Mental Health anti depressant advice and MDMA


Dec 26, 2017
Hi folks! I've been poking around bluelight for years, but I think I need to make it official. I used to be a lion about drugs. If they were there, no matter what they were or the amount, you should do them. I've backed off that quite a bit after taking too much liquid LSD once. That event basically let to me getting on anti depressants. I would love to get off of the meds, because I really want to enjoy XTC again. I tried reducing, but once I hit a certain threshold, I'm a MESS. I'm on 10mg Lexapro and 300mg Welbutrin. So not crazy amounts, but I've been on them for close to a decade. My husband and I are seriously considering retiring in Portugal (that's 5+ years away) but this effing country (USA) - I just can't do it anymore. So, I'd love some help on how to get off the meds without sending my life into a total spiral. Oh - I guess I should also mention I have a tiny opiate addiction too. If I really got my shit together I could tame it, I just don't want to. I'm bored enough as it is. Thanks! I really appreciate this place!
Just wanted to be the first on scene. =D
Imma read the post now (after skimming for bannable material) and edit this inna minute. My bad I am backwards.

... but this effing country (USA) - I just can't do it anymore.
trump (refusing to capitalize) territory?
What's the worst you can think of as far as USA downfall(s), in your opinion?
Mine would have to be it's peoples need to be conned and bummed without question. Just over and over.... Geesh. :oops:
liquid LSD once.
I remember those days... thank the powers that be that it was short lived. Loved it but just seemed redundant or something... IKD.
Anyway: Welcome to BL. I would imaging one to already be familiar with the place so just jump in and make yourself at hope, no? Glad to have ya. Throw us a bone of wisdom now and then?
I'd love some help on how to get off the meds without sending my life into a total spiral.
Not sure where to direct this. Has the prescribing doctor been assessed of ones wishes? Lemme make a potion real quick and take a couple puffs of weed, will be back to see if the way has been opened before me. =D
But seriously; welcome and be safe, please.
best always,
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Hey @xtrachunk, welcome to Bluelight!

Gunna shoot this over to Mental Health.

I'm on medications too, and especially with antidepressants you don't want to make sudden moves. I won't tell you what to do, but the point of ADs is to help rebuild the pleasure chemicals, which MDMA completely depletes.

Would it be worth the trip?