone else living or have lived a double life?


Mar 25, 2014
whether it be for friends, family, co-workers, etc.

does anyone else find it easier to just completely fabricate what they do in their personal time in order to satisfy another person's or people's curiosity?

I have more or less been doing this for about 5 years now, and I'm starting to lose my mind.
Yes but it was when I was not working, abusing large quantities of alcohol daily, and embarrassed to tell people. A former friend of mine does this to the extent where nobody believes anything he says like where he's been, what he's done, etc. and it does cause him stress/anxiety.
Yeah I did that with my girlfriend/wife for 12 years. It started because she didn't accept that I did psychedelics (we got together at 18, and at the time it wasn't right of her to try to dictate that to me and she was being unreasonable - "that shit's for kids, it's so stupid", etc). So I'd hide my psychedelic use. Eventually I got into opiates and she did them with me for years, and then I realized I was addicted and tried to quit, she was a big help and very supportive, and I did quit, for like 8-10 months, then relapsed. Then the next few years were a cycle of hiding opiate use, her finding out eventually, lots of hurt from the lying, briefly quitting, and relapse. Repeat cycle. I was lying to her all the time, about where I was, what I was spending money on, etc. Somewhere in there she also found out about the years of psychedelic use behind her back and its association with Bluelight... she made me leave Bluelight in fact, which I did from 2011-2014. It shattered our relationship but the real damage wasn't that, the real damage was that I was living a lie and I stopped being clear on what was real about my life and what was fabricated. It took me a long time to figure it out, but I realized that living a lie was doing a tremendous amount of damage to me, my self esteem, and my very sense of self. It was a tremendously toxic thing in my life. Now that we are no longer together I have resolved to be honest with myself first and foremost, and also with other people. I am immeasurably happier and more well-adjusted. I can live the way I want to without having to hide it and feel ashamed of that.

If you have to lie to people all the time then something is wrong. In my case I needed to not be with this person, but it was also that what I was doing was wrong, and the lying was a sign that this was true.
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Yep, I think everyone of us has to do it specially those who are working. I cant ever tell my super righteous coworkers that I was a former addict because it can get me fired for sure. Some of my friends know and my family so I don't think I am living too much of a double life right now.
When I was at Uni, I had a group of friends on my course & a separate group of friends who I took drugs with.

I kept the two completely separate on the whole & I never told my friends on my course that I used drugs although I think they may have suspected later on. I did tell one my friends but he wasn't really interested & frowned upon it. The exact reason I kept the two separate.
Yea I think most drug users have done this at some point. I'm sort of doing it right now with my girlfriend. All she thinks is that I used to smoke weed occasionally.....
I'm not sure I'd call it a double life but I definitely project a somewhat false persona at work, I pretty much never get personally involved with work people beyond superficial pleasantries, that's not to say I don't get on with people I just practice the 'business and pleasure' thing
Well okay, yes I think everyone has to project a somewhat false persona sometimes. I mean I don't tell people at work I do drugs (though my boss knows I was addicted to opiates and did ibogaine to get off them, unique situation because he's a friend of mine and I accidentally involved him in my ibogaine trip when I was out of my mind on the third day). I tell my parents I trip occasionally but I don't let them in on exactly how much or the range of my drug use and past drug use (they know all about my past addiction though). But to me that's not "leading a double life", that's being appropriately conservative about what you share about yourself. To me, leading a double life is about more like what I described. Maybe it's a tough line to draw. But lying to your partner about your life isn't something I believe you should ever do, if you have to, then that's not the person for you. It's not long-term sustainable and it will catch up with you, took 8 years to catch up to me and when it did it was terrible. And if you're not truthful with anyone about the way you live your life I do believe that's an indication of a real problem and it's going to hurt you.
Hmmm, that's food for thought. When we talk specifically about drug use, as we tend to do here what you're saying appears to make sense but when applied to wider issues I'm not so sure.

What immediately came to mind was your comments about honesty with your partner. I've been with my partner more then 25 years and she knows me better than anyone on this earth and I love her more than I could do justice to in words. Am I truly honest with her about bigger issues around my anxieties and darker aspects of my existence.... I'd have to say no, I actively shield her from some of those things.

