  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Shooting Any one here shoot recreationally or in competition?


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Yes, I am asking about guns. I do various pistol events. I also enjoy rifles, but mostly because of the noise and while I can hit a deer or elk, I am not good enough to be truly competitve. I wouldn't classify myself as a 'gun nut' and I don't think people who know me would either. Really it is the competitive aspect that is most enjoyable for me. Anyone else on Bluelight that is responsible with their firearms and enjoys going to the range?
Went ahead and added a "shooting" prefix for ya there champ
Yes, I am asking about guns. I do various pistol events. I also enjoy rifles, but mostly because of the noise and while I can hit a deer or elk, I am not good enough to be truly competitve. I wouldn't classify myself as a 'gun nut' and I don't think people who know me would either. Really it is the competitive aspect that is most enjoyable for me. Anyone else on Bluelight that is responsible with their firearms and enjoys going to the range?
I do. I have a few guns. I haven’t gone in awhile but it would be fun.
I've shot a 12 guage a couple times. Once shot a 9 as well. I'm not very knowledgeable about the guns, and I don't that I'd enjoy hunting but I do enjoy shooting for it's own sake.
I didn’t see it. Probably the last option.
No it wasn't an option, you weren't blind. I made one though. This might be really the only shooting thread we have. Nothing else comes to mind anyway but I haven't been here too awfully long
No it wasn't an option, you weren't blind. I made one though. This might be really the only shooting thread we have. Nothing else comes to mind anyway but I haven't been here too awfully long
Thanks for making it. I’m sure it will get loads of use…🙄

It's more hunting around here than anything, but honestly I don't have much experience with any kind of shooting. Love me some fresh venison though.
Who doesn’t love venison? I’ll tell you, my wife. I don’t understand. I stopped hunting with a rifle after my first deer. I’m a “Use your recurve and learn how to track instead of sitting in a blind!” I’m willing to admit I’m a bit of snob on that front and I’m totally comfortable with it.
One time I was staying at a commune when a long time hunter had an LSD awakening, just around this time of year around a decade ago. Lorainne was his name. He decided it wasn't fair unless the playing field was even, and that we wouldn't be eating turkey on Thanksgiving unless he could tackle it with his bare hands.

A week later he tackled a turkey.
I don't own a gun or a rifle, but my brother in law does and I was shooting with him pretty frequently last year.
I love shooting at the range. Been a few times this year too, but not as much.

He's got a shotgun, a .243 caliber rifle and he recently purchased a .38 Magnum.

I was at a bachelor party a few years back and we took the guy to a range. Got to shoot Glock 9mm's (though I had shoot that before), Desert Eagle and some other fun stuff.
Yea recreationally, just not often these days cuz I can’t afford the ammo. When I was a kid though I’d spend my days sometimes practicing with a pellet rifle or .22. I’d set up a lego man and slowly back further away with the pellet rifle til I couldn’t hit him anymore, then practice at that range until I could and so on. I feel that practice has stuck with me fairly well since.

I also hunted rabbits and squirrels for fun as a kid, every dawn and dusk when the rabbits and squirrels were most active I’d sneak out and try to get one in my yard.

I want to get a .22 here one of these days just so i can shoot for cheap.
