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Recovery Anxiety on vacation


Feb 4, 2009
So I'm on a cruise, around Mexico. First few days were ok... I've always had issues with large groups of people. But idk what I was expecting 5 thousand people on this boat. That and I don't do drugs, or drink anymore, so being mobbed by throngs of loud drunks is mainly just irritating. No I don't think this is something I enjoy. I like the sailing part, I like the exploring part. But everything else is GAYYY.

I have a way better time just hiking around a secluded trail in some forgotten state park. Luckily I'm traveling with similar minded people. So it's nothing at all to just say, hey I need to go back to the room, there's just too much going on.

I feel bad I didn't conquer my anxiety yet. For people like us there's simply no enjoyment in large groups of people. So for a vacation aspect, just keep that in mind if you suffer from certain anxiety.
The last stop was Cozumel, honestly saved the trip for me. I can block out everything else. First of all the port is massive and can handle thousands of fat tourists zombie walking around. Big open spaces, and we ended up signing up for " swimming with the dolphins" . I was a little nervous, but then I saw the size of the tour group. 10 people, that's it 😂.

Ten minutes before the tour left, my boyfriend started frantically looking for his phone and wallet. He thought he left it in one of the shops we visited. I was like well, you're not getting that back. But we ran back over to the shop just in case. We asked the guy, he just reached behind the counter and pulled out the phone and wallet. I was like not expecting that at all. " I even thought , good thing we spent 300 bucks here and tipped the guy.

But honestly I think Mexico gets a bad rep from all the violence and gangs. You assume people are there to rip you off. Honestly all our interactions were fun and chill. But then again we never left the tourists area.

Back to the dolphins ,It was soooo much fun omg. The dolphin trainer was very nice even though she had to contend with this rude ass family on are right that just could not follow simple information. The were from Gulfport Mississippi, there kids were cool. But the adults were soooo rude to everyone at the resort. I almost told the dad to shut up or leave. Anyway very cool experience.

But overall American tourists are pretty annoying for everyone to deal with. Including me.
That's is. Next trip will be back to normal, deserted state park hiking.
