• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Fashion Any other fashionistas? vs I knew you was a fairy. lol


Moderator: H&R, TL
Staff member
Mar 18, 2018
Just wondering....
current work in progress (thai "style" pants, blouse and/or jacket)
very rough but pattern works out so gonna continue with the outfit.

Those are awesome pants!

Getting the pattern to match up at the seams can be quite a laborious task, especially when it comes to larger prints. Often, the fabric used with this type of print is Rayon. Rayon is described as a natural fabric, as it is cellulose-based and it shrinks just as wool and cotton would. If that’s the case here, then you’ll want to wash it prior to sewing all your seams.

Did you pick up the fabric while traveling?

Please post the entire outfit when completed or please PM me a pic; I’m truly impressed with your skills. 🧵〰️🧷
It is cotton and was ordered recently from a thai textile supplier and only took like 5 days to get here which made me do the blaire-neck-spin (exorcist); can't even get a first-class from a neighboring state in that time frame.
Thanks for the compliment and will keep this updated. It may be a slow process as I have not only a lot one one plate but feel like I am at a buffet with many laden dishes. I do get to the point of being "stuck" often from being overwhelmed but just keep breathing and, hey, still around, eh? We all here and this is miraculous or at the least says something of our resilience, IMO.
It has been many years since sewing and it shows but maybe not so much in the finished product. lol Soon as I get competent enough it will all be put to the side again. 🤷‍♀️
Do you do any sewing?
Best and try to stay sharp. ;)
I learned to sew in 7th grade, when we were required to take a home economics class. For girls it could be sewing, cooking, child rearing, or learning how to be a good wife. The boys had their choice of drafting, metal shop, wood shop or auto shop. Nowadays, the choice of classes based upon gender would never fly and would be followed up with class action litigation, followed by additional civil cases to cover the costs of individual therapy.
My God, how ridiculous it all looks.
First post and this is what what ya can come up with? Interested to see what comes next. :unsure:
Welcome to our little niche in a world of madness and mayhem.
Best wishes
FTR when we moved from that house her son quickly changed the locks before we could remove the rest of our belongings and some of our stuff (including her new sewing machine) was kept from us (all illegal of course) but what was important is that we made it out and was able to stay together in spite of his ulterior motives the damn brat psycho narcissist.
Its OK, though. It can all be replaced or fogotten but her resentment remains and this bothers me a bit as she and her daughter already knew how he was and her dealing with it all... just hurts me to see her hurt.
Oh well.
Will keep on being the rediculous me. :laughing:
I dress like a hobo, but I'm of the opinion that Stacy Adams is an underrepresented brand.
