• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Any Solution for MDMA Depression?

In a larger sense....virtually everything perceived is "in ones head" (semantics, I know). But as I stated in another similar thread, long lasting neuropsychiatric disorders caused by MDMA are rare, and are generally the result of sign overdose or 'more' commonly, acute hypertensive crisis due to polydrug interactions (even so, relatively rare).

While unlikely to be a product of the drug itself, that particular evening of MDMA abuse and the very common transient depression that follows it abuse, could have been the beginning of a series of negative 'circumstances' (problems with girlfriends, scholastic stress, other situational/environmental factors or unfortunate occurrences). You are possibly associating these events as a product of that evening. I have never seen it happen, nor is there much documented, but it could be possible that the drug MAY have precipitated an underlying predisposed psychiatric disorder such as minor-major depression variant (in your case N.O.S), or mood/thought disorder. This would be quite rare and is possible but improbable.

You are obviously in some sort of distress, regardless of the cause. Ruminating on one improbable catalyst such as MDMA will only worsen the matter, even in the event it is somehow the unlikely origin. The question is what are going to do from here......Are you thinking of or have attempted suicide? Do you have significant anxiety? More importantly, do you have a family history of mental health issues (diagnosed or not)?

Understand, depression that is lasting, and not a product of an event or trauma (death of a loved-one, etc) can form slowly over time for unknown reasons.

Look, if you not fantasying about hanging yourself everyday or cannot get out bed, eat or sleep.....I would not recommend pharmacological intervention (anti-d's, etc). While my specialty is not psychiatry, I've had to play the role many times, and I do not prescribe anti-d's freely. I do write many a script for drugs like mirtazapine, but generally for off-label purposes and depressive disorders in which patients are 'wasting' from failure to eat-sleep.

Again, I am not saying you are not legitimately suffering. However, it is unlikely and ultimately pointless to blame MDMA as the root cause. What I don’t know......is if your suffering is undue or the one of many melancholies that we as humans are all, at one time or another, faced with. In the meantime, eat well, sleep well and exercise very frequently and religiously. Socialize as much as possible/typical for your personality, avoid drugs (including alcohol), and avoid serious committed relationships for time being. A serious relationship can be a much more powerful drug than MDMA, and is far more likely to precipitate an underlying depressive disorder. In fact, relationship can and do precipitate much more serious and debilitating disorders......minor depression can develop into a full blown major depression, which can in turn, take on elements of psychosis, even culminating in schizophrenia-spectrum disorder. This is severity is not very common, but it does happen with relative regularity......
OP can you update us on how your feeling/what you've been doing?:)

SJW has helped out my depression alot, im not sure if it'll do the same for yours but its worth a shot.
You realize that by THINKING mdma fucked something in your mind permanently, your mental state can play a huge role in depression? I highly doubt after 7 months if you haven't recovered, something else is wrong. Maybe poor diet of non-nutritious fast food, no exercise? Try to get regular exercise 3-4 times a week. Get a membership at a gym and eat highly nutritious home cooked meals. Most importantly DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. The way you are obsessing that your depression is due to drug use could easily blow everything out of proportion and make something out of nothing basically. The more you stress, the worse it will be. Tell yourself that... its the God's honest truth. Good luck.

Also, this thread belongs in TDS forum I think

Agreed. Some people just have no idea how important "mind over matter" is. Seriously. It has been proven time and time again that people can trick themselves into all kinds of things. I know people hate when I say this but I do not believe for a second that you could be that fucked up for that long from one dose. The only way you are going to get better is if you get over it and move on. Sorry. Are you just going to sit around and feel sorry for yourself forever? Or are you going to do something about it?

Also, like mentioned above, you feel the best when you live a healthy lifestyle. Not just abstaining from drugs, but understanding nutrition and being strategic about where you get your fuel as well as regular (like 6 days a week) exercise. I could be wrong, but I doubt you are doing this.

And yeah, this isn't "advanced drug discussion".
MDMA can trigger personality changes which could include depression and anxiety. That doesnt mean that its physically fried out parts of your brain and that is causing those issues. Simply your brain has "rewired" itself while recovering from the massive changes in its functioning induced by the MDMA.

