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annoying sayings from non-drug users

"Tweakers will stab you in the back and take your wallet just to get their next fix."

So far I haven't done that. :p

Yeah lol. If they're actually TRUE crack/meth heads they WOULD trust me even oxy fiends will where I live.

Ran into a crackhead at a local gas station with my chick and my buddy. we mentioned something about beer... the guy continues to scream at us sayin I quote " You cant buy beer HERE I DONT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU ARE 21! THIS IS MY STATE. I WAS BORN AND RAISED HERE ITS MY FUCKING STATE NOT YOURS I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHERE YOURE FROM YOU CANT BUY BEER IN MY STATE.""

My friend continued a conversation throughout this with him... the guy was severely tweaked on something you could see it in his face. Me n my chick proceeded to laugh our asses off along with the cashier and another guy buying beer.

I said "Oh shit, Crack heads are fucking hilarious." at that point if we hadn't left out the door laughing im sure he would have ended up stabbing one of us.

Story 2.

Tripping on shroom tea. 3 A.M. go on a quest to get Mentos (because we cant live without them at this point in the trip) walk up to a circle K and proceed to get what we want. the guy working is a crackhead. He is vaccuming. im standing off to the side while my buddy is standing at the register.

Minutes go by ... waiting to purchase. trying to get the vaccuming crackheads attention. laughing hysterically (because its 3 A.M. tripping for 8+ hours HARD on 150+caps shroom tea.)

the crackehead starts vaccuming on the carpet where friend is standing.. VIGOROUSLY all around his feet every square inch for several minutes.

At this point I am fucking LOSING it hysterically.

He finally stops and proceeds to ring us up. makes several comments about fucking our sister... our sister is in the freezer, your fucking sister is ...mumble mumble... unintelligable words ranting under his breath... Took 20 minutes to purchase a Taco, mentos, sandwhich, and attempted to order a pizza..

FINALLY: I have the mentos ! my night is complete. I open them and pop one in my mouth and say "Damn, I don't want these they taste like shit.. you want em bro ?"

and that was the quest for mentos whilst tripping balls a night I'll never forget.

Crackheads are quite hysterical people.

I Hope somebody finds these stories funny.. If only you could have been there. Peace and Love
Pathetic close minded "intellectuals"

here's another really annoying one i've heard more than once:

"I don't drink/get high, I go to parties to laugh at the people getting wasted."

wtf? So you are proud of being some weird creeper that sits in the background at parties, staring at everyone else who is having a good time? That's gotta be a huge buzzkill for some people; enjoying yourself at a great party and then having some "holier than thou" sober guy point out everything you do. The people that say this are the self proclaimed "intellectuals" who think they know everything and are above everyone else. The sad thing is that i've heard this a bunch of times, and even heard people go "yeah me too!" Yeah I really would rather be like you, the guy who needs to validate himself by telling people who like to have fun that they are dumb.

FUCKING CLASSIC! priceless I know what you mean.

The sad thing is... the so called intellectuals don't realize that recreational drug use opens your mind and expands the way you think. All of us bluelighters see the world in a different way and think in a different way, are more open minded and generally have better thoughts on topics

then closed minded douches who think drugs make you a loser.. wankers.
-_- *bang*

Once when I was walking down the street with some friends, some christian dudes that walk around town talking to people about god approached us. They asked us if we wanted to talk to god, my friend blurts out "God, thank you for the weed were about to smoke today". Their only words after that were "God loves you, but he doesn't love what your doing". Honestly that means nothing to me, I'm an atheist :)

God put weed on this earth for us. It would not be here if it was not supposed to be used. It is no chemical, nor is it man made. how can they think it is a sin to smoke it ? there are so many more benefeits with weed and so few downfalls... sigh... society...
"If you love me you'll stop". Hurt everytime it was said, but i finally kicked a nasty habit :)

If my girl said that to me when I had some kind of habit, I'd reply with: ''Ok, but only if you completely change your life for me at the same time(depending on what they do obviously).''

I somehow doubt they'd be so willing to change their lives around for you.
God put weed on this earth for us. It would not be here if it was not supposed to be used. It is no chemical
Weed is comprised of chemicals, just like anything else that physically exists.
having 3 ecstasy tablets can get you charged with manslaughter!!!!

having 7 grams of shrooms you can get charged with manslaughter...
and thats even more rediculas becasue shrooms can't kill you, its rare but you could dieoff three dirty pills PMA
I have a lot of friends who are quite a bit younger than I, and they laughed once when I referred to smoking weed as "smoking dope". That was the vernacular when I was growing up, at least it was in NE Ohio, so thus something I had always said. Since then, and especially after reading this thread and the confusion/hilarity that ensue from one referring to weed as "dope", I am going to stop referring to it as such.

Something funny a non-drug using friend told me not long ago: "My husband's brother takes three Lortabs a day! That's a LOT!" 8) Yeah, and all the while I'm thinking to myself, back in my heyday that was about what I took in an HOUR, if it was a good day and I had a supply laid in. :\
This thread has reminded me of when people round Belfast usedto believe that all the MDMA they were taking was draining their "spinal fluid" and thus causing them backaches. I always put it down to extended periods of muscles tension, hope im right... got only knows what happens "when you lose all your spinal fluid" 8o lol
Ecstasy makes your brain swiss cheese
Needle and Syringe exchanges enable drug addicts
"Doing drugs is just running from your problems."

I fix my problems bitch, I get high because it feels good, and I spent all week getting shit done so I can do what I want on the weekend.

Sorry, I had someone specific in mind when I wrote that.
lol, drinking alcohol is running away from your problems, taking lsd is like staring your problems in the face and having a duel
y'all need to stop the bickering. If I see any more rude posts im going to start dealing out warnings and infractions.

Also, this isnt the drug rumors and myths thread, keep the myths and rumors in their respected threads.

If this thread cant get on topic im going to close it down.

Also, please use the edit button everyone, there's no need to make like 5 posts in a row.
"your gonna get caught"

I swear the most straight-edge guy ever said that to me and I laughed in his face.... 2 days later it wasn't so funny when I was being charged with multiple felonies.
"i get high on life"

That was pissin' off, considering it came from the same guy who bragged about how awesome eating a hamburger and taking a shower was while high on 'legal weed' (I supposed it's JHW-018).

My grandmother once just came out of the blue to tell me that she was listening on the radio to this guy who was addicted to Marijuana. She said that he was asking the host for reasons to quit, because he wasn't strong enough, and the host said, "Well, do it for Jesus, you are strong enough to do it for Jesus, right? And if that isn't enough, Marijuana kills your brain cells. It's scientifically proven."

Our conversation ended with me pointing out how the American Medical Association made a statement declaring Marijuana one of the safest natural therapeutic substances known to man, and her saying how no body would drive across town to pay all kinds of money for something that isn't addicting.

She didn't prove her point that it is dangerous... but still, anyone's hobby is addicting (to that person), and so what if their hobby is getting high?