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Anybody not really like rolling?


Mar 8, 2013
I've been taking Molly for about a year now once a month or so. Last night I took 1.5 caps which is what I usually start with on a night I want to go all out, and then another one 2-3 hours later.
About an hour after taking the pills I started to feel wow, this is some awesome shit I'm having a blast. Then it began to be a little too intense for a few minutes. I recognized I was overheating as it has happened to me once before but I didn't know it the first time because I don't get sweaty or even feel hot. Anyway, cooled myself off and for the next hour felt very "zen". Then I peaked for about an hour. I remember feeling god this shit is amazing, nothing speedy at all, but when I look back at that hour I don't remember a ton. For the rest of the night I continued to experience a very strong roll for about 5 hours and definitely didn't need to redose like normal. I've felt the ups and downs of a roll before but not quite like this. The entire night I felt good and happy but in the end I don't really feel satisfied. I wonder if it's because I just had a really good batch and only needed 1 or if MDMA isn't really my thing. I felt so much more satisfied after going to a concert last week on some booze and Addy. Even though last night I felt like wow this is what rolling really feels like. I've never felt that empathetic and had such strong ups and downs. Honestly I'm kinda bummed about last night. I had a great time but just feel like it wasn't all it could've been. Does anybody else not really love "rolling balls"? Because that's all I hear people talking about! Actually I feel like maybe I would've enjoyed myself more if I had someone I was in a relationship with. I really wanted to feel close to someone besides all those awesome ravers that I'd meet for 5 minutes then gone. For my next big event I plan on taking addy/weed/booze but I'm so tempted to try a smaller dose of the same Molly. Is it possible I just wasn't used to taking the "real shit" and had too much? Maybe a better time on less? My friend who rolls multiple times a week took it last night too and said he was extremely emotional and had to leave the club, probably the strongest molly he's ever had. Let's just say I was happy I was at a rave lol.
I always feel set and setting have ALOT to do with the roll. Also who you're with, what you're doing, what your expectations are for the night as well. If you have your 'roll' kind of planned out that always seems to help too.
Also if I take too much 200mg's+, I really just get 'monged' and couch-locked and don't really have nearly as much fun. Although sometimes that what I want!..:)
I find if I dose just once around 150mg's that will be a fun and energetic night, and more willing to do more stuff throughout the night instead of sitting or laying down with my eyes closed for 2 hours of the 'roll'
I've found that high-dose MDMA can become too monged out and less enjoyable. Then again, set & setting is really, really important. I'd imagine that high-dose MDMA could be the most pleasant, euphoric and fulfilling experience if you were with the right people.

I suggest you invest in a test kit to find out what you're actually taking.
I don't know how anyone can not like rolling.. it's fucking awesome!! especially if you're at a festival seeing/listening to your favourite artists!! 2CB with MDMA is also an epic combo, I recommend that to anyone.. can't really put that one into words
I've found that high-dose MDMA can become too monged out and less enjoyable

I still get this even with various set-setting and dose! did try delving into the mandy again after couple years (Guess always prefer the rushy drugs)
I still get this even with various set-setting and dose! did try delving into the mandy again after couple years (Guess always prefer the rushy drugs)

To avoid it, I recommend adding small doses of caffeine. It helps push the experience into the more 'rushy' feelings without tweaking you out or taking away from the empathy.
Well i always have coffee with my billy/base. And i have never tried that b4. next time i get it offered to me, i shall give that a try :)
I can't say I dislike rolling but these days I find the serotonergic effect of MDMA to be too strong. It has a tendancy to cause me muscle contractions and paraesthesia since quitting benzodiazepines. I don't know if this is some kind of bad reaction due to PAWS but I simply think the negative effects outweigh the positive effects these days. Perhaps later in life I can revisit it, but for now, it is a drug I simply can not handle anymore. Oh yea, I also get the comedown from hell, everytime, regardless of dosage.
I've had 2 redbulls while rolling without feeling over-stimulated. Probably equating to 150-200mg of caffeine as most drinks contain 30-33mg caffeine per 100ml. One 250ml redbull = 75mg caffeine * 2 = 150mg caffeine. Just don't overdo it.
When the magic is gone, I can easily see why people wouldn't like rolling.
I don't really like it now, not worth the comedown and brain fog the next day.
I need a couple month break and start again with some good tested gear me thinks
When the magic is gone, I can easily see why people wouldn't like rolling.
I don't really like it now, not worth the comedown and brain fog the next day.
I need a couple month break and start again with some good tested gear me thinks

I don't really think the magic goes. It just becomes harder to find. At the start it just comes to you and everything is so simple. I find that as I did it more the love/empathy did decrease slightly, but the euphoria is still there if you can find it. The set & setting is really important for finding the euphoria, love & empathy.
That plus having good gear.
It's hard to find the magic when you have to take 300mg to get to that point, and you never know purity so I always start out with a point, then when I redose my window of opportunity has since passed
Well when it first started hitting me I remember thinking it was the best shit I've had it a while, so so happy. For maybe a couple hours or so I had the time of my life. Rest of the night was cool. I felt good but not amazing. My biggest issue is just not feeling satisfied after the event. I looked forward to this one for a long time and while I definitely had plenty of great moments it just seems foggy, and frankly there were moments where I was plenty stupid. Couldn't even decipher one of the kandis I received (it wasn't tricky...). Honestly I just need some self control. I felt so happy to be there with just a slight alcohol buzz I wondered if I even needed to take pills...but it's just become a habit and it's nice feeling like I'm on the same level with the crowd. I just need to follow my gut. Next really big event is coming up in a month and I won't roll. I'm sure I will in the future but I don't want to risk ruining a night like that again (well not fair to say it was ruined, just not all it could've been).
That will be a good test. It may be the repetitiveness of going to similar events full of people on drugs and not the drugs themselves.
are you looking for something in particular when you're rolling? this might be the problem. if you expect to gain something from taking MDMA, you will end up disappointed every time. maybe it isn't for you, but you should just try to have fun and enjoy every last moment at the event while you're rolling. it's just pure entertainment. don't worry about the drug, let the MDMA take you over and just be yourself. find a nice girl to dance with and talk to, and i guarantee you will feel satisfied afterwards. get out on the dance floor and bust some moves. scream and shout, have an adventure. there really is no reason to leave an event dissatisfied! most of the time when i go to the club or a rave, i somehow break apart from my friends/group and end up by myself. i ALWAYS have an insane amount of fun. there's just so many people to meet and great music to get lost to.

if you are looking to gain something from a drug, try some mushrooms or LSD.