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American vs European cigarettes

Ok...won't let me upload the picture

Google Marlboro ice blast

Has anyone tried these????? Never seen them before.

I saw them the other day when i was in koreatown, they were very cheap (i can't discuss the pric due to BL rules though, but I'll just say that it's the cheapest cigarette pack I've ever seen in CA)
american smokes are gross.

Canadian smokes are much better.

never had euro smokes. prolly tastes like puffer ass

Fucking blasphemy. Our cigarettes suck, they're bleached to hell and back.
^You gotta stand up for your own countries cigarettes, for Christ's sake!
Never seen these before. Just a local thing or what?

They're all over, they came out a few months back, the southern cut is pretty decent IMO. I'm Newport man myself though.

sdf said:
When researchers compared cigarette brands in the U.S. to those in Canada and Australia, they found three times higher levels of the cancer causing substance in the U.S. smokers’ mouths.

That's kind of fucked up. Oh well.
^You gotta stand up for your own countries cigarettes, for Christ's sake!

Well maybe my country would deserve my respect, if only they made better cigarettes :(

Until then, I'll keep writing my manifesto.
^five years ago, I would've made a joke about you snapping and murdering several people over the shitty quality of canadian cigarettes, but sadly, you can't really joke like that anymore....at least here in the US, where murdering someone over shitty cigarettes would actually be a valid motive....

Drunk, de-railing thread...sorry...
The best part about cigarettes in Europe is the widely available (i.e. any tobacco stand or corner store) multitude of varieties of rolling tobacco. It's the only way to go when over there! %)

Any American pre-fab cigarette other than American Spirits irritates my lungs in a very "chemically" way.
Ok, there is DEFINITELY a difference between American and Eastern Europe cigs at least. I smoke at least a pack a day here in Russia.... and back in America I might have 4 a day. I feel they aren't as strong or something; I can't explain it, it's not like my routine is different, or I'm drinking loads of vodka..... but I just smoke here more, and they taste different (Marlboro Reds)
The only american cigs ive had are camel and marlboro reds, this is here in the UK though. Camel was very strong for me and marlboro was bland shit. Seen lucky strike and american spirit on sale in a local tobacconists, expensive though.

Love the UK cigs though, silk cut, richmond, benson and hedges, lambert and butler and my favourite sovereign.

Had some shitty weird european fags in greece and spain, just not that nice, felt fucking terrible for me.

Are roll ups not popular in the US? It seems pretty 50/50 here, love my roll ups and if i try a packet ciggy they are bad and vice versa, idk why that is.
Well after some googling this is what I came up with.

When researchers compared cigarette brands in the U.S. to those in Canada and Australia, they found three times higher levels of the cancer causing substance in the U.S. smokers’ mouths. The mouth levels are important because they give an indication of what levels if carcinogens are going into the lungs. (Smoking tobacco is a major cause of lung cancer).


I fear was right ;)

That's fascinating. I spent a month in Europe with my boyfriend around the beginning of the year, and we noticed that it seemed like everyone was constantly smoking. And we came from a liberal arts school full of smoke-stack hipsters. I wondered what that meant for their cancer rate.

I bought a couple packs of cigarettes while we were there, and they were somewhat different from cigarettes I'd smoke in America, but I just chalked it up to the brands (Ducados Rubio and Vogue). The former, which I got in Spain, I didn't like very much--they weren't mentholated, and they tasted very earthen, which could mean fewer cancerous chemicals. They both had huge health warnings across half the pack; the Spanish ones' health warning said something about impotence (I don't speak Spanish) and had a picture of a drooping cigarette.
Cigarettes in America are by law manufactured using a fire-safe flame retardant which is supposed to prevent people burning their houses up when they nod out smoking. The health effects from these additives are debatable. This law was put into effect in 2012. In the EU such laws are not in place but much debate and pressure for the same concept is in discussion. You can check if your smokes are fire-safe by looking at the bar-code, it should have the acronym FSC. Personally I think it's absurd to add 'fire-safe' toxins to prevent stupidity. Anyways Grow and Roll your own Nicotine slaves :D