that makes sense. because before MDMA i had ZERO anxiety, and now i have it so bad that i rarely see my friends now.
my 2 cents

mdma DOES change brain and alter it in various ways (call it damage if you label anything out of ordinary as harmful). permanently. you can change/mold it back, but one night of fun takes months of work to reverse, if at all possible. here is story from an experienced user. never took lots, or binge. but used it on occasion for 10 years now. once a month at times, 3-6 months of separation some other times. and a 1.5-2 yr break in between (due to unrelated cause) I'd estimate total consumption 100-150x 100mg's. highly intelligent. had an IQ of 140+. got a BS, masters, and a phd in life sciences during the 10 years from top schools (BS and MS top 30, phd in top 10), without much effort. not much happened to intellectual performance in the beginning. just slight loss of certain things which would not have been issue otherwise. which encouraged continuation. this is the sneaky process that takes you to the bitter end without you noticing. I compensated the losses with a variety of natural ways. personality changes: was the calmest person with infite patience. now gone. much more impulsive. verbal memory loss: you can notice this more especially if you speak other languages than your native. I speak (or used to) other 3. words/structures in second and third languages feel like they are "dimmed" following use. and dont really come back. I had abstinence for about 2 year somewhere in between and nothing came back really in this department. the things that do recover are the ones you stimulate after the fact. you keep noticing these more and more as you age which is probably a factor of both not being able recover as good as when you were younger and inrease in cumulative exposure to the substance. it gets increasingly harder to get back to your normal state. now I am at a point where I am quitting for good because long term changes are evident in the last few months I have been involved with it. I still am performing (mentally) at a much greater level than anyone else around myself (in a highly competent department in a fortune 50 co) but what I do see happening is instead of building on top of my existing capabilities/memory by intellectual stimulation/exercise/healthy diet I adopted in my life, I keep recovering what I lost during the fun night I had a few months back. ten little steps forward, one big step back to where you were. this is not a good deal in anyway you slice and dice it. memory is EVERYTHING, if you intend to do anything competent in your life in any field. maybe not much so when you're a student and 20 but is 100% the case when you are an adult with a real job where every single skill counts. the proportion of what you retain when you are exposed to anything around you (a.k.a. short/mid/long term memory) is what makes you good or bad at seeing trends, differences, ideas by connecting what is already stored in your brain to something you just developed thru your thought process or simply by being exposed to it physically or mentally. if you dont have the past, the new info just passes by you without a bye. and gone is what you could have made of that situation, which may be the biggest idea you will have ever conceived. I can write forever on this topic.
and I never post stuff. simply because it consumes time. but THIS is worth it. take my word. what I found in years through the experiment where I used my own self as the test subject is a failure. and I am a scientist, a good one. think of doing mdma as slitting somewhere on your body left and right and shallow and a little deep at times (or much deeper in OPs case). it will bleed first, then stop, and heal. but that area is never going to be the same, and you'll always have the scars. this is true for any organ, so is for brain. you'll regain what you keep using (new cells, new connections, not the old ones most likely) and maybe some more simply due to overall exposure of your brain to neurogenetic factors but the rest dims away overnight instead of years as it would in natural ways. Brain is THE most important organ we carry on our body today. and its power determines how far you go. so treat it right. I did the magic empathogen, it was fun, and I actually had the portal experience in my first time (google it) which was out of this world kind of an experience. the fun kept seeming like worth the consequences but realized later that it never was. there is also the heart valve/tissue issue too which I dont have the time to get to so please research that as well if you're predisposed to this in any way.
as for recovery, curcumin goes a long way. exercise is probably more important than all else. and engaging the mind and challeging it whenever possible is the weight-lifting of the brain so its definitely a must. omega's too probably but I seem to do fine even if I dont supplement with this. maybe due to a well balanced diet with natural omegas, hard to say.
be safe. and remember what goes up must come down. your perception is just a convoluted function of timing in this adventure.
and this will probably be my only post so its a monologue from this point on.
drugs cause depression:

1. go to doctors (more drugs)
2. Stop using drugs.
3... keep using drugs? Maybe switch to heroin?

can you break that post up and put it into paragraphs please?
its so friggin hard to read.
I read alot of threads about mdma depression I just would like to state for the record I suffer from Bipolar disorder with manic swings and have used ecstasy heavily since the age of 17 but with most of the use between 18 and 21.

Ecstasy depression is not as serious (at least in my experience) as some make it out to be. Like another poster said getting your self all worked up about it will only make it worse. Ecstasy use has long lasting effects so if your expecting to feel normal even the week after use you won't. There is no "solution" other than simply not taking the drug period.

If you absolutely can't live with yourself the day after I've had great results with marijuana and benzos or opiates. If your not the drug type then green teas will help cleanse your body of the chemicals. Supplementing also seems to be a popular option but I would be wary of further altering brain chemistry.

Just to recap: Don't take X if you don't want to deal with the aftereffects. If you want to ease your pain marijuana will help numb it as and benzos pretty much killed any 8up feeling that I had. For an extra kick of euphoria choose an opiate with marijuana instead of the benzo (benzo opiate combo isn't safe).

Honestly I've suffered mood swings my whole life as well. I've also been rolling for close to a year now on an off.

