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Benzos Any interaction with magnesium glycinate, like lessening effects of Valium?


Jan 14, 2022
Just curious, I didn't find any. I was put on wellbutrin recently and although it has been helping, upping the dose to 150 has turned me into Tweak from South Park. It's like, bad. I have plenty of magnesium glycinate tablets that I've heard are useful for bruxism (part of what I'm expriencing, as well as hard eye blinking and left shoulder flexing/squeezing). I'm prone to tics sometimes, but they are generally controllable if I just say hey, stop, grinding teeth bad. I stopped a tooth grinding habit last December and it only just came back on this. Not even ritalin makes me do it, but caffeine does really bad.

It sucks because the wellbutrin was really helping with my depression, but I'm hopping back down to 100mg, maybe will try 150 XR instead of 150 SR, and/or not taking ritalin with it. Apparently this is safe but for someone prone to impulses due to OCD, it's probably more likely to cause adverse events like this.

But yea, didn't find anything on the Goog about glycinate and benzos, just that antacids can delay the effect (at least if we're talking TUMS or maybe magnesium hydroxide, but glycinate is in a whole different area). But since magnesium affects GABA, I didn't know if it would like, "compete" with the valium. I know it does this with Gabapentin, although it may only have an impact on the reduced seizure threshold rather than sedative/stimulant effects.

Sucks to have a broken ass brain, seriously. I'm like simultaneously not as upset as I should be because of the wellbutrin. It's like, the weirdest paradox. I've been battling anorexia because of my anxiety and I completely forgot I had it today. I just ate, scarfed down food completely forgetting I'd been paranoid to eat for reasons that are a little too complicated to get into. My anxiety is bad.
Feels like it probably did kind of dumb down the effects of the valium. I would normally feel really messed up on 10mg, I tend to feel messed up on 7.5, I'm sensitive to benzos it seems. Might be best for me to take magnesium supplements in the morning, but for anyone wondering, this likely has an interaction or delays the effect. I'd even taken tagamet prior to dosing which I don't normally do, just had some indigestion and knew what it can do.

This study seems to find that benzos and magnesium would work together and potentiate each other, but that's only one study. I've seen it stayed that magnesium supposedly has it's own site on the GABA receptors, but that's often from places trying to sell you magnesium...

Here's a thread about it with some links:
Yeah it could've been a fluke. I don't think they should potentiate each other.
I do think there must be GABA action. especially since it seems to help people in withdrawal.

On a related note, I recall a time in the past following a severe depression when I picked up Calm magnesium gummies, ate a few, and before I knew it, I just felt so clear headed and good. It was mindblowing, everyone could tell for the next week that I looked better than ever. It seems magnesium citrate works best for me, honestly. I was probably deficient at that point. I had no tests to prove it, but I'd been smoking weed and doing kratom for months and both can deplete you. I was living away at school eating like shit and I can't think of anything in my diet that would've been giving me magnesium. Like the change in my brain was instant, and it wasn't placebo either because I didn't expect anything. I just picked it up because I heard it could help with constipation and I like gummies.

Glycinate is supposed to be more bioavailable, but I never found much anxiety relief from it. Though I can say it does relax muscles and help prevent tooth grinding. People who do MDMA commonly report this, although they use stupidly high doses, like probably way beyond necessary. Up to 3000mg, that's like 10 times the daily value. I pity the poor soul who got oxide mistakenly or something and had horrible diarrhea while rolling lol