She witnessed a rather messy breakdown a few years ago and I know she worries about my ongoing well being although she has always found it hard to relate to my mental health issues ( for want of a better description )

I'm not convinced the issue is quite so black and white as 'being yourself' or not, I tend to think we are perceived by others but never truly, completely known. Of course this is just be my view of things and likely sounds very much like most of my incoherent rambling8)
Well I realize after reading yours and other comments that it's not such a clear-cut issue. I think everyone keeps things from people, no one just tells even the closest people to them every part of the way they feel. But to me that's not leading a double life, that's just being a separate person, and people are allowed to have thought privacy, that's normal. What I did was I actually had a whole part of my life I purposely hid from my wife and I had to lie to her increasingly over the years to keep it hidden. It went so far beyond simply not telling her every aspect of my thoughts. And it hurt me (and her) very badly. I guess it's pretty fresh in my mind and "double life" is what I call it, so I reacted with that in mind.
My apologies, my words were more about the threads general theme rather then your specific case.

Pay no heed to my ramblings;)
hmm perhaps I should have slightly explained my situation in accordance with general forum etiquette

From the ages of 16-18 I didnt really have to do it at all considering the only drugs I used were marijuana and mushrooms. Both of these were consumed with either my friends or my brother so I did not feel the need to be discreet about anything. I had to hide this from my parents of course, but I don't even consider that a double life since I wasn't really lying when I told them "I am going to hang out with so and so", I just didn't tell them that me and so-and-so were taking shrooms in the woods.

Then I started getting into other drugs, with opiates being the big catalyst for this. No longer was I even hanging out with "so-and-so", I was simply going to my dealer, buying drugs, and driving around to various places smoking weed before returning home.

I was still telling my family I was hanging out with friends of course, only after a while they probably started noticing that they didn't come over our house anymore. But since I had a car and never really had a lot of friends to begin with, it wasn't anything they could really question me over too intently.

My brother was also using opiates, albeit in a slightly different form. He was more involved with pharms (mainly oxy) whereas I used oxy for a little bit but switched to heroin rather quickly. I still would hide my usage from him because I swore off getting family involved in any drug besides weed a long time ago. My brother has a habit of not pulling his weight in life, and opiates force you to be selfish with your stash so it would never work. Instead of pooling our efforts together, I distanced myself from him as much as possible and eventually he got on Suboxone almost a year ago. He was on subs for about 3 months, got off them, and has been relatively clean since then. I mean, he's definitely been high on opiates around me since then because I can just tell when he is, but he really doesn't have the connections to buy Roxis everyday anymore.

It just became incredibly annoying because some of the people I would get heroin with I met through my brother and still were friends with him. And this is mainly a problem because here's the honest to god truth:

I don't tell him what to do with his life, and I don't tell our parents anything he does either.

He says he doesn't care what I do with my life, until I tell him that I have taken __, __, and ___

at which point he tries to bring up all the negative stereotypes you hear about users of drugs such as meth, heroin, LSD, etc

not to mention he has ratted me out on several occasions. One time when I was in 12th grade, I skipped school to take LSD with 2 other friends and the school called and left a message on our answering machine saying I was absent. Not only did he tell my parents about it, he texted me (while I was on acid) asking if I could give him a ride to the bar that night. I said that I couldn't because I was already drinking at my friend's house and he just said "ok no big deal" and I remember thinking like "well that's cool because I cant drive NO WHERE right now lol"

not even 15 minutes later both him and my dad are at my friend's house telling me to call it a night for skipping school. Now I was well past the peak of the LSD trip, and not even really "tripping" at that point to say the least, but that seriously fucked with my head for life man. How am I supposed to trust this fuck with anything? He would brag about how he skipped school to me all the fucking time, and now he's ratting me out because I couldn't give him a ride to the bar?

And to lie about it over the phone in order to find out where I was so he could crash my night without me knowing? Who the fuck does that?

so from that point on, not only were my parents on the list of People to Lie to, my brother was too. And he is such an extrovert it's fucking pathetic. He literally follows me around the house trying to talk to me about absolutely nothing in particular and when I finally turn around and say "dude, I don't care", he just gets all pissy and says something to the effect of "oh SORRY to bother you" or "my bad for thinking you'd be interested in this" and I don't know how else to convey that it's not even the subject im dis-interested in (although in his case most of the time it is as well), it's just YOU period.

He will take any alcohol left around the house, hidden or not, and he seriously never knows when to shut the fuck up. Even after he makes a mistake (which happens multiple times a day), he can't stop trying to apologize for it and making self-depreciating comments about how stupid he is for doing it as if him being angry at himself will make me feel less annoyed at the situation.

And I know I just sound like I am being too hard on him but it's at the point now where he doesn't hang out with any of his old friends either, they are tired of his shit too.

So I'm basically one of the few people he still is able to communicate with and therefore he does the only thing he knows how to do, bother whoever will listen.

And it seriously makes me depressed because after I tell him im not interested in his conversation I can see the sadness in his eyes as he walks away but I'm just emotionally dead to it at this point.

