Any experience with amphetamine psychosis?

2nd night with no sleep.

No. photos. You know I'm going to contrive at least a few escape methods.

100 mg crushed/absorbed didn't do MUCH, it definitely came on strong for 3 hours now I just feel funny; I will call it a precursor to amphetamine psychosis. I truly don't think my dose has been high enough to cause concern. I've been here before and it's a fact that the 3rd day awake is silly, loopy, carefree.

But not good, for all you wanna-be fiends who may be reading BL in attempt to vicariously have a mind-blowing experience. My .02 : Don't touch anything new, whoever you are, whatever it is. Christ.
Tramadol if I had any left would probably give me sufficient energy. More than coffee, but noooo amps today.

Anything OTC that might provide boost / ability to hold it together with some family & friends?

I've had one induced methamphetamine psychosis experience before. It was my first (and last) time trying your standard speed (Methamphetamine). Anyways I bought 1g of seemingly good-looking crystals, went back to my house and tried it with my roommates. It seemed to be of good quality and was VERY similar to D-Amphetamine or Adderall except less side-effects and longer duration. Anyways, long story short I stayed up for 3 days on it and began hallucinating on day 3 that a bug colony was taking over my bedroom, the police were trying to enter my house and the paramedics were parked out front.

This all appeared to be perfectly real and I spent the next 5 hours contemplating how to take out the SWAT helicopter above my house. I also left the house with hallucinations (and these looked perfectly real) of men in suits and ties following me. One of my roommates finally helped me realize that none these hallucinations were real and in reality I'd been completely out of my mind the last 3-4 hours. I ended up call 911 myself (and was probably a good thing I did) and went to the hospital.

The hospital itself was intense, as I was still hallucinating that the police were sitting outside my room attempting to interview me (mind you I could actually see them and hear them talking) and I kept panicing to the Dr. in charge of me.. I attempted to escape at around 3 AM, ripping out the IVs and running through the ER naked. I was finally subdued by police and after 3 shots of valium later and 2 shots of risperadone, I was finally out. The next morning the Dr. conducted a psychological evaluation to check if I was actually psychotic or delusional. I was fine the next morning, although extremely exhausted for the next day or so. And the police didn't press any charges for the 'incident' in the hospital.

I'm staying away from street speed or any sort of meth the rest of my life, I'm just gonna stick with opiates :)
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Yeah it was terrifying then but hilarious now. The good thing is it makes me really sensitive to what I am thinking after staying up on speed for a few days. I like, know when it's coming and can act accordingly because I never want to go through that again. But not enough to stop shooting meth I guess :/
Stimulant Psychosis

Post removed and reposted in the "Harm Reduction" forum, please see my posting titled "stimulant psychosis".
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what kind of behavior is ur partner exhibiting? what drug is it from and how often is his use?
can you get him to check into a rehab if he is a danger or really fucked up all the time? the best thing to do is for your partner to stop using amphetamines, really.

I had semi-permanent psychosis from crack for like 6 months. even when i wasnt high. it got worse and worse. I was also drinking alot and addicted to alot of xanax. i kept seeing ppl that looked real and then ppl were chasing me and trying to shoot me down w guns. eventually i od'd and went in coma, woke up and went to rehab and stop using stimulants.
I've never had psychosis because I've never allowed myself to stay awake for more than just one night. I also drank water and ate (usually a good meal right before I begin.) If you're not staying up for a bloody week whilst starving and dehydrating yourself, you won't have to worry about this at all.
...I was homeless and staying in a park with some others and we had been smoking and shooting speed for at least 3 days, no sleep, no food. I've gone longer, but the stress of my situation helped make me crack. I remember bits and pieces:

I thought everyone on the street was part of a hidden camera gameshow filming me. ...

When that one ended, I walked miles until I was in a different part of town. Everything I saw had specific meaning to me. License plates, the number of trees, buses that passed by. I jumped in front of a certain number bus thinking it was my destiny.....

This is pretty much exactly my experience. I would pan-handle on the side of the road, and every license plate had a connecting message to some part of my life or a thought I was having the thought just before I saw it, I thought the powers-that-be were sending me messages to get my life in order, and not in any kind of 'hypothetical' superstitious way, but in a literal, hands on way. I still don't really distinguish what happened then with reality, I don't know what was real or not. Things my friends said to me, etc. I thought they were possessed by angels from heaven to drop secrets of my purpose in life, and I am not even religious.

It was so vivid and real that I still many times think everything was tied to some great scheme or pattern of the universe referencing me directly, and meth only made my mind work fast enough to perceive the otherwise innocuous happenings as the profound revelations as they are meant to be that are always around us but we never normally grasp.

Of course I do not pretend to think they are such sanely, but my insanity from then still regards them so. It's a confirmation bias of the brain, the data was archived "as so" in your memory at that moment, and you'll never fully get over it to think it wasn't real.

I over-think things as it is, it's bad when you tie it to people rather than to fate/God, because then you become self-conscious, angry and embarrassed, and think they are judging you or mocking you (e.g. the 'game show' scenario). For instance, because I study pharmacology and technology, I had the crazy idea that the government was radio-labeling street meth so that they could read street junkie's minds and implant thoughts in their minds via satellites as a social experiment, and since I was well educated in molecular biology they took a special interest in me and that's why there were so many 'miraculous signs' that they were toying with me with, by overwriting what I was saying to my friends and what I heard them and myself say inside my brain, so it would appear they were hearing things I was only thinking. etc.

The worst part probably is, now I enjoy the 'sketched out' aspects of methamphetamine psychosis, because I quietly and passively just take it all in and know everything is going to seem like a divine message of my importance in this world or aliens recruiting me as The Last Starfighter. I try to keep quiet in groups to avoid saying insane things. Most of the pleasure and actual euphoria is gone the last few times I've used, but the psychosis gets more and more prominent and takes longer and longer to go away. I haven't used in months, and only now is my thinking returning to fully normalized. Though I know people who have used for much of their lives, and they become crazier faster too. One either learns to act causal and ignore it, or become a raving lunatic on it until they quit it.

I've never had psychosis because I've never allowed myself to stay awake for more than just one night. I also drank water and ate (usually a good meal right before I begin.) If you're not staying up for a bloody week whilst starving and dehydrating yourself, you won't have to worry about this at all.

That makes no difference whatsoever in true amphetamine psychosis. I've stayed up ten days, slept for four hours, stayed up another 10 days, eaten once, etc. and have been fine (weak and can't focus, but am totally sane). Then another time I'll do one small shot after weeks off of it, sleeping and eating fine for those weeks, and instantly think the books in front of me have secret messages from God/aliens/gov't conspiracy in them, made for me at this moment in time because they knew I'd be reading it at this exact time and moment in history.

I believe there's long term sensitization. It's more likely to occur when, like Gummybearkatie said, you're under emotional stress and in a very dark place otherwise with where your life is heading. When you're so depressed about things you shouldn't be happy, meth just then makes you crazy, and makes your brain invent and believe insanely unlikely scenarios for happiness in the animal brain which are conscious paranoid nightmares for the intellectual brain.

I would say, get the user to sleep and eat, to stop the current psychosis in it's tracks. (Not always easy)
Stopping the habit of speed, obviusly prevents future psycosis from speed use.

Not necessarily, as OpiYum said, and I've experienced first hand, true amphetamine psychosis can last for months afterward.

...Over time, it will seriously fuck you up worse than you can possibly imagine. Of all the substances that I've gotten hung up on, speed was the worst. I did and said things that I'll never be able to undo or take back. I won't even touch any uppers ever again. Even just caffeine makes me feel too fucked up now.

Same here, and if I didn't (sadly) learn to enjoy aspects of the psychosis, I'd do the same.


Oh, a final thing; the colors pink & green, together as complementary colors, a particular shade of each usually in the light spectrum, e.g. bright magenta & bright teal, still haunt me as a remnant of my amphetamine psychosis, like they are some embedded cosmic message. Recently I got new headphones for my computer, realizing the mic & headset jacks on the back of computers are pink & green. An unsettling feeling creeps over me. I remember reading a forum where people were using large amounts of salvia, and during their high level abuse perceive that they were being taken into a parallel world filled with people in red & yellow who were malicious and laughing at them. I say people because others actually chimed in, in complete earnest, and explained how they "got the red & yellow demons also from using salvia!" Well I got the same experience in the mundane world, but with meth, and concerning the colors pink & green.
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bensos and sleep are the best. Then youll need food once you wake up even though you will most likely feel sick. Bensos will really clear your head and help you get some sleep. After speed binges I Also try to take 5-htp and vitamins (exspecially vitamin c for some reason i feel like it makes the whole speed experience/comedown shorter) along with food will be good, gotta refuel your brain. As for the bensos being a temporary relief they wont last forever but they can help you get back to feeling normal.
Adderall Insanity

While I do not believe I have experienced true amphetamine psychosis one event will forever stick in my mind. A buddy of mine in boarding school wanted to get spun we both wound up snorting/taking 120-140 mgs of Adderall in one sitting. Majority of the day I felt completely detached from my surroundings. We later went to see a movie and smoked some weed behind a dumpster (for fear of being caught by our chaperone) and I have never been more paranoid as I was smoking. But I have to admit getting high was very strange but I was cracking up hysterically at some ridiculous Adam Sandler movie and it truly helped my state of mind this is all after having been so anxious I was in a full blown attack. I don't recall sleeping that night or not.

Also a day later I was in my dorm room with nearly everyone on campus gone on a trip. Still feeling tremendously anxious and in an attack I decided it would be a good idea to crush up and snort 40 mgs of Adderall. Once I came up "I was all yeah man this is what I needed I feel so much better thank god." After spending the afternoon reading and crashing hard lets just say I called my parents hysterically sobbing because I was convinced I had diabetes given my extremities were discolored. DUH.

I hope you can get him some help I highly agree getting a benzo in him or even perhaps a couple beers would help a lot in releasing Gaba and turning down the dial on dopamine. Also if he won't eat the carbs and sugar in beer may actually be beneficial. Though I warn I developed a terrible drinking problem as a result of being in capable of coming down thus getting hammered every night. It worked but I was a mess. Best of luck bring your boy back to planet earth.
i have never really been into amphetamines but do have one story to share.

i always got a script for ninety 20mg IR adderall every month mainly because i could sell them to support my opiate habit but my girlfriend at the time also "needed" them. one day out of shear boredom i popped 60mg around 2pm. i enjoyed the zoom zoom feeling enough that if 60mg is good then 120mg must be awesome. being an opiate addict and all this seemed fool proof logic. so i took another 60mg. there was a bump in the intensity but i guess not what i was hoping. so foolishly i took another 60mg around 8pm or so. and again another 60mg around 10pm. so that's 240mg in around 8 hours.

i had very little experience with amphetamines at this point. i had taken an adderall or two every now and then but nothing at a high dose. being addicted to opiates and all, i was into putting myself to sleep not depriving myself of it. so it didn't take long for me to get to the point where i just wanted to come down already, this was all just a terrible idea. of course there was nothing i could do. i did know that my girlfriend (who was at her apartment, i was at home by myself) had plenty of xanax but i didn't want her to know what had happened. i stuck it out another day and i remember there was a Lock Up marathon on MSNBC. i perused these forums over and over again reading people's experiences with amphetamines. the next day comes and i decide i have to go to my girlfriend's apartment. just driving there was dangerous in itself. i get there and end up telling her i had taken "a few" adderall the night before and had been up all night and needed xanax to help me sleep. she asks why i took the adderall since that's not my thing and i can't even remember what bullshit reasoning i gave her.

she gives me 2mg xanax. i wait about 45 minutes and don't feel anything. i ask for another 1mg and she gives it to me. another 30 minutes goes by and i end up asking her for the other half. i'm sleepy at this point but my heart rate was through the roof still.

i remember laying in her bed and i started talking about random gibberish. something about hamburger meat if i remember right. at this point she's asking what the fuck is wrong with me and what i'm talking about. it happens again not long after that, can't remember what i was talking about. i think i was just so exhausted physically and mentally that my brain just could not operate correctly. that and i'm sure i was starting to slip into sleep periodically.

i eventually fell asleep a few hours later after ingesting 4mg of xanax which would normally make me not remember an entire 24 hour time period.

i don't think i'll ever play around with high doses of amphetamines again.
Hey; this is my first post. Around 12 years ago I got myself into the nightclub scene and soon got out of my depth with base amphetamine. I mixed and sold and had easy access to very strong rock base. I developed a habit and was soon isolated and convinced that people from the future, that were made of light, had come back in time to stop me doing something terrible. I could see energy all around me, in the air and laser beams etc being fired. I took the hifi to pieces and stuck blu tack all over the flat as I thought cameras were watching me. I looked into the television and could see a city. I heard the buzzing of computers coming from my bedroom ceiling and broke into the flat upstairs and pulled the bath panel off and the floorboards from the bathroom floor looking for computer equipment. I was plagued with visions of demons and could hear cackling when I tried to sleep; I felt held down and imobilised by devils. I ended up sectioned and away from the base and with olanzapine and other anti psychotic drugs I settled down. It was difficult to return to the flat as I had been terrified - I had been so scared that I could not move and breathed through my hands so no one could hear. When I took amphetamine again it returned me to the confused and stressed state very quickly. Anyone who is going through all that has my sympathy and the only way to mitigate it is to leave the drug alone. I am 12 years on and still no clearer as to which of the happenings 'happened' and which didn't. The universe and my world was almost entirely malevolent and it was a terrible time.
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Its 2am here. Ive been using for 3 days(mostly IV but smoked a bit today) and I was planning on killing myself a few hours ago. I had a shot of methadone(because i needed calm then & there) and was just given 6 mogadon and im ok now. Yesterday I saw someone go from completely normal to Psychotic and completely lost from reality seconds after his shot(first of the session, he wasnt up for days) and ended up needing 8 police to hold him down while ambos administered 2 shots of thorazine+valium and that didnt work so they gave him something else that instantly made him unconscious. Meth has taken over my town & my life & countless other lives in only a year!

I used meth before that for close to ten years but the change in availability, price and purity completely changed the game. I never had a habit til proper pure crystal came to town. Before that it was crappy powder meth that was so impure that smoking wasnt an option, most people either IV'd or used orally. Now 1/2g plus of 'speed' affects me less than 25mg of ice. Its crazy how potent this stuff is!

Ive got 2 small bags at home(maybe 0.15g) which ill finish then im done with drugs except pot, methadone(maintenence) and benzos occasionally when im mentally unwell like right now. I was addicted to oxy then heroin both IV for 7 years and the habit wasnt comparable to meth. I dont use meth everyday(anymore) but once every 1-3 weeks with anything from 100mg in one shot and it will end there to 1g over a few days and its fucked me up both physically & mentally more in that time than opiates ever did. And once ope wd's were over i was more or less normal. But im constantly depressed and anxious even if I havent used for over a month. Its becoming quitee a worry :( Plus ive lost most of my friends & family because of my behaviour when using. Its not a good drug like heroin or psychedelics. Its a dark, scary and disgusting drug. Yet heroin has a bad rep round here but only old timers use heroin. Weird!.
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Sorry to reply twice but im on my phone and needed to mention Ive never been a violent psychotic except once after a straight 3 week binge after a break up where I wanted to either kill my ex or kill myself on his doorstep.

Every other time ive hallucinated both visually, auditory and touch(sensory?) and have known I was going loopy and either had benzos or seroquel to knock me out or calm me down. Depression and/or mighty high and rough doses of anxiety have accompanied these experiences. Tonight has been very hard and without methadone and benzos I was going to call the ambulance. But now that im home and sane im going to finish whats in the pipe(utter stupidity, addictive isnt the word!) And I know tomorrow ill use the 150mg roughly of what I have left because im going in the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras & afterparty in Sydney and im scared ill end up mentally unstable again but at least ill have xanax and I wont be alone. Im also going to get a few hours sleep. I cant help but use it if its there. Once I run out its easier to stay away which was the difference with H, also that H nearly killed me many times, meth makes me want to kill myself. But If it werent for methadone id be still using heroin for sure.

I end up what I call "Searching for Treasure" after awhile and its impossible to stop. I search the ground for anything of value but most times im convinced ill find benzos. Once I spent hours is the pub carpark down from my house, absolutely CONVINCED that some drunk person would have dropped some xanax or valium. I didnt find any and realised how ridiculous it was after sleep. Benzos can be good or bad for a meth user. When I was loaded with $ Id buy bottles of 2mg xanax or clonaz and that enabled me to use as much meth for as long as I wanted without going psychotic, getting anxious or doing strange things but it was a very unhealthy lifestyle and I ended up far from reality. If your out of meth and have a medium "chillout" not "knockout"(thats when I use seroquel) dose of benzos in can be extremely helpful. Just dont let them fool you into getting more & starting over :/

One last thing and that meth is so cheap. $25 gets me a shot that has me power spewing, in the end I was using $220 of H in one shot twice a day. $440 of meth would last a week or more for me.

Fuck meth!
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A lad I used to use with dug up a corner of his front room looking for gold when on the base amphetamine; it's not a good drug to use; he has just got out of a locked ward after 5 years and is convinced people have conspired against him. His head has gone, it's his fault and he's back using. I don't bother using anymore as I just wank for hours, it doesn't seem to have any other effect - it's really strange.
Swim used (snorted) 60 x 30mg Methylphenidate (Ritalin LA) and about 3-4 grams of street Methcathinone HCL all together within 2 days once back in 2007. This was my first experience with amphetamine psychosis. Hearing voices, hearing endless conversations, hearing constant laughter, hearing strange noises (machine like), people talking about me right outside my windows 24/7. I couldn't sit or be still for even one minute, I was restless and sweating through my clothes, pacing up and down the entire apartment, walking around the coffee table for hours on end (seriously), opening and closing the same cupboards hundreds of times for no reason (very quietly because I thought the whole apartment complex could hear everything I was doing). Visual hallucinations of eyes peeping through the tiny slits of the window blinds, seeing little spy cameras set up everywhere, weird alien/demon looking faces and imagery against the walls and on the carpet/tiles that moved and morphed and swirled akin to hallucinogenic visuals.

I would have gladly traded in my grandmother for 10mg of Alprazolam that weekend.

I have read that Methylphenidate can cause stranger states of consciousness than LSD, and I can vouch for that. Even during my worst bad LSD trips, no hallucinogen has EVER come close to what Methylphenidate and Methcathinone induced psychosis did to me that weekend. I've had more amphetamine induced psychotic episodes over the years but nothing comes close to that first one. Amphetamines are still my number one drug of choice though...
I have no scientific information, but I can tell you about when it happened to me. I've only been using for maybe 2 months now, I get it just given to me in my situation. I went straight to IV use, Worst mistake ever. It was about 3 weeks into it.. I was sleepingmaybe 4 or 5 hours every night still. My little brother went to jail while in Texas.. I called my boyfriend and told him he was out and that our other friend was trying to fight him. I remember this, I was just outside sitting in my car. He rushed home from work and went in to see what was going on. He came back and told me that no one was in there, we were both confused. I just kept saying that I swear I saw them. He really should have known at that point since that is who I use with, but he was very nice and supportive. That's what I needed in that moment, I felt pretty dumb and embarrassed. Then things get worse, 2 days after that. I really don't remember this time like at all, that really is what scares me. Sitting in his car at wal Mart, he went in. Apparently I called him and 2 other friends freaking out about a "gang shooting" and that he left me with his friends kid. He doesn't have friends. All I can remember about this incident, is the panic attack I had in the car in that parking lot. I got more sleep, he made me. I haven't quit yet unfortunately, but I've had no symptoms of Physcosis since.
I still am extremely embarrassed, I don't like when it gets talked about. I needed my partner to recognize it and take control, but also how he was supportive and never got mad or made fun of me.