Mental Health Anxiety tearing me apart


Dec 15, 2016
I can't function, depression don't help either, IM ALWAYS WORRYING, moved into a new flat had a police officer comment that it smelt of cannabis in our block of flats now im extremely paranoid about being kicked out and homeless even though I didn't get caught with anything so no proof.
but not just that its bills i struggle to pay them due to my disability, I hate speaking on the phone somedays, and somedays I just want to sleep all day.
the only thing what stops this is painkillers and weed, painkillers mainly cos they kill my pain and fatique from fibromyalgia/M.E with the added benefit of happiness/anxiety relief and also cannabis kills the pain and reduces anxiety and stress.

I used to go gym everyday for 2 years and felt amazing now i don't even like walking to the chemist and back, I don't feel safe EVER.
I don't have fibromyalgia/M.E, but I do understand anxiety all too well. I've been dealing with it for a long time. My panic attacks used to be so bad I almost became agoraphobic at one time in my life. Fortunately I got myself to therapy before that happened. I still struggle everyday and it has gotten better. Do you see a psychologist? I used to smoke a lot of weed as a stress reliever along with pills but it ultimately led to more problems. I quit everything but clonazepam which I need to function in society. That's just the way it is. But therapy helped a lot too which is why I ask. It sounds cliche but you're not alone. A lot people struggling like us to to get the courage to get up and walk out the door every morning. I noticed that the hardest part is actually getting up and moving around. So I force myself every morning to get up at the same time and start moving around, no matter how badly I want to stay in bed I do it. Once I'm moving around and maybe take a shower I feel a lot better.