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Anyone else find CBD potentiates opioids?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm not sure if it's more of a synergy but to me I feel CBD oil has a similar (though weaker) effect when taken with an opiate as when a benzo is.
Unfortunately not. Regular cannabis definitely synergises well with both opioids and benzos but not CBD alone. The CBD is great medically but I get nothing recreational.
I've never done pure CBD with heroin myself but I can speak from enough experience decent weed or hash when smoked after a dose of nice opiates sure packs a punch.
Sometimes I'll save a few quid back when I get paid & buy some nice weed & then save my tooter up for days, roll a blunt & smoke them together.
I think that’s more down to synergy with the THC Zopi. I was reading about pure cannabidiol potentiation but only anecdotally!!
Stan! Stan! You're the man! Sell me a bag of diaz-e-pam! ?

My mates called me Wobbly Stan at uni after seeing that video too haha.
"Z drugs are similar too"

Oh God how I didn't remember that part is beyond me, I'd give Stan 5 minutes after snorting 15mg of Zopiclone I know that much.
Sometimes it is quite a freaky thing when you watch something like that & you can pick out so many people you know that have said the same thing as Stan & actually look like him too.
Watched a Panorama on Diaz’s etc in Glasgow a while back, There are many real life Stans up there!!

I saw that too haha. That Levi dude had crazy amounts of it. IMO benzo's stop being fun if you just go straight to blackout. That's why I had to stop taking them. One leads to two leads to blacking out and waking up to find you've had them all and have no memory of the last few days.