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Another good recovery story


Dec 18, 2013
Well if you search for my last posts, i was really worried because i was having a real bad comedown, i was dizzy, had mind fog, couldn´t read properly. After 3 months i was fully recovered. Im at my last year in Med school so i was really worried that this shit would ruin my career. I got 10, 10 and 9 at Pharmacology 2, so my cognition is back lol.

If you are having a terrible comedown, please don´t desesperate. It´s good to be worried, because it means that it is important to you to recover, but do not desesperate. You will recover, it may require some time, months, but you WILL recover. What to do meanwhile? ENJOY LIFE. Do things that you really like, try to laugh, go outside, play sports, try to challenge your brain, eat healthy, RUN, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not take drugs. AND HAVE HOPE.

Don´t look for tags like irreversible brain damage etc etc. Each organism is different. Neurogenesis DOES occur. This has been the best lesson in my life, im happier than before, i enjoy things far more than before and now i have a healthy life.

I would recommend to stay out from drugs, try to enjoy life in the natural way,as god intended for us.

Well, i have to thank the people who encouraged me, i won´t come back to this place because it remembers me my dark path haha, but i had to contribute to this forum with my experience.

Good luck guys, i hope you are all great!

This is great news. Remember this struggle and the hopelessness you felt as you go on to finish medical school and start post-graduate training. This will only make you a better doctor in the end.

Good luck.
How much did you use?

I wonder when will I have my first MDMA comedown. Maybe never if I do it only 4-5 times a year with doses below 200mg per session. I feel absolutely fine today after 180mg MDMA last night. Took multiple supplements like vitamins and antioxidants, dont know if they help but this might be the least "hangover" i've ever had from MDMA.
I took 2 pills in the first days of december, but i think im a "poor metabolizer", 10 percent of people have less function or abscense of the enzyme CYP 2D6 which is the principal metabolism path of MDMA, so you will have much more concentration in your blood for many hours. You can´t know if you are a slow, rapid or ultrarapid metabolizer, only with a genetic study (or in my case with my fucking bad experience lol). So, if you see someone who is gonna take for the first time mdma, recommend him to take only 1 pill.

Xammy the antioxidants are great but specially before getting high because the oxidative stress occurs while the serotonin is high inmediatly after mdma. For the recovery the best is= Eat well+Sleep+Run+Sun+ some supplements like Fish oil (great, it induces neurogenesis), phospholipids, etc.

Thank you all again!
It's scary that even one or two times doing MDMA can fuck you up.

Yeah, I took those supplements definitely before, during and after the MDMA session. Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, CoQ10, magnesium, some multivitamin and fish oil. 5-HTP I took this morning when I woke up. Feeling great, but who knows if there's gonna be "tuesday blues", I doubt it tho.