I've already wasted away years of my own life with drug addictions and by passing up on things I should have taken advantage of, I really don't have any more emotions to feel bad about his mental state.

I know it wouldn't be that hard for me to talk to people about things, but honestly, it really is that hard.

I can't even explain it, it's not really anxiety, it's not anything that's a result of a traumatic experience, it's not something I do in order to feel better about myself,

I just genuinely don't want to socialize with people because I would rather use drugs instead and have always found ways to entertain myself with supplemental forms of it in addition to drug habits.

I guess you could say I am depressed, but my family is also dysfunctional as fuck. I always feel a lot more upbeat and optimistic about things when I don't have to interact with them. But that only goes so far, I already don't really talk to my family a whole lot

No, my problem is with society in general. I'm sick of not being able to talk about drugs in-depth with someone without being viewed as a junky. I'm sick of wanting to ask someone if they smoke weed so bad knowing that we would get along great but never do because you don't know how they'd react.

I'm sick of always being told "hey youre so funny man!" or "hey that advice you gave me really helped, thanks alot" or "hey you did a really good job with that"

by people who if I turned around and said "well that's because I was on heroin", they would never look at me the same again.

So I live a double life to just about everyone I interact with outside of a few people (who I don't even really know that well in all honesty), because it is easier than trying to justify my actual life to them.

I'm just sick of doing it though. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. I want to do normal things that normal people do. I just don't know how to ease back into it. I literally have no friends I could go to bars with and do not talk to anyone from high school. I'm not going to be the creeper who goes to the bar solo and I don't even really like drinking that much to be honest.

Now if there was some kind of marijuana bar, sure, I'd probably really enjoy that.

But there isn't, and it fucking pisses me off that is is easier for me to just conform to society and do the normal social routines in order to keep my sanity rather than be able to do what I truly want to do.

And I'm aware of that Rolling Stones song and everything, but considering I don't really ask much from anyone in society ever, why the fuck cant I go into a store and buy any drug I want? All I've done is held a job since I was 14 and treat people with respect my whole life. I might not have been at on-their-dick levels of friendliness, but I'll hold the fucking door for someone to say the least. I'll help setup and cleanup for family parties because my grandfather has catered enough of them in his lifetime. I'll watch my grandmother with Alzheimer's for an hour or two so my other Grandfather can get some errands done. I'll fix your computer for free and tell you how to not fuck it up again. I'll tell you how to save money when shopping in my store of employment and point out which brands are on sale. I always would loan my family members $20-100 dollars if they REALLY needed it and not be up their ass looking for it back because I knew they just didnt have it yet and weren't going to sheist me. I always try and stick up for people who are getting talked shit on behind their backs without ratting the people who were doing the bitching out as well. I'll be the first one to bring up a positive trait of someone who is being put down over their negative traits. If I'm working with someone who has a bad knee or back I'm the first to say "hey man dont worry about the bottom shelf stuff, I'll put that out". If one of my co-workers gets jumped by a customer with some ridiculous question I'm the first one to be the third man in and try and maneuver everyone out of the situation. The mere presence of a third person can make any conversation flow a thousand times smoother but my managers don't even fucking glance at you. They take people who have worked at a liquor store for 3 days and throw them to the wolves with customers then get all bitchy when they just get asked to help the same customer anyway except after 3 minutes of a horribly awkward and failure of a conversation that just makes the new employee feel incredibly discouraged. I really don't even know a whole lot about wine, I just know how to tell people what they want to here. It's not even about actually knowing everything about the product, people just want you to tell them the shit they are too lazy to read right off the fucking bottle. "hm well if you're looking for a Pinot Grigio, Italy is noted for that and we have a couple different ones on sale right now. This one has been flying off the shelves this month and is highly recommended by our wine expert". And usually they just go "great! thanks!" and walk away. And I don't even know what the fuck I just sold them, but odds are they will think it is good because I told them it was a popular seller.

and the managers above me act like the store we work at is so fucking challenging to work at based off financial records alone, considering we are definitely in the top 5-10% of the state as far as straight profits go.

The only caveat to that is that people who shop here also have MONEY to blow on this shit. Housewives with fake titties and nothing better to do all day come in and drop $300+ on wine for dinner over the next 3 days and don't even bat an eye.

"how much? 374.99? ok you guys take American Express right?"


"ok have a good oneeee" and you know they dont give a fuck about you because their voice just trails off into nothing around when they are switching from "good" to "one" and you no longer are of service to them without a bagging station in front of you.

wow this went on a rant about absolutely nothing except that it pisses me off that I bust my ass for people everyday whether it's at work, at home, or just random people I encounter in life and no matter how much I help people I will always be looked at as a junky.