I don't believe in MDMA depression. It's never been very noticeable. To be honest I think you can get depressed after taking anything. I am friends with people who use MDMA so often, that it makes my head spin. The only difference they tell me is that their tolerance is insane (which it is.)

saturatedlies -

In my case, I was completely fine for THREE days after my last dose of MDMA. I felt no comedown, either. I enjoyed a couple beers, smoked some bud, and took some benedryl the last two nights. But then...
I was literally sitting in my chair feeling fine one minute, then clutching my chest due to tachycardia the next. What ensued was two hours of hell that should have killed me. For nearly seven months I have continued on the path that began that night. There is absolutely nothing you can say to make this not true.

Both CatintheHat, myself, and many others will describe an undeniable change in direct relation to MDMA use. Even if the sequence of events is understood perfectly by the OP, there will always be readers that immediately begin pointing the finger at other variables.

How would you feel about other people saying 'its just in your head' when you have NO doubt?

No offense, severely etarded.

But they will NOT stop the inevitable 'head-pressure', anxiety, and re-wiring that I know is happening within me.

I read several of your posts about this. It's very sincere and, without a doubt I would love to blame MDMA on your problem, but there really are other variables to point fingers at. You do realize that there are thousands of people who used MDMA before you, and billions will come after.

If MDMA caused this sort of brain damage, then there would be no question that its place in the drug market is unstable. Yet it continues to be boasted as the greatest drug ever.

Mentioning that having really good mdma does not help defend against the inevitable conclusion that you probably did not eat or sleep enough. Probably developed severe deficiencies in your diet, and rather than blaming a physical bodily issue, you're going to blame big bad molly.

Let's also look at the possibility that adulterants, impurities and imposters manifest themselves more commonly than people are willing to admit. After EDC, I'm dealing with this annoying kidney pain from impurities causing toxic effects :/

that makes sense. because before MDMA i had ZERO anxiety, and now i have it so bad that i rarely see my friends now.

I can see psychological issues like you're facing to be more plausible. Get you a big bag of benzos.
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The night in question: Halloween. Went to go see STS9 with my buddies and a girl I know. Got like .6 Molly for me and this girl--we were sharing from the same bag. Because I'm a dumbass, I ended up taking the majority of it. This molly was never tested. It felt like an MDMA rush. Total body euphoria. I was grinding my teeth quite a bit. The concert went by really fast (it was cool and outside--I didn't drink a ton of water but felt fine) and was of course, awesome. It was the hardest I ever rolled. We then went back to my place and I probably had .2 left. Me and the girl split it and then had sex in my hot room for like two hours. At this point I had lost the euphoria and felt mostly speedy/coming down. I went to a friends house and smoked a cig; I was feeling really speedy but displayed no signs of imminent doom; no seizures, vomit, and I remember most the night. I then went back to my place with the girl and drank a tiny bit of Nyquil to go to bed. Passed out pretty instantly. The next morning the girl told me I was thrashing around a bit in bed. I thought nothing of it. Felt a nice afterglow the next day.

But two days later I was depersonalized, had headaches, bad short term memory, depressed and had a huge anxiety attack where I wanted to slit my wrists it was so bad. 6 months later I'm left with a bad depression and a lack of love for life. Before this happened I was a real go-getter. Now I just dont give a shit and nothing gets me really excited or happy. I feel bleh all the time. Life has lost its spark basically. I can still function and most people wouldnt be able to tell whats going on. But my friends have picked up on the change b/c I'm quiter and not as fun-loving.

I'm pretty sure Halloween blasted my brain. It's not about what I'm doing now. It's about what happened then. The question now is will my blasted brain ever recover? I'm not sure and I'm losing hope...

Sorry for th novel

get some strong b vitamin complex, some fish oils, excercise more and in time it will pass. sounds like there was speed in it as i have recently eaten over a gram of mdma and the comedown while emotional and full of head zaps was nothing like the feelings you described and in the past i have taken mdma and amphetamine before and the comedown was as you described there (excrutiating sadness suicidal).

improve your diet and get lots of excercise. besides that what i can say as a heavy speed user and heavy mdma user is that in time you will feel better, you're only six months after a brain blowout session. also i think it triggered depression in you as depression is all about not getting pleasure from life, and that can be a thought process that can be hard to get away from, like a loop of unhappy that you are stuck in. is there something that you are hiding from yourself that is making you feel unhappy? stop eating junk food, eat more fish and broccoli/nuts, maybe some really nice quality cheese (not the crap americans call cheese). maybe my heavy intake of cheese and fish/complex carbohydrates is why i no longer experience depression, i dunno? but either way time will heal this.

i cannot stress the importance of a diet rich in omega 3 and B vitamins, particularly B6 and zinc
Solution, time! It always gets better, sometimes we're sad, then back to loving life! Short term solution, hang with buds, try a new hobby, (I started playing ice hockey), stayed drinking beer only,.... The laughs come back