• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Anxiolytics???… expert help please and thank you


Apr 15, 2020
well I can’t post pictures Damn it I dunno why….,,. Ugh it’s gonna make a long post

ok here we go then shit. Bear with me.

Cosmic nootropic provides an anxiolytics package…
Phenibut 10, 250mg
Mexidol 10, 125mg
Mebicar 10, 300mg
Picamilon 30, 50mg
Afobazole 25, 10mg

Anyone have any real experience with any of these I don’t like taking anything unless I know what it’s bout.

Also wish I could find some solid info on the differences between the different Selank’s I’ve been taking just straight 400mcg Selank spray, N-Acetyl Selank and the N Acetyl Selank Amidate….

Once again could have been summed up with pictures… so much easier if there’s a way please tell me. I got a question I can’t ask without explaining it with a picture fml
sorry, my knowledge of Nootropics is very poor. I think for acute anxiety, things like pikamilon or Valerian route extract work well. however, they are in effect, just weaker versions of medical grade anxiolytics. of course, the side-effects Of natural products aren’t as severe, but tolerance can still develop along with mild withdrawal in some people. I would advise you to focus on minerals/vitamins, particularly magnesium, zinc, potassium and antioxidants, like vitamin E, vitamin C and the bee vitamins. in terms of herbal or even synthetic supplements, try to look for the so-called adaptogens. these substances work in the long term to promote psychological and physical resistance to stress and are apparently very successfully used in Russia. for all its problems, Russia still seems to generate an innovative scientific community Who constantly come up with new compounds and mechanisms for use in psychiatry.