I could save a child from a burning building in the ghetto and the cops would just ask me why I was down there in the first place.

I get to listen to countless nighttime plans from people who are getting "blacked out drunk tonight" as I give them their receipt and everyone within ear shot just laughs and makes comments in the "been there, done that" kind of tone.

yet if I want to mention in passing, "gee man it's gonna feel really good to get out of work, go home, do some dope, and chill out for the night"

you'd think I would never do any of those positive things I said earlier again

so I never say that, to anyone. So I now have two lives. And unless I move to Switzerland or something, I don't see how that will change, ever.

It's just a matter of how long I want to keep living it. Not forever, I know that much for sure, but it is hard to just switch back into your old life when the grass always seems greener depending on whichever one im living at the time.

I want to be able to make friends and have people I can socialize with, but at the same time, sometimes I just want to do what I have always done best, enjoy my alone time. It just so happens that heroin is probably the number one way of doing that unfortunately.
Freon said it and I think it is probably true in most cases, that many of us do live a double life. For nearly 15 years I did and it was the cause of my marriage of 25 years to end in a divorce. In my line of work, a 30 year middle school teacher that's now retired, I HAD to hide it, and as a "functional addict" I did a great job doing so. But in my marriage the lies and loss of monies were not so easy to hide. The old saying, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive", is so fucking true!

The most ironic part of this all is that I was finally getting clean of the opiate/opioid addiction. My hope was that the final 7 years of teaching, planned to teach for 35 years until I turned 62, could be done clean and with the enthusiasm as my first 7 years. Then in 2012 I have a spinal cord stroke, have to go on permanent disability, forced to retire once I reach 30 years ( per state law), end up with chronic pain and back on opiates - stronger, more powerful than the ones that caused my addiction in the first place.

Yeah, oh well, you know; "What a tangled web we weave.........
I'm not sure about "double life" but not many people besides my girlfriend knew how bad my pain killer addiction was. She would so them with me occasionally until she got pregnant and after that more for me right? My family knew I had a script for Norcos but didn't know I'd run out in a week. It turned me into someone I did not like and someone I deff never was before. I got into a depression after stuff with my kids happened and I turned to opiates to numb the pain. People didn't know I was not going to work. Even when I got a new better job I was calling in late just to go grab my script after the pharmacy openness. It needed to stop. And it was rough but I finally came clean to everyone in my family and they were all very supportive. I no longer feel like I have to hide anything. If I'm in a bad mood it's because that's how I feel... Not because I'm out of painkillers. And I can express my moods now and actually feel emotions... Getting off topic... But yeah I think anyone who does drugs whether functional or not leads a double life in some manner.
I did this with my parents.. but im sure everyone has at some point.

In the end i just couldn't be handle the energy involved in maintaining two different persona's to such extreme lengths.. so i let everything out one day; and i try to the best of my ability to live life according to this principle because it allows me to feel more real and free.. under certain unique circumstances i will circumvent the truth (work-related) but in general i try to be very open about my past and present (if asked)

I have lied about my past and found myself in situations with people that i actually got along with very well, but in an attempt at self-preservation of the image i had projected i felt like i couldn't be myself and i had to use so much of my energy in presenting this false self. Fuck That.
^I did it with my parents as well during the peak of my addiction and I will feel horrible at the time, but at the same time I didn't have a good relationship with my dad so it was easy to lie to them and continue with my addiction until I suffered the consequences. But despite of all the things I have done my dad helped me out to recover and I felt really bad for doing all those things. I now have a great relationship with my family. I think for me, in the end. it is still your family you can turn to and help you.
I'm that way with work. I love my coworkers but they are very innocent, especially when it comes to drugs, and I never say anything about that side of my life. I don't lie, I just withhold information.
Most definitely. At work the bosses call cannabis 'dope' and I deal.with cops, DAs, Judges etc. Been working for one government or another for 10 years. My parents were DEA agents and didn't notice me rolling / tripping. I'm all inked up but wear a nice shirt and tie to work so none's the wiser.

On one hand I'm more paranoid than ever, I used to be very reckless and it's a bloody miracle I never got popped for possession , DUI, being high at work, etc.
On the other I reach new, unforseen levels of disillusionment each day and really don't give a f**k.
I (mostly) behave myself these days so the.risk is low. Given my long history of raving, stoning, tripping etc. I can only guess my family is aware and ignoring the truth. Trying to keep things on the level at my latest job tho, but aside.from cannabis (which I quit) I haven't used opiates/mdma for a year.