any1 else think the DENTIST is fun-er than hardcore?


Dec 19, 1999
_____core usually makes me puke-
any1 else?
if were going to be wasteing board space with this type of shit i might as well get mine in too>
(just wondering)
?????..."wasteing board space with this type of shit"...?????
Testy today, aren't we? Lemme give you a suggestion. Sit back, pull a tube, exhale, and think of how much amusement the "waste of space" posts have brought to the bluelighters. We've had some lively discussions and quite a few insults and jokes that have made my day and the days of others.
The human mind works on a complex series of associations and mental tangents. Most of what I think about is spawned by silly and/or piddly shit. I NEED these posts, man! They are my lifeblood... A couple of days without them and I invariably end up on the evening news, naked as a jaybird, "bitch" shaved into my ass hair, holding a box of Chicklets menacingly above my head, screaming, "I am a nigh-invulnerable Snot Ocelot! Bring me your women!" family doesn't want to see that again...
And are we referring to Jon the Dentist, or doctors of dental science? Speaking of which, Jon is coming to North Carolina in Febuary...can I get an amen?!?
Word... Mr. Sticky
this "waste of space" is my lifeblood. I don't mind opinions but let's not go so far as to be overly negative towards something. I thought that was what unitEEE was all about man.
hehehe Mr. Sticky, you're great!
As for "waste of board space", thats ridiculous. This board is for people's thoughts, opinions, feelings, etc. Its full of open minded, caring people who are willing to listen to other's questions and ideas and to help each other out. There is virtually no such thing as a "waste of board space" here on Bluelight (unless of course the same threads are posted over and over, or there is some totally irrelevant or inappropriate topic).
Anyways, if someone wants to express their taste in music--let them!! Who really cares?! If you don't happen to like their opinion, so what?! Its not like you have to agree with it. Hell, you don't even have to read it!
I don't personally like hardcore, but I think I'd still rather listen to it than go to the dentist. Well, then dentist really isn't that bad.....
I think you all need to open your minds a bit more and try and actually LISTEN to some happy hardcore. If you love rolling then you should love the music because they compliment each other so well.
I can't understand for the life of me how you can possibly call happy hardcore boring. It's anything but boring! I know a lot of people would agree with me too, if you read my post on happy hardcore.
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-
I like iot when the densist gives me N02 It makes me laugh un-controlably when they ask me if I want them to turn it down. Teeeheehee
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
I've given Happy Hardcore a chance, I really have, I have lots of good friends and an ex-boyfriend who swear by it. I still agree that the dentist is way more fun, hardcore just makes me wanna jump off a cliff, I'm convinced its the sound of thousands of candy ravers banging their heads against a brick wall.
I've had enough ofthis post, I think a moderator should ban it or something!
Everybody's stereotyping the HH scene and people associated with it and I don't think it's fair or true!
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-
p-E-achy...dood, relax.
C'mon, ban a post b/c a few people express a dislike of your favorite music? That's a little harsh, don't you think? Don't get me wrong, I happen to enjoy happy hardcore...but I respect other people's tastes if they differ from my own; it implies that they are their own people. Okay okay, maybe if their tastes REALLY suck I might be a bit reluctant to respect it, but removing the opinion from existence? You're kiddin', right?
Have a happy hardcore